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File metadata and controls

63 lines (42 loc) · 2.32 KB

Hacking on Net::LDAP

We welcome your contributions to Net::LDAP. We accept most contributions, but there are ways to increase the chance of your patch being accepted quickly.


Net::LDAP 0.2 and later are be licensed under an MIT-style license; any contributions after 2010-04-20 must be under this license to be accepted.


  • Your patches should be formatted like the rest of Net::LDAP.

  • We use a text wrap of 76–78 characters, especially for documentation contents.

  • Operators should have spaces around them.

  • Method definitions should have parentheses around arguments (and no parentheses if there are no arguments).

  • Indentation should be kept as flat as possible; this may mean being more explicit with constants.

We welcome your contributions to Net::LDAP. To increase the chances of your patches being accepted, we recommend that you follow the guidelines below:


It is very important that, if you add new methods or objects, your code is well-documented. The purpose of the changes should be clearly described so that even if this is a feature we do not use, we can understand its purpose.

We also encourage documentation-only contributions that improve the documentation of Net::LDAP.

We encourage you to provide a good summary of your as a modification to History.rdoc, and if you’re not yet named as a contributor, include a modification to Contributors.rdoc to add yourself.


The Net::LDAP team uses [Minitest]( for unit testing; all changes must have tests for any new or changed features.

Your changes should have been tested against at least one real LDAP server; the current tests are not sufficient to find all possible bugs. It’s unlikely that they will ever be sufficient given the variations in LDAP server behaviour.

If you’re introducing a new feature, it would be preferred for you to provide us with a sample LDIF data file for importing into LDAP servers for testing.

Development Dependencies

Net::LDAP uses several libraries during development, all of which can be installed using RubyGems.

  • flexmock
