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An arch OCI image for distrobox built from boxkit

Included Packages

  • starship prompt for that <3
  • just for task execution
  • chezmoi for dotfile management
  • btop for process management
  • micro and helix text editors
  • clipboard to cut, copy, and paste anything, anywhere, all from the terminal!
  • python3
  • Some common power tools: plocate, fzf, cosign, ripgrep, github-cli, and ffmpeg
  • CLI tools recommended by rawkode
    • zellij - terminal workspace
    • direnv - environment variable extension for your shell
    • atuin - magical shell history
  • Host Management QoL
    • These are meant for occasional one off commands, not complex workflows
      • Auto symlink the flatpak, podman, and docker commands
      • Auto symlink rpm-ostree for Fedora
      • Auto symlink transactional-update for openSUSE MicroOS

How to use

Create Box

If you use distrobox:

distrobox create -i -n boxkit
distrobox enter boxkit

If you use toolbx:

toolbox create -i -c boxkit
toolbox enter boxkit

Pull down your config

Use chezmoi to pull down your dotfiles and set up git sync.