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colinta edited this page Dec 12, 2014 · 10 revisions
  • Brought back default rake ib and rake ib:open tasks, no need to add to your Rakefile, unless you need to modify the IB::Project
  • Refactors, fixed specs
  • do |project| is required to get rake tasks. project is an instance of IB::Project
  • Support multiple class definitions in one file
  • Depends on xcodeproj v0.4.0 gem
  • Use Motion::Project::App.config.files for outlets detection instead of ./app folder.
  • removed deprecated outlet_accessor (use outlet)
  • removed deprecated outlet_collection_accessor (use outlet_collection)
  • changed name of generated XCode project to ib.xcodeproj
  • split rake design task to rake ib:project and rake ib:open
  • renamed outlet_accessor to outlet
  • added IBOutletCollections support
  • detect methods without args as action
  • introduce outlet_accessor
  • detect methods with one arg as action
  • Outlet type is optional
  • Refresh outlets when open XCode
  • Add Support for data models
  • Include all pods headers in Pods group
  • Controller generator
  • Simplify gem usage by require 'ib'
  • Add support for Data Model
  • Initial release
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