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Repository files navigation Android App

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This simple app allows you to upload any file and get a sharable link with a set expiration time. The file will be Deleted after its downloaded or after expiration time (regardless of whether its downloaded or not). This app is made with the help of which is an Anonymous, Secure file sharing platform by Humbly.

Grab the latest debug build from the release section.

Screenshots 📸 App Screenshot One App Screenshot Two

Libraries Used ❤️

Vector Images from FlatIcon.

Building Project 👩‍💻👨‍💻

If this is your first time contribution to a repo, then check out Gitme.

  1. Fork and Download the Project:
git clone
  1. Import/Open the project in Android Studio or command line to build:
./gradlew clean app:assembleDebug

Check out the issues section to get started with something. Feel free to hit me up for any ideas or discussions! 🍀