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Grid2Op Plotting capabilities (beta)

This page is organized as follow:

Table of Contents


This module contrains all the plotting utilities of grid2op. These utilities can be used in different manners to serve different purposes:

  • PlotMatplot allows a more in depth study, with a better overall layout. It uses the well-known matplotlib library to represent the powergrid on the screen.
  • PlotPlotly uses plotly library to represent the graph. As opposed to the others, plotly allows dynamic modifications such as zoom in / out. This makes this class particularly suited for in depth study of some powergrid state.

The class PlotMatplot is also used by EpisodeReplay that allows to look at the action taken by the agent pretty easily, and allows easy saving into gif format (see below for more information)

import os
import warnings
import grid2op
from grid2op.Episode import EpisodeReplay
from grid2op.Agent import GreedyAgent, RandomAgent
from grid2op.Runner import Runner
from tqdm import tqdm

path_agents = "agent_pseudo_random"
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    env = grid2op.make("l2rpn_case14_sandbox")

class CustomRandom(RandomAgent):
    This agent takes 1 random action every 10 time steps.
    def __init__(self, action_space):
        RandomAgent.__init__(self, action_space)
        self.i = 0

    def my_act(self, transformed_observation, reward, done=False):
        if self.i % 10 != 0:
            res = 0
            res = self.action_space.sample()
        self.i += 1
        return res

# execute this agent on 1 scenario, saving the results
runner = Runner(**env.get_params_for_runner(), agentClass=CustomRandom)
path_agent = os.path.join(path_agents, "RandomAgent")
res =, path_save=path_agent, pbar=tqdm, agent_seeds=[0])
# and now reload it and display the "movie" of this scenario
plot_epi = EpisodeReplay(path_agent)
plot_epi.replay_episode(res[0][1], gif_name="episode")

An possible output will look like this:


Render the state of the grid

During the gym loop

In Grid2Op we also made available the possibility to render the state of the grid that your agent sees before taking an action. This can be done with the provided environments following openAI gym interface like this:

import grid2op
from grid2op.Agent import RandomAgent
from grid2op.Episode import EpisodeReplay

env = grid2op.make("l2rpn_case14_sandbox")
agent = RandomAgent(env.action_space)
nb_episode = 1
for i in range(nb_episode):
    obs = env.reset()
    done = False
    reward = env.reward_range[0]
    while not done:
        _ = env.render()
        act = agent.act(obs, reward, done)
        obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act)

NB we don't recommend to use the renderer during the training of an Agent as it might slow down the training significantly.

Offline, after the scenarios were played

In Grid2Op, you can execute a runner-module to perform the "gym loops" and store the results in a standardized manner. Once stored, the results can be loaded back and "replayed" using the appropriate class. Here is how you can do this:

import grid2op
from grid2op.Agent import RandomAgent
from grid2op.Runner import Runner
from grid2op.Episode import EpisodeReplay

path_saved_data = "where_i_want_to_save_it"
# create an environment and an agent
env = grid2op.make("l2rpn_case14_sandbox")
agent = RandomAgent(env.action_space)

# create a runner
runner = Runner(**env.get_params_for_runner(), agentClass=None, agentInstance=agent)

# run and save the results
res =, path_save=path_saved_data)

# and now load it and play the "movie"
plot_epi = EpisodeReplay(path_saved_data)
plot_epi.replay_episode(res[0][1], gif_name="this_episode.gif")

# and in `os.path.join(path_saved_data, res[0][1])` (or example "where_i_want_to_save_it/000")
# a file named "this_episode.gif" has been created

Plot a given observation

We also included some module to plot a given observation that can be customize depending on what you want to plot.

You can use them as follow:

import grid2op
from grid2op.PlotGrid import PlotMatplot

env = grid2op.make("l2rpn_case14_sandbox")
plot_helper = PlotMatplot(env.observation_space)

obs = env.reset()

# if you want to plot all the observation
fig = plot_helper.plot_obs(obs)

# you can also chose what to plot for each "object type"
fig_custom = plot_helper.plot_obs(obs
                                  load_info=None,  # i don't plot anything concerning the load
                                  gen_info="v"  # i draw the voltage setpoint of the generators

See definition of BasePlot.plot_obs for more information. The results of the above code is:


And the second image is


Plot data on the grid

For convenience, we also included a set of function that are able to plot some custom information and "project" them into the graph of the grid. This can be interesting if you want to represent some properties of the objects on the grid. The function showed here accept anything that can be converted to float that have the same size of the number of objects (for example if you want to display something on the powerlines you need this "something" to be vector that counts as many elements as the number of powerlines in the powergrid).

In the example bellow, we plot the thermal limits (maximum current allowed on a powerline) of the each powerline:

import grid2op
from grid2op.PlotGrid import PlotMatplot

env = grid2op.make("l2rpn_case14_sandbox")
plot_helper = PlotMatplot(env.observation_space)

# plot the thermal limits of each powerlines
fig_info = plot_helper.plot_info(line_values=env.get_thermal_limit())

The above code will output this image 14bus_th_lim

Of course you can also "project" on the grid all kind of variable and also for generators and loads, for example with

import grid2op
from grid2op.PlotGrid import PlotMatplot

env = grid2op.make("l2rpn_case14_sandbox")
plot_helper = PlotMatplot(env.observation_space)

# plot the thermal limits of each powerlines and the voltages magnitude of each load
fig_info = plot_helper.plot_info(line_values=env.get_thermal_limit(), load_values=obs.load_v)

# plot only the generator pmax
fig_info2 = plot_helper.plot_info(gen_values=env.gen_pmax)

More information is available in the description of the function BasePlot.plot_info.

Detailed Documentation by class
