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Support for Testing Serverless API Services on AWS

Many API services are currently hosted on AWS, and Serverless is one common Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) system for organizing the bevy of resources necessary for a "serverless" service. Custom code for handling API requests in a Serverless application is integrated through Lambda Functions, which have a simple call interface in several languages. Where the language chosen is Python, using the intercom_test package </index> allows development of the interface test cases in familiar HTTP terms but, through :py~intercom_test.aws_http.ServerlessHandlerMapper, allows the Lambda handler functions to be tested.

Extended Example

Example directory tree for using :pyintercom_test

Example directory tree for using :pyintercom_test

Building on the base example </index>, if we had a serverless.yml file in the src directory, we could create test code like:

from contextlib import ExitStack

from unittest import TestCase
from intercom_test import InterfaceCaseProvider, HTTPCaseAugmenter, aws_http, utils as icy_utils

def around_interface_case(case, setup):


# ... define `database` and `stubs` to return context managers for the
# test case data they are given ...

class InterfaceTests(TestCase):
    def test_interface_case(self):
        # Construct an AWS Lambda handler function mapper from a Serverless
        # configuration (targeting the "aws" provider)
        service = aws_http.ServerlessHandlerMapper("src")

        # Get the case-testing callable, which accepts an entry (a dict)
        # from the test data file(s)
        case_tester = service.case_tester(case_env=around_interface_case)

        # Construct the case provider
        case_provider = InterfaceCaseProvider(
            "test/component_interfaces", "service",

        # Use case_provider to construct a generator of case runner callables
        case_runners = case_provider.case_runners(case_tester)

        for i, run_test in enumerate(case_runners):
            with self.subTest(i=i):

if __name__ == '__main__':

The callable returned from :pyintercom_test.aws_http.ServerlessHandlerMapper.case_tester accepts a :pydict of test case data. It does not care where this :pydict comes from, but an :pyintercom_test.framework.InterfaceCaseProvider is specifically designed to provide such a value.

Certain keys of the test case dict are consulted (documented in :pyintercom_test.aws_http.HttpCasePreparer) when building the event passed to the handler function, and certain other keys (documented in :pyintercom_test.aws_http.confirm_expected_response) are used for evaluating correctness of the handler function's result.