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Exercise 5


  1. Creating App Services Web Apps
  2. Publish web apps manuall from Visual Studio
  3. Basic configuration (here: enable remote debugging) of web apps
  4. Connecting to Azure using Visual Studio Server Explorer
  5. Remote debugging of web apps

Add Web App

  1. Open Azure Portal and sign in.

  2. Add Web App named PracticalDevOps-Dev (you might have to replace this with another name if it has already been taken) to the resource group PracticalDevOps-Dev. Make sure that the App Service plan is in the same Data Center Region as your storage account.
    Add Web App

  3. Discussion points:

    • Introduction to Azure App Services Web Apps
    • Difference IaaS vs. PaaS (control vs. cost-efficiency)
  4. Once the web app has been created, go to the Tools section.
    Web App Tools

  5. In the Extensions tool, add Application Insights to your web app.
    Application Insights Tool

Publish From Visual Studio

  1. Discussion points:

    • Why manual deployment only for dev environments?
    • Value of automating build-, test-, and deployment processes
    • Describe different publishing methods for Web Apps (WebDeploy, FTP, Kudu/Git)
  2. Start Publish wizard in Visual Studio.
    Publish Wizard

  3. Connect to your Azure subscription as choose the previously created Web App as your deployment target. Make sure you deploy a Debug version of your app.

  4. Watch Visual Studio deploying your Web API using WebDeploy.

  5. Discussion points:

    • Security-related issues regarding publishing profiles, publish settings files, etc.
  6. Try to open You should receive results. Refresh the page multiple times.

  7. Look for telemetry from your deployed application in Application Insights.

Update and Run Web Test

  1. Open the web test created in exercise 3.

  2. Change web server to deployment in the cloud.
    Change web server URL

  3. Run web test to see if it succeeds for deployed version.

  4. Open the load test created in exercise 3.

  5. Run load test to see performance for deployed version.

Remote Debugging

  1. Discussion points:

    • Troubleshooting options for Web Apps
  2. Enable remote debugging for your web app in the Azure portal.
    Enable Remote Debugging

  3. Open Visual Studio's Server Explorer and attach a debugger to your deployed web app. This operation may take a few moments.
    Attach Debugger

  4. Open Controllers/BooksController.cs and set a breakpoint (F9) to the first line of the Get method. This operation may take a few moments.

  5. Open in a browser and note how you can debug the deployed version of your web app with your local Visual Studio.

Further Ideas

If you have time left, you could additionally cover topics like:

  • Show Kudu scm service at https://<sitename>
  • Show FTP access to Web Apps (e.g. for downloading logs)
  • Show Visual Studio Online for interactive access to Web App content
  • Demonstrate deployment slots and VIP swaps
  • Move on to exercise 6 as it is a bit longer. You could use the additional time to dive deeper into build-, test-, and release-automation.