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Infrastructure & Ops

Brock Wilcox edited this page Jun 12, 2018 · 9 revisions

Production Infrastructure

  • Single server hosted on (?)
  • PostgresDB
  • Puma
  • Instance is used for all Diaper Banks (hosted service, not federated or self-hosted)

Production Activity

  • Right now we are in beta-testing with 5 (?) diaper banks
  • These diaper banks are (?) trying to use the system with real-world data
  • That means the system is IN PRODUCTION and is the source-of-truth for some users
  • There are no particular times of usage, though likely US-daylight
  • Q: How do we communicate with users, like if we needed downtime?
    • Testing users are encouraged to submit github issues (all of them? trained?)


  • TravisCI deploys master
    • Triggered by merge into master
    • Runs capistrano deploy if the rest of the tests pass
    • See .travis.yml
  • Capistrano is used to perform the deploy

Monitoring, Alerting, Metrics

  • Bugsnag (?)
  • Skylight - Monitoring service

Production Debugging

  • A few admins (a-a-ron, sean, who else (?)) have production shell access

Disaster Recovery

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