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Validate like a boss.

Node.js CI npm version

npm install -S @rsuite/validation


  • Rich built-in validation rules called with a single expression.
  • Auto-detects objects and arrays.
  • Easy to extend.
  • rsuite/schema-typed as data validation.


Validate data

import { Validator } from "@rsuite/validation";

const checkResult = Validator.check(data, {
  name: "required",
  email: "required|email",
  age: "number|between:18,30",

Create SchemaModel for <Form> component

import { Validator } from "@rsuite/validation";

const model = Validator.SchemaModel({
  name: "required",
  email: "required|email",
  age: "number|between:18,30",

Validate array items and object properties

import { Validator } from "@rsuite/validation";

const validator = Validator.make({
  "": "required", // Auto-detects `pet` as an object of shape { name: string }
  "luckyNumbers.*": "number", // Auto-detects `luckyNumbers` as an array, whose items should be numbers
  "cars.*.price": "number|min:1000000000", // Auto-detects `cars` as an array of objects of shape { price: number }

On the other hand, if your field name contains a literal period, you can explicitly prevent this from being interpreted as "dot" syntax by escaping the period with a backslash:

import { Validator } from "@rsuite/validation";

const validator = Validator.make({
  "v1\\.0": "required",
  "object\\": "required", // { 'object.withDot' : { property }}
  "anotherObject.withDot\\.inProperty": "required", // { anotherObject: { 'withDot.inProperty' }}

Custom error messages

You can override error message for any rule, or for any rule on any field specifically.

import { Validator } from "@rsuite/validation";

const validator = Validator.make(
    name: "required",
    email: "required|email",
    age: "required|number|between:18,30",
    required: "You should not omit {field}!",
    "email.required"(field) {
      return "Email is a must.";
    "age.between": "Age should be between {min} and {max}",
    fields: {
      email: "Email address",

Learn more in Error messages.

Custom rules

import { Validator } from "@rsuite/validation";

const validator = Validator.make({
  name: [
      check(field, value, data) {
        return value === "Tom";
      errorMessage: "Only whose {field} is Tom shall pass.",

Learn more in Custom validation rules.



import { Validator } from '@rsuite/validation
  • static make(rules: object, messages?: object): Validator

    Create a validator from given rules and custom message if necessary.

  • static message(messages: object): void

    Define custom error messages for all Validators.

  • static SchemaModel(rules: object, messages?: object): Schema Equivalent to Validator.make(rules, messages).getSchemaModel(),

  • static check(data: any, rules: object): CheckResult

    Equivalent to Validator.make(rules).check()

  • getSchemaModel(): Schema

    Return the SchemaModel instance inside the Validator.

  • check(data: any): CheckResult Equivalent to validator.getSchemaModel().check()

Error messages

@rsuite/validation is packed with predefined messages for every built-in rules. You can define your own messages for Validator, either per rule or per rule per field.

const validator = Validator.make(
    name: "required",
    email: "required|email",
    age: "required|number|between:18,30",
    required: customMessage1,
    "age.between": customMessage2,

A custom message should be either a string or a ErrorMessageFormatter.

interface ErrorMessageFormatter {
  (field: string, placeholderValues?: any): string;

If you want to customize how your field names are displayed in the error messages (by default is capitalized), set them in field property of the message bag.

const validator = Validator.make(
    name: "required",
    email: "required|email",
    age: "required|number|between:18,30",
    required: "Please enter {field}",
    fields: {
      email: "Email address",

Defined messages globally

Use Validator.messages() to register message bag globally.

  required: "Please enter {field}.",


You can use placeholders (marked with brackets) in your error message string. Note that you can only use them when your error message is a string, not a formatter function.

const messages = {
  required: "{field} is required.",
  min: "{field} must be no smaller than {value}.",

Each rule has different placeholders available, while {field} is available across all rules, representing the field name declared in your rules object. Most placeholders have the same name as the rule signature. Here is a full list of built-in rules that have placeholders in messages.

Rule signature Placeholders
size:value {value}
max:value {value}
min:value {value}
between:min,max {min}, {max}
gt:other {other}, {value}
gte:other {other}, {value}
lt:other {other}, {value}
lte:other {other}, {value}
same:other {other}
different:other {other}
in:value1,value2... {values}
notIn:value1,value2... {values}
unique:by? {by}
regex:pattern {pattern}
after:date {date}
afterOrEqual:date {date}
before:date {date}
beforeOrEqual:date {date}
endsWith:value1,value2... {values}
startsWith:value1,value2... {values}

If you use ErrorMessageFormatter, placeholders values are passed in as an object to its second argument.

Available rules

Type rules

@rsuite/validation has 6 supported types. Some rules are effective among all these types, some are only effective under specific types.

  • string

    Equivalent to StringType(). Most of time you can omit this because string is the default type.

  • number Equivalent to NumberType().

  • array

    Equivalent to ArrayType().

  • date

    Equivalent to DateType().

  • object

    Equivalent to ObjectType().

  • boolean

    Equivalent to BooleanType().

Validation rules

  • required for all types The field under validation must be present and have a non-empty value. Apply isRequired() from @rsuite/schema-typed.

  • size:value for string, number, array

    The field under validation must have a 'size' of value, where size is:

    • string's length.
    • number's value.
    • array's length.
  • max:value for string, number, array

    The field under validation must have a 'size' no larger than value. See size rule for more about 'size'.

  • min:value for string, number, array

    The field under validation must have a 'size' no smaller than value. See size rule for more about 'size'.

  • between:min,max for string, number, array

    The field under validation must have a 'size' between min and max. See size rule for more about 'size'.

  • same:other for all types

    The field under validation must have the same value with other field.

  • different:other for all types

    The field under validation must have the different value from other field.

  • lt:other for string, number, array

    The field under validation must have a 'size' less than the other field. See size rule for more about 'size'.

  • lte:other for string, number, array

    The field under validation must have a 'size' less than or equal the other field. See size rule for more about 'size'.

  • gt:other for string, number, array

    The field under validation must have a 'size' greater than the other field. See size rule for more about 'size'.

  • gte:other for string, number, array

    The field under validation must have a 'size' greater than or equal the other field. See size rule for more about 'size'.

  • in:value1,value2... for string, number

    The field under validation must be included in the given list of values.

  • notIn:value1,value2... for string, number

    The field under validation must not be included in the given list of values.

  • email for string

    The field under validation must be formatted as an e-mail address.

  • url for string

    The field under validation must be a valid URL.

  • unique:by? for array

    The array under validation must not have any duplicate items. If by is provided for array of objects, duplication is checked by object property.

  • integer for number

    The field under validation must be an integer.

  • regex:pattern for string, number

    The field under validation must match the given regular expression.

    Note: When using the regex patterns, it may be necessary to specify rules in an array instead of using pipe delimiters, especially if the regular expression contains a pipe character.

  • after:date for date

    The field under validation must be a value after a given date. The dates will be passed into new Date(date).

  • afterOrEqual:date for date

    The field under validation must be a value after or equal to the given date. The dates will be passed into new Date(date).

  • before:date for date

    The field under validation must be a value preceding the given date. The dates will be passed into new Date(date).

  • beforeOrEqual:date for date

    The field under validation must be a value preceding or equal to the given date. The dates will be passed into new Date(date).

  • endsWith:value1,value2... for string

    The field under validation must end with one of the given values.

  • startsWith:value1,value2... for string

    The field under validation must start with one of the given values.

Custom validation rules

In addition to built-in validation rules, you can also define you own validation rules.

  name: ["required", customRule1, customRule2],
  email: ["required", "email", customRule3],

A custom rule must implement Rule interface.

interface Rule {
   * Check whether the value passes this rule
  check(field: string, value: any, data: any): boolean;

   * Message to show when this rule fails.
  errorMessage: string | ErrorMessageFormatter;

@rsuite/schema-typed API coverage

The table below shows @rsuite/schema-typed API and their equivalent rules in @rsuite/validation. Note that equivalent means equivalent, which is, implementation of the rule is calling the according API or copies its underlying implementation. Those APIs that don't have an equivalent rule for now (marked as -) can still be achieved using Custom validation rules.

  • Common
API Rule
.isRequired() required
.addRule() Custom validation rules
  • StringType()
API Rule
StringType() string
.isEmail() email
.isURL() url
.isOneOf(items) in:value1,value2...
.containsLetter() regex:[a-zA-Z]
.containsUppercaseLetter() regex:[A-Z]
.containsLowercaseLetter() regex:[a-z]
.containsLetterOnly() regex:^[a-zA-Z]+$
.containsNumber() regex:[0-9]
.pattern(regExp) regex:pattern
.rangeLength(minLength, maxLength) between:min,max
.minLength(minLength) min:value
.maxLength(maxLength) max:value
  • NumberType()
API Rule
NumberType() number
.isInteger() integer
.isOneOf(items) in:value1,value2...
.pattern(regExp) regex:pattern
.range(min, max) between:min,max
.min(min) min:value
.max(max) max:value
  • ArrayType()
API Rule
ArrayType() array or auto-detect from field expression
.rangeLength(minLength, maxLength) between:min,max
.minLength(minLength) min:value
.maxLength(maxLength) max:value
.unrepeatable() unique
.of(type) Wildcard field expression
  • DateType()
API Rule
DateType() date
.range(min,max) afterOrEqual:min | beforeOrEqual:max
.min(min) afterOrEqual:date
.max(max) beforeOrEqual:date
  • ObjectType()
API Rule
ObjectType() object or auto-detect from field expression
.shape(type) Auto-detect from field expression
  • BooleanType()
API Rule
BooleanType() boolean


  • @rsuite/validation supposes default type for a field to be string, respecting HTML <input>s' value definition, so you can get rid of calling StringType() every time.

  • @rsuite/validation normalizes error messages for rules, so you don't need to declare error messages for every call of a rule, but only when you need to customize them.

  • @rsuite/validation extracts common rules across different types like min, max, etc. so you remember them easily.

Prior Art


MIT Licensed.