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valis-clj CI bb compatible


A Clojure library for personal workflows.


Include the following dependency in your project.clj file:

[valis-clj "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]

Then run the following command to download the dependencies:

lein deps


Once the library is installed, you can use it by requiring it in your namespace:

(ns my-app.core
  (:require [valis-clj.core :as valis]))

Replace valis-clj.core with the actual namespaces provided by this library.

The exact usage of valis-clj will depend on the specific functions and utilities it provides. For more detailed information, refer to the individual docstrings for each function in the library.


Documentation is a work in progress and will be updated as the library expands. Please refer to codox documentation and docstrings in the source code for the most up-to-date information.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes. For larger changes, please open an issue first to discuss the proposed changes.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0) - see the LICENSE file for details.