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Quick Start: Rubrik AWS Cloud Cluster Deployment Terraform Module

Completing the steps detailed below will require that Terraform is installed and in your environment path, that you are running the instance from a *nix shell (bash, zsh, etc), and that your machine is allowed HTTPS access through the AWS Security Group, and any Network ACLs, into the instances provisioned.


In your Terraform configuration ( populate the following and update the variables to your specific environment:

module "rubrik_aws_cloud_cluster" {
  source  = "rubrikinc/rubrik-cloud-cluster/aws"

  aws_region                 = "us-west-1"
  aws_subnet_id              = "subnet-1234567890abcdefg"
  aws_ami_filter             = ["rubrik-mp-cc-7*"]
  cluster_name               = "rubrik-cloud-cluster"
  admin_email                = ""
  admin_password             = "RubrikGoForward"
  dns_search_domain          = [""]
  dns_name_servers           = ["",""]
  ntp_server1_name           = ""
  ntp_server2_name           = ""

You may also add additional variables, such as ntp_servers, to overwrite the default values.


The following are the variables accepted by the module.

Instance/Node Settings

Name Description Type Default Required
aws_region The region to deploy Rubrik Cloud Cluster nodes. string yes
aws_instance_type The type of instance to use as Rubrik Cloud Cluster nodes. CC-ES requires m5.4xlarge. string m5.4xlarge no
aws_disable_api_termination If true, enables EC2 Instance Termination Protection on the Rubrik Cloud Cluster nodes. bool true no
aws_tags Tags to add to the resources that this Terraform script creates, including the Rubrik cluster nodes. map no
number_of_nodes The total number of nodes in Rubrik Cloud Cluster. int 3 no
aws_ami_owners AWS marketplace account(s) that owns the Rubrik Cloud Cluster AMIs. Use ["345084742485"] for AWS GovCloud. list ["679593333241"] no
aws_ami_filter Cloud Cluster AWS AMI name pattern(s) to search for. Use ["rubrik-mp-cc-*"]. Where is the major version of CDM. list yes
aws_image_id AWS Image ID to deploy. Set to 'latest' or leave blank to deploy the latest version as determined by aws_ami_filter. string latest no
aws_key_pair_name Name for the AWS SSH Key-Pair being created or the existing AWS SSH Key-Pair being used. string no
aws_public_key The public key material needed to create an AWS Key-Pair for use with Rubrik Cloud Cluster. string no
private_key_recovery_window_in_days Recovery window in days to recover script generated ssh private key. string 30 no

Note: When using the aws_tags variable, the "Name" tag is automatically used by this TF for those resources that support it.

Note: The aws_ami_filter and aws_ami_owners variables are only used when the aws_image_id variable is blank or set to latest

Note: When using the aws_image_id variable, see Selecting a specific image for details on finding images.

Note: When using the aws_key_pair_name variable, if a new AWS SSH Key-Pair is being created and no name is specified, a name will be automatically generated.

Note: When using the aws_public_key variable, if a new AWS SSH Key-Pair is being created and no material is provided, new key material will be auto generated.

Network Settings

Name Description Type Default Required
aws_vpc_cloud_cluster_nodes_sg_name The name of the security group to create for Rubrik Cloud Cluster to use. string Rubrik Cloud Cluster no
cloud_cluster_nodes_admin_cidr The CIDR range for the systems used to administer the Cloud Cluster via SSH and HTTPS. string no
aws_vpc_cloud_cluster_hosts_sg_name The name of the security group to create for Rubrik Cloud Cluster to communicate with EC2 instances. string Rubrik Cloud Cluster Hosts no
aws_cloud_cluster_nodes_sg_ids Additional security groups to add to Rubrik cluster nodes. string no
aws_subnet_id The VPC Subnet ID to launch Rubrik Cloud Cluster in. string yes

Storage Settings

Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_disk_type Disk type for the data disks (st1, sc1 or gp2). Use gp2 for CC-ES. Use sc1 for 48TB CC nodes. Use st1 for all others. string gp2 no
cluster_disk_size The size (in GB) of each data disk on each node. Cloud Cluster ES only requires 1 512 GB disk per node. string 512 no
cluster_disk_count The number of disks for each node in the cluster. Set to 1 to use with S3 storage for Cloud Cluster ES. int 1 no

Bootstrap Settings

Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_name Unique name to assign to Rubrik Cloud Cluster. Also used for EC2 instance name tag. For example, rubrik-1, rubrik-2 etc. string yes
admin_email The Rubrik Cloud Cluster sends messages for the admin account to this email address. string yes
admin_password Password for the Rubrik Cloud Cluster admin account. string RubrikGoForward no
dns_search_domain List of search domains that the DNS Service will use to resolve hostnames that are not fully qualified. list yes
dns_name_servers List of the IPv4 addresses of the DNS servers. list [""] no
ntp_server1_name The FQDN or IPv4 addresses of network time protocol (NTP) server #1. string yes
ntp_server1_key_id The ID # of the key for NTP server #1. Typically is set to 0. (Required with ntp_server1_key & ntp_server1_key_type) int 0 no
ntp_server1_key Symmetric key material for NTP server #1. (Required with ntp_server1_key_id and ntp_server1_key_type) string no
ntp_server1_key_type Symmetric key type for NTP server #1. (Required with ntp_server1_key and ntp_server1_key_id) string no
ntp_server2_name The FQDN or IPv4 addresses of network time protocol (NTP) server #2. string yes
ntp_server2_key_id The ID # of the key for NTP server #2. Typically is set to 1. (Required with ntp_server1_key & ntp_server1_key_type) int 1 no
ntp_server2_key Symmetric key material for NTP server #2. (Required with ntp_server1_key_id and ntp_server1_key_type) string no
ntp_server2_key_type Symmetric key type for NTP server #2. (Required with ntp_server1_key and ntp_server1_key_id) string no
timeout The number of seconds to wait to establish a connection the Rubrik cluster before returning a timeout error. int 15 no

Running the Terraform Configuration

This section outlines what is required to run the configuration defined above.


  • Terraform v1.2.2 or greater

  • Rubrik Provider for Terraform - provides Terraform functions for Rubrik

    • Only required to run the sample Rubrik Bootstrap command
  • The Rubik Cloud Cluster product in the AWS Marketplace must be subscribed to. Otherwise an error like this will be displayed:

    Error: creating EC2 Instance: OptInRequired: In order to use this AWS Marketplace product you need to accept terms and subscribe. To do so please visit<sku_number>

    If this occurs, open the specific link from the error, while logged into the AWS account where Cloud Cluster will be deployed. Follow the instructions for subscribing to the product.

Initialize the Directory

The directory can be initialized for Terraform use by running the terraform init command:

-> terraform init
Initializing modules...
Downloading 1.0.1 for aws_key_pair...
- aws_key_pair in .terraform/modules/aws_key_pair
- cluster_nodes in modules/rubrik_aws_instances
- iam_role in modules/iam_role
Downloading 4.9.0 for rubrik_hosts_sg...
- rubrik_hosts_sg in .terraform/modules/rubrik_hosts_sg
- rubrik_hosts_sg_rules in modules/rubrik_hosts_sg
Downloading 4.9.0 for rubrik_hosts_sg_rules.this...
- rubrik_hosts_sg_rules.this in .terraform/modules/rubrik_hosts_sg_rules.this
Downloading 4.9.0 for rubrik_nodes_sg...
- rubrik_nodes_sg in .terraform/modules/rubrik_nodes_sg
- rubrik_nodes_sg_rules in modules/rubrik_nodes_sg
Downloading 4.9.0 for rubrik_nodes_sg_rules.this...
- rubrik_nodes_sg_rules.this in .terraform/modules/rubrik_nodes_sg_rules.this

Initializing the backend...

Initializing provider plugins...
- Reusing previous version of hashicorp/tls from the dependency lock file
- Reusing previous version of hashicorp/local from the dependency lock file
- Reusing previous version of hashicorp/template from the dependency lock file
- Reusing previous version of hashicorp/aws from the dependency lock file
- Installing hashicorp/tls v3.4.0...
- Installed hashicorp/tls v3.4.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Installing hashicorp/local v2.2.3...
- Installed hashicorp/local v2.2.3 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Installing hashicorp/template v2.2.0...
- Installed hashicorp/template v2.2.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Installing hashicorp/aws v4.15.1...
- Installed hashicorp/aws v4.15.1 (signed by HashiCorp)

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.

If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.

Gain Access to the Rubrik Cloud Cluster AMI

The Terraform script will automatically install the latest maintenance release of Rubrik Cloud Cluster major version (as defined by the aws_ami_filter variable) from the AWS Marketplace. If a different version of Cloud Cluster is required modify the filters in the aws_image_id, aws_ami_owners and/or aws_ami_filter variables.


Run terraform plan to get information about what will happen when we apply the configuration; this will test that everything is set up correctly.


We can now apply the configuration to create the cluster using the terraform apply command.

Configuring the Cloud Cluster

If the example script for bootstrapping the Rubrik Cloud Cluster is not used, bootstrap the Rubrik Cloud Cluster as documented in the Rubrik Cloud Cluster guide. The Cloud Cluster can now be configured through the Web UI; access to the interface will depend on the Security Group applied in the configuration above.


Once the Cloud Cluster is no longer required, it can be destroyed using the terraform destroy command, and entering yes when prompted. This will also destroy the attached EBS volumes.

Selecting a specific image

To select a specific image to deploy replace the aws_image_id variable with the AMI ID of the Rubrik Marketplace Image to deploy. To find a list of the Rubrik Cloud Cluster images that are available in a specific region run the following aws cli command (requires that the AWS CLI be installed):

  aws ec2 describe-images \
    --filters 'Name=owner-id,Values=679593333241' 'Name=name,Values=rubrik-mp-cc-<X>*' \
     --query 'sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[*].{"Create Date":CreationDate, "Image ID":ImageId, Version:Description}' \
    --region '<region>' \
    --output table

Where is the major version of Rubrik CDM (ex. rubrik-mp-cc-7*)


aws ec2 describe-images \
     --filters 'Name=owner-id,Values=679593333241' 'Name=name,Values=rubrik-mp-cc-7*' \
     --query 'sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[*].{"Create Date":CreationDate, "Image ID":ImageId, Version:Description}' \
      --region 'us-west-2' \
     --output table

|                                     DescribeImages                                     |
|        Create Date       |        Image ID         |              Version              |
|  2022-02-04T21:49:48.000Z|  ami-0056ddcc69df6fb5c  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-0-14764     |
|  2022-04-01T00:13:58.000Z|  ami-026233b876a279622  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-1-15183     |
|  2022-04-12T04:50:31.000Z|  ami-03d68b150241012ec  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-1-p1-15197  |
|  2022-04-27T05:56:27.000Z|  ami-09a3baba1545aa5f7  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-1-p2-15336  |
|  2022-05-13T21:51:54.000Z|  ami-0af1ff3ee7517fefa  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-1-p3-15425  |
|  2022-05-20T00:01:55.000Z|  ami-0cc1db55e45f3109b  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-1-p4-15453  |
|  2022-05-26T19:08:31.000Z|  ami-04d6af7c6f6629ce1  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-2-15510     |

For AWS Gov cloud change the owner-id to 345084742485.


aws ec2 describe-images \
    --filters 'Name=owner-id,Values=345084742485' 'Name=name,Values=rubrik-mp-cc-7*' \
    --query 'sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[*].{"Create Date":CreationDate, "Image ID":ImageId, Version:Description}' \
    --region 'us-gov-west-1' \
    --output table

|                                     DescribeImages                                     |
|        Create Date       |        Image ID         |              Version              |
|  2022-01-27T09:17:44.000Z|  ami-038cb33e356dfdb84  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-0-14706     |
|  2022-02-05T20:14:25.000Z|  ami-09c62e5a399fc5526  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-0-14764     |
|  2022-04-01T22:44:52.000Z|  ami-0852636d1bb4376a9  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-1-15183     |
|  2022-04-13T03:06:33.000Z|  ami-0e77ba2b8cdeb645c  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-1-p1-15197  |
|  2022-04-28T04:54:07.000Z|  ami-0486bfdcbf4ee6d5e  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-1-p2-15336  |
|  2022-05-14T19:53:12.000Z|  ami-0b519a90ae467950d  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-1-p3-15425  |
|  2022-05-20T23:18:12.000Z|  ami-060706f9a9462b5e7  |  Rubrik OS rubrik-7-0-1-p4-15453  |

Known issues

There are a few known issues when using this Terraform module. These are described below.

Cloud Cluster ES now the default configuration

With the 1.0 release of this Terraform module, Cloud Cluster ES is now the default configuration. As a result care should be taken to set the correct variables if classic Cloud Cluster is desired.

Deploying Cloud Cluster from the AWS Marketplace requires subscription

The Rubik product in the AWS Marketplace must be subscribed to. Otherwise an error like this will be displayed:

Error: creating EC2 Instance: OptInRequired: In order to use this AWS Marketplace product you need to accept terms and subscribe. To do so please visit<sku_number>

If this occurs, open the specific link from the error, while logged into the AWS account where Cloud Cluster will be deployed. Follow the instructions for subscribing to the product. For AWS GovCloud the link points to the public marketplace. Instead of following the link, launch one instance of the major version of Rubrik from the AWS console. This will accept the terms and subscribe to the subscription. Remove the manually launched instance and then run the Terraform again.

Variable name changes

Several variables have changed with this iteration of the script. Upgrades to existing deployments may cause unwanted changes. Be sure to check the changes of terraform plan before terraform apply to avoid disruptive behavior.

Instance Metadata Service Version 2 (IMDSv2) not supported

The AWS Instance Metadata Service Version 2 (IMDSv2) is not supported at this time with Cloud Cluster. If after deploying the Cloud Cluster node, SSH fails to login. When trying to ssh to the node the following error may occur:

admin@<node_ip_address>: Permission denied (publickey).

If this error occurs, the Instance Metadata Service Version 2 (IMDSv2) may be enabled. This can happen if the Terraform aws_instance module has the metadata_options variable http_tokens set to required. To fix this remove the http_tokens variable.