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Welcome to the TypeScript Boilerplate project! Here you'll find comprehensive information about this minimalistic project template/boilerplate designed to kickstart Node.js back-end applications in TypeScript. Veja a Wiki agora

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Typescript TypeScript A programming language that adds static typing to JavaScript. Facilitates the development of robust and scalable code.
Drizzle-ORM Drizzle-ORM An Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for TypeScript. Simplifies database interactions.
Fastify Fastify A fast and low overhead web framework for Node.js.
Redis Redis An in-memory data structure store, widely used as a cache or message broker. Enhances data storage and retrieval efficiency.
TSX TSX TypeScript extension to support JSX. Ideal for developing user interfaces with React.
TSUP TSUP A fast TypeScript bundler tool. Simplifies the build and distribution process.
Prettier Prettier Code formatter that maintains consistent style. Automates formatting for better readability.
ESLint ESLint Linting tool to identify and fix code issues. Improves code quality and consistency.
VITest VITest Testing framework for Vue.js projects. Facilitates the writing and execution of tests to ensure code quality.


Minimalistic project template to jump start a Node.js back-end application in TypeScript.




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