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Simple async multiprocessing with RQ.

Think multiprocessing.Pool.apply_async, plus modular modes, queues, completion checking and processing as advanced options. Inspired by launching long CPU-intensive tasks from gunicorn.

import time
def wait(i,j):
    return sum((i,j))
import rq
from multi_rq import MultiRQ
from basic_test import wait

mrq = MultiRQ()
mrq.apply_async(wait, [(i,j) for i,j in zip(range(10),range(10))] )
# >>> [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]

This is an extension of rq that emulates the Pool.apply_async behavior in multiprocessing with a task queue. I use it with Supervisor (see below for guide).

Fundamentally it just

  • queues all your tasks
  • repeatedly checks whether all the jobs are finished or failed (using the check function)
  • returns the results ('results' mode) or the job objects ('jobs' mode) (or using custom modes)

Please raise issues or pull requests if you have any!


Install dependencies

# command line
pip install rq
git clone
cd multi-rq

Basic use

Launch redis-server and RQ workers

# command line
redis-server &
rq worker &
rq worker &
rq worker &

import time
def wait(i,j):
    return sum((i,j))


import rq
from basic_test import wait
from multi_rq import MultiRQ

mrq = MultiRQ()
nums = [(i,j) for i,j in zip(range(0,20,2),range(11,21))]
# >>> [11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38]

# also supports args and kwargs; any of these will work:
mrq.apply_async(wait,kwargs=[ {'i':x[0],'j':x[1]} for x in nums])
>>> [11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38]

kwargs can be:

  • a single dict to be applied to each job (default is {})
  • a list/tuple of length N unique dicts to be applied to each job respectively

args can be:

  • an iterator of length 0 (default)
  • an iterator of length 1, with the single arg to be applied to all jobs
  • an iterator of length N of unique args iterators to be applied to each job respectively

Type checking is built in so you don't get hanging processes without knowing why.


The biggest problem people have with RQ is making sure the module containing their function is available for import. The best way to do this is just by arranging your python projects as packages. e.g.

from mymodules import myfunctions

This will save you many headaches.

Advanced use - custom queue, modes, check and proc function**

As multi-rq is very simple at heart, the power lies in the processing function proc and the checking function check used to check job status and process the results in some way.

Custom queue

You can specify the queue you want to use, with various options, in the class call or later:

# set queue in class instantiation
mrq = MultiRQ(queue = rq.Queue('myqueue',connection=Redis(...))
# change attribute
mrq.queue = rq.Queue('newqueue',connection=Redis(...))

The default queue is just the Redis 'default' queue.

Custom modes

Processing can depend on the mode. Add modes in the class instance or by changing the attribute:

mrq = MultRQ(...,modes=['mymode','othermode'])
mrq.modes = ['newmode','funmode']

check function

The check function allows you to set your own logic for determinining completion. The default check function is MultiRQ._default_check, which just checks whether each is failed or finished and returns the list of jobs when done. If check is not specified in the function call, the current self.check is used

Change this by passing your custom check function with requirements:

  • accepts a list of jobs
  • checks when your jobs are done
  • when done, returns a list of jobs or other things (depending on your proc function) e.g.
def my_check_func(jobs):
    return jobs

results = mrq.apply_async(target, args, check=my_check_func)
mrq = MultiRQ(...check=my_check_func)
mrq.check = my_check_func

proc function

The processing (proc) accepts the output of the check function and the mode and does some processing steps before returning the output. The default processing function is MultiRQ._default_proc which just returns the results or jobs depending on the mode. If proc is not specified in the function call, the current self.proc is used.

Change this by passing your custom proc function with requirements:

  • accepts output of check function and the mode
  • processes ouput
  • returns your output e.g.
def my_proc_func(jobs,mode):
    if mode=='mymode':
        return [job.do_this for job in jobs]
    elif mode=='othermode':
        return ...
results = mrq.apply_async(target, args, proc=my_proc_func)
mrq = MultiRQ(...proc=my_proc_func)
mrq.proc = my_proc_func

Using with Supervisor

Supervisor is a great way to keep things running in the background for Python with minimal effort. This quick guide assumes you're using Ubuntu.

You need some things to make supervisord work well with redis:

  • redis running as a service (easiest) great setup guide here
  • path to your Python distribution bin. Mine is .../anaconda/envs/py35/bin
  • file; a basic settings file for RQ workers (see example)
  • file; the launch script for your workers (see example)
  • supervisord.conf file; the config for supervior

Redis as a service

sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis-server
sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf

/etc/redis/redis.conf (only need to edit/add this line)

# /etc/redis/redis.conf
supervised systemd

Restart redis or check status

sudo systemctl restart redis.service
sudo systemctl status redis

Install supervisor and check path to python dist

pip install supervisor
which python
# >>> /path/to/python/bin/python

supervisord.conf (copy the rest from example file)

# supervisord.conf
command=/path/to/python/bin/rq worker -c rqsettings default
; This is the directory from which RQ is ran. Be sure to point this to the
; directory where your source code is importable from
; and where rqsettings and rqworker python files are

Launch supervisord (with your python bin path)

/path/to/anaconda/envs/py35/bin/supervisord -c /path/to/supervisord.conf

Check status or reload

supervisorctl status
# >>> defaultworker:defaultworker-0    RUNNING   pid 43378, uptime 0:00:04 

supervisorctl reload
# >>> Restarted supervisord

With all that set up, you now have 5 rq workers on your default Redis queue waiting to work for you at anytime!