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A Typical Workflow Using Noggin

Here, we will create a simple mock-up of an experiment in which we use Noggin to record and plot our measurements. We will exercise the critical features that this library provides us with. The following demo is intended to be conducted in a Jupyter notebook.

Please note that, if you don't need to visualize your data as you collect it, you can use ~noggin.logger.LiveLogger to record your measurements in a nearly-identical manner.

Recording and Plotting Data During an Experiment

To begin, let's make up some functions to represent a data loader and a model that we are training:

Defining mock data-loader and model-training functions for this simple demo.
The details here are not important, other than the fact that
`training_loop` returns a tuple of two floats.

from time import sleep
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

def batch_loader(num_batches):
    """Simulates loading batches of data of varying sizes"""
    for i in np.linspace(-10, 10, num_batches):
        batch_size = np.random.randint(1, 10)
        yield batch_size * [i]

def training_loop(batch) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    """Simulates data processing Takes ~10ms to process a batch.
    Returns a 'loss' and 'accuracy'"""
    x = np.mean(batch)
    x += np.random.rand(1)*5 # add some noise
    return np.exp(-x / 5), 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

Noggin's operation is centered around metrics: the various measurements that we want to record and visualize. Here, we will be interested in measuring the accuracy of our model - on both training data and validation data - along with the training loss. In general, we can work with any variety and number of metrics in Noggin; a metric boils down to being any scalar value.

Let's create a live-plot for these two metrics; the resulting empty plot pane will automatically update as we proceed to make measurements during our experiment. In order to permit live-plotting in a Jupyter notebook, we need to enable the appropriate plotting backend: this is done by invoking the 'cell-magic' %matplotlib notebook (Note: one typically has to run this command twice before it will take effect - this seems to be a minor bug in Jupyter).

%matplotlib notebook
from noggin import create_plot

metrics = ['loss', 'accuracy']
plotter, fig, axes = create_plot(metrics)


There are two sets of axes in this figure, one for each of the metrics that we passed to ~noggin.utils.create_plot. Regarding the objects that this returned:

  • plotter is an instance of ~noggin.plotter.LivePlot; it will be responsible for logging and plotting our measurements.
  • fig and axes are the standard matplotlib figure and axes objects that are produced when one invokes matplotlib.pyplot.subplots; these can be used to affect and save the plot as you would with any matplotlib plot.

Without further ado, let's run our mock-experiment.

We will be passing batches of training data to our model-training function, recording the training-loss (i.e. the training objective) and the accuracy of our model. An 'epoch' will represent one hundred training batches. Here we will plot the average model accuracy for that epoch. We will also, at each epoch, measure the accuracy of our model on a set of test data. This is the standard affair for training a machine learning model.

# logging and plotting measurements during an experiment
for nbatch, batch in enumerate(batch_loader(1000)):
    loss, train_accuracy = training_loop(batch)
    recorded_metrics = dict(loss=loss, accuracy=train_accuracy)
    if (nbatch + 1) % 100 == 0:
        # record epoch-level statistics
        for test_cnt in range(10):
            # Measure model-accuracy on a validation set
            _, test_accuracy = training_loop(batch)
# make sure any "straggler" data gets plotted

As this experiment runs our plot pane will draw batch-level data with thin, semi-transparent lines. The epoch-level data will appear in bold, with each marker indicated. The most-recent epoch value for a metric will be recorded in the plot's legend. Please note that the x-axis, the number of batch iterations, is indicated using scientific notation. Once the experiment is complete our plot will look as follows:


There are a number of ways that you can customize your live plot; these are detailed elsewhere in the Noggin documentation. You can control:

  • the figure-size of the plot and axis-grid layout for your metrics
  • the plot colors across metrics and train/test splits
  • the rate at which the plot is updated
  • the maximum number of batches to be included in the plot
  • whether or not you want to plot the batch-level data at all

Accessing Your Data

There are two ways to access the data that you recorded during your experiment: via xarray datasets or via dictionaries. It is recommended that you make keen use of the xarrays and their ability to handle data-alignment, missing data, and many other features.

via xarray Datasets

The metrics that we recorded during our experiment are recorded as so-called 'data-variables' in an xarray dataset, which can be accessed via ~noggin.plotter.LivePlot.to_xarray. And iteration-count serves as the coordinate that uniquely indexes these metrics.

# accessing train-metrics as an xarray dataset
>>> train_batch, train_epoch = plotter.to_xarray('train')
>>> train_batch
Dimensions:     (iterations: 1000)
  * iterations  (iterations) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 995 996 997 998 999 1000
Data variables:
    loss        (iterations) float64 3.176 3.154 3.842 ... 0.1056 0.06601 0.1135
    accuracy    (iterations) float64 0.003083 0.003193 0.001193 ... 1.0 1.0 1.0

>>> train_epoch
Dimensions:     (iterations: 10)
  * iterations  (iterations) int32 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Data variables:
loss        (iterations) float64 3.825 2.526 1.764 ... 0.2331 0.1495 0.09778
accuracy    (iterations) float64 0.00388 0.02844 0.1339 ... 0.9998 1.0

Each metric can be easily accessed as an attribute of this dataset; this returns an individual xarray ~xarray.DataArray for that metric:

# accessing the data array for 'accuracy'
>>> train_batch.accuracy  # or `train_batch['accuracy']
<xarray.DataArray 'accuracy' (iterations: 1000)>
array([0.003083, 0.003193, 0.001193, ..., 0.999987, 0.999999, 0.999981])
  • iterations (iterations) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 995 996 997 998 999 1000

xarray's data structures are powerful and highly-convenient. They provide a natural means for aligning batch-level and epoch-level measurements using iteration count. Furthermore, they handle missing data gracefully.

Towards this end, if you run multiple iterations of an experiment, then you can use ~noggin.xarray.concat_experiments to combine your data sets along a new 'experiments' axis. This will gracefully accommodate combining experiments that were run for differing numbers of iterations, and will permit you to seamlessly compute statistics across them.

via Dictionaries

You can access your recorded metrics as dictionaries via ~noggin.plotter.LivePlot.train_metrics and ~noggin.plotter.LivePlot.test_metrics.

The structure of the resulting dictionary is:

'<metric-name>' -> {"batch_data":   array,
                    "epoch_data":   array,
                    "epoch_domain": array,
>>> plotter.train_metrics['accuracy']['batch_data']
array([3.08328619e-03, 3.19260208e-03, ..., 9.99981201e-01])

Saving and Resuming Your Experiment

Instances of Noggin's ~noggin.plotter.LivePlot and ~noggin.logger.LiveLogger classes can both be converted to dictionaries, which can then be "pickled" - saving them for later use.

Let's convert plotter to a dictionary using ~noggin.plotter.LivePlot.to_dict and save it:

# converting `plotter` to a dictionary and pickling it
import pickle

with open('plotter.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(plotter.to_dict(), f, protocol=-1)

We can now easily load our pickled plotter and recreate our plot as we left it, via ~noggin.plotter.LivePlot.from_dict

# loading the pickled plotter and recreating the plot
from noggin import LivePlot

with open('plotter.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    loaded_dict = pickle.load(f)
    loaded_plotter = LivePlot.from_dict(loaded_dict)

fig, ax = loaded_plotter.plot_objects


We can now resume recording measurements in our experiment just as we were doing earlier; our metrics will be logged and plotted just as before!