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You can shuffle or randomize quiz questions and answers. Shuffling is also an effective way of preventing cheating because no two learners get questions in the same order while taking the same quiz



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You can shuffle or randomize quiz questions and answers. Shuffling is also an effective way of preventing cheating because no two learners get questions in the same order while taking the same quiz.

The gem quick_exam only supports txt, docx and Webpage html from Word format. You can completely change the format of the questions and answers.

Description Example
Format for a Question: Not case sensitive. The starting must be letters Q, Question or Câu etc...
Format for an Answer: Not case sensitive. Starting with a letter or a number A, a or 1, 2 etc...
Format for an Correct answer: Not case sensitive !!!T

Sample data

Q1. Who are all ________ people?
A. this
B. those !!!T
C. them
D. that

Q2. Claude is ________.
A. Frenchman
B. a French !!!T
C. a Frenchman
D. French man

Q3. I ____ a car next year.
A. buy
B. am buying !!!T
C. going to buy
D. bought

Clip demo


Install the latest release yourself as:

$ gem install quick_exam

In Rails or others, add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'quick_exam'

And then execute

$ bundle install


From CLI to export shuffle or randomize quiz question and answers

Run command help

$ quick_exam help export

to show options:

  quick_exam export FILE_PATH [options]

  -q, [--shuffle-question=true|false]  # Shuffle the question
                                       # Default: true

  -a, [--shuffle-answer=true|false]    # Shuffle the answer
                                       # Default: false

  -s, [--same-answer=false]            # The same answer for all questionnaires
                                       # Default: false

  -Q, [--f-ques=Q]                     # Question format. Just prefix the question
                                       # Default: Q

  -C, [--f-corr=!!!T]                  # Correct answer format
                                       # Default: !!!T

  -c, [--count=2]                      # Number of copies to created
                                       # Default: 2

  -d, [--dest=~/quick_exam_export/]    # File storage path after export

shuffled questions and answers then export file

From script ruby to process raw data and get results after analysis

analyzer =, f_ques: '', f_corr: '')

The object analyzer will have methods:

.records       # Return the data after analyzing
.total_line    # Return total line of the file
.f_ques        # Return the format question
.f_corr        # Return the format correct answer

To shuffle quiz question and answers

analyzer.records.mixes(count, shuffle_question: true, shuffle_answer: false, same_answer: false)

The method mixes have 3 arguments:

count:               # Require. Number of copies to created
shuffle_question:    # Optional. Shuffle quiz question. Default: true
shuffle_answer:      # Optional. Shuffle answer. Default: false
same_answer:         # Optional. Same answer for all questionnaires. Default: false

Trick: Keep format Word

Commonly used for mathematical or chemical formats

From Word > Save As > Save with format Webpage html

Step 1: image

Step 2: image


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Authors: Tang Quoc Minh []


You can shuffle or randomize quiz questions and answers. Shuffling is also an effective way of preventing cheating because no two learners get questions in the same order while taking the same quiz



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