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dblock committed Jan 2, 2014
1 parent 53660aa commit 2564166
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Showing 5 changed files with 136 additions and 57 deletions.
20 changes: 9 additions & 11 deletions
Expand Up @@ -4,29 +4,27 @@ Next Release
#### Features

* [#510]( Support lambda-based default values for params - [@myitcv](
* [#511]( Add `required` option for OAuth2 middleware - [@bcm](
* [#511]( Added `required` option for OAuth2 middleware - [@bcm](
* [#520]( Use `default_error_status` to specify the default status code returned from `error!` - [@salimane](
* [#525]( The default status code returned from `error!` has been changed from 403 to 500 - [@dblock](
* [#526]( Allow specifying headers in `error!` - [@dblock](
* [#523]( Aliased `before` as `before_validation` - [@myitcv](
* [#527]( `before_validation` now a distinct callback (supersedes [#523]( - [@myitcv](
* [#526]( Allowed specifying headers in `error!` - [@dblock](
* [#527]( The `before_validation` callback is now a distinct one - [@myitcv](
* [#531]( Helpers are now available to auth middleware, executing in the context of the endpoint - [@joelvh](
* [#540]( Ruby 2.1.0 is now supported - [@salimane](
* [#544]( `rescue_from` now handles subclasses of exceptions by default - [@xevix](
* [#545]( Add `type` (Array or Hash) support to `requires`, `optional` and `group` with block and fix several validation issues around these - [@bwalex](
* [#544]( The `rescue_from` keyword now handles subclasses of exceptions by default - [@xevix](
* [#545]( Added `type` (Array or Hash) support to `requires`, `optional` and `group` - [@bwalex](
* Your contribution here.

#### Fixes

* [#508]( Allow parameters, such as content encoding, in `content_type` - [@dm1try](
* [#492]( Don't allow to have nil value when a param is required and has a list of allowed values - [@Antti](
* [#495]( Fix `ParamsScope#params` for parameters nested inside arrays - [@asross](
* [#498]( Dry up options and headers logic, allow headers to be passed to OPTIONS requests - [@karlfreeman](
* [#495]( Fixed `ParamsScope#params` for parameters nested inside arrays - [@asross](
* [#498]( Dry'ed up options and headers logic, allow headers to be passed to OPTIONS requests - [@karlfreeman](
* [#500]( Skip entity auto-detection when explicitely passed - [@yaneq](
* [#503]( Calling declared(params) from child namespace fails to include parent namespace defined params - [@myitcv](
* [#512]( Don't create `Grape::Request` multiple times - [@dblock](
* [#538]( Fix default values for grouped params - [@dm1try](
* Your contribution here.
* [#538]( Fixed default values for grouped params - [@dm1try](

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +57,7 @@ Next Release
* [#450]( Added option to pass an exception handler lambda as an argument to `rescue_from` - [@robertopedroso](
* [#443]( Let `requires` and `optional` take blocks that initialize new scopes - [@asross](
* [#452]( Added `with` as a hash option to specify handlers for `rescue_from` and `error_formatter` [@robertopedroso](
* [#433](, [#462]( API change: validation errors are now collected and `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors` is raised - [@stevschmid](
* [#433](, [#462]( Validation errors are now collected and `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors` is raised - [@stevschmid](

#### Fixes

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ content negotiation, versioning and much more.

## Stable Release

You're reading the documentation for the next release of Grape, which should be 0.6.2.
You're reading the documentation for the next release of Grape, which should be 0.7.0.
Please read [UPGRADING]( when upgrading from a previous version.
The current stable release is [0.6.1](

## Project Resources
Expand Down
44 changes: 0 additions & 44 deletions

This file was deleted.

124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
Upgrading Grape

### Upgrading to 0.7.0

#### Changes in Exception Handling

Assume you have the following exception classes defined.

class ParentError < StandardError; end
class ChildError < ParentError; end

In Grape <= 0.6.1, the `rescue_from` keyword only handled the exact exception being raised. The following code would rescue `ParentError`, but not `ChildError`.

rescue_from ParentError do |e|
# only rescue ParentError

This made it impossible to rescue an exception hieararchy, which is a more sensible default. In Grape 0.7.0 or newer, both `ParentError` and `ChildError` are rescued.

rescue_from ParentError do |e|
# rescue both ParentError and ChildError

To only rescue the base exception class, set `rescue_subclasses: false`.

rescue_from ParentError, rescue_subclasses: false do |e|
# only rescue ParentError

See [#544]( for more information.

#### Changes in the Default HTTP Status Code

In Grape <= 0.6.1, the default status code returned from `error!` was 403.

error! "You may not reticulate this spline!" # yields HTTP error 403

This was a bad default value, since 403 means "Forbidden". Change any call to `error!` that does not specify a status code to specify one. The new default value is a more sensible default of 500, which is "Internal Server Error".

error! "You may not reticulate this spline!", 403 # yields HTTP error 403

You may also use `default_error_status` to change the global default.

default_error_status 400

See [#525]( for more information.

#### Changes in Parameter Declaration and Validation

In Grape <= 0.6.1, `group`, `optional` and `requires` keywords with a block accepted either an `Array` or a `Hash`.

params do
requires :id, type: Integer
group :name do
requires :first_name
requires :last_name

This caused the ambiguity and unexpected errors described in [#543](

In Grape 0.6.2, the `group`, `optional` and `requires` keywords take an additional `type` attribute which defaults to `Array`. This means that without a `type` attribute, these nested parameters will no longer accept a single hash, only an array (of hashes).

Whereas in 0.6.1 the API above accepted the following json, it no longer does in 0.6.2.

"id": 1,
"name": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name" : "Doe"

The `params` block should now read as follows.

params do
requires :id, type: Integer
requires :name, type: Hash do
requires :first_name
requires :last_name

See [#545]( for more information.

### Upgrading to 0.6.0

In Grape <= 0.5.0, only the first validation error was raised and processing aborted. Validation errors are now collected and a single `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors` exception is raised. You can access the collection of validation errors as `.errors`.

rescue_from Grape::Exceptions::Validations do |e|{
status: 422,
message: e.message,
errors: e.errors
}.to_json, 422)

For more information see [#462](
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/grape/version.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
module Grape
VERSION = '0.6.1'
VERSION = '0.7.0'

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