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Rust Infrastructure hosting for static websites

The Rust Infrastructure team provides hosting for static websites available for all Rust teams. This document explains the requirements a website needs to meet and how to setup one.

Requirements for hosting websites

  • The website must be managed by a Rust team, or be officially affiliated with the project.
    The infrastructure team has finite resources and we can't offer hosting for community projects.
  • The website’s content and build tooling must be hosted on a GitHub repository in either the rust-lang or rust-lang-nursery organizations.
    The infrastructure team must be able to rebuild the website content at any time (for example if we need to switch hosting), and having it hosted on a GitHub repository inside infra-managed organizations is the best way for us to ensure that. Even though we'd prefer for all the repositories to be public it's not a requirement.
  • The website must be built and deployed with a CI service.
    We have custom tooling built around hosting static websites on our infra, and at the moment they work with Travis CI and Azure Pipelines. If you need different CI services ask us in advance and we'll adapt the tooling to your provider of choice.
  • The website must reach an A+ grade on the Mozilla Observatory.
    Browsers have multiple security features toggleable only through HTTP response headers, and those features enhance users' privacy and prevent exploits from working. An A+ grade on the Observatory indicates all the important headers are correctly set.
  • The website must be hosted on platforms vetted by the infra team.
    We recommend either GitHub Pages or Amazon S3 (in the rust-lang AWS account) as the hosting and CloudFront as the CDN, but if you need other platforms that's good as long as we consider them secure and reliable.

Static websites configuration

To avoid limitations of some hosting providers we have setup CloudFront to enable additional, custom behaviors. These behaviors are configured through a file named website_config.json at the root of the generated website content.

Adding custom headers

One of the requirements for having a static website hosted by the infrastructure team is to reach an A+ grade on the Mozilla Observatory, and that requires custom headers to be set. To setup custom headers you need to add an headers section to website_config.json. This example content includes all the headers needed to reach grade B on the Observatory (to reach grade A+ a Content Security Policy is required):

    "headers": {
        "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=63072000",
        "X-Content-Type-Options": "nosniff",
        "X-Frame-Options": "DENY",
        "X-XSS-Protection": "1; mode=block",
        "Referrer-Policy": "no-referrer, strict-origin-when-cross-origin"

Fixing GitHub Pages redirects

GitHub Pages behaves weirdly when it sits behind CloudFront and it needs to issue redirects: since it doesn't know the real domain name it will use as the base of the redirect instead of the correct protocol and domain. To prevent this behavior the github_pages_origin key needs to be added to website_config.json with the origin base url as the value (excluding the protocol):

    "github_pages_origin": ""

Deployment guide

These deployments steps are meant to be executed by a member of the infrastructure team since they require access to our AWS account.

Configuring AWS

Create a CloudFront web distribution and set the following properties:

  • Origin Domain Name:
  • Origin Protocol Policy: HTTPS Only
  • Viewer Protocol Policy: Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
  • Lambda Function Association:
    • Viewer Response: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:890664054962:function:static-websites:4
  • Alternate Domain Names:
  • SSL Certificate: Custom SSL Certificate
    • You will need to request the certificate for that subdomain name through ACM (please use the DNS challenge to validate the certificate)
  • Comment:

Wait until the distribution is propagated and take note of its domain name.

Head over to the domain’s Route 53 hosted zone and create a new record set:

  • Name: your-subdomain-name
  • Type: CNAME
  • Value: the domain name you saw earlier

Create an AWS IAM user to allow the CI provider used to deploy website changes to perform whitelisted automatic actions. Use ci--ORG-NAME--REPO-NAME (for example ci--rust-lang--rust) as the user name, allow programmatic access to it and add it to the ci-static-websites IAM group. Then take note of the access key id and the secret access key since you’ll need those later.

Adding deploy keys

To deploy websites we don’t use GitHub tokens (since they don’t have granular access scoping) but a deploy key with write access unique for each repository. To setup the deploy key you need to be an administrator on the repository, clone the simpleinfra repository and run this command:

$ cargo run --bin setup-deploy-keys rust-lang/repo-name

The command requires the GITHUB_TOKEN (you can generate one here) and the TRAVIS_TOKEN (you can see yours here) to be present. It will generate a brand new key, upload it to GitHub and configure Travis CI to use it if the repo is active there.

Configuring Travis CI

To actually deploy the website, this snippet needs to be added to your .travis.yml (please replace the contents of RUSTINFRA_DEPLOY_DIR and RUSTINFRA_CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION):

  RUSTINFRA_DEPLOY_DIR: path/to/be/deployed
  - rust-lang/simpleinfra:travis-configs/static-websites.yml

You will also need to set the contents of the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables on the Travis CI web UI with the credentials of the IAM user you created earlier. The secret access key must be hidden from the build log, while the access key id should be publicly visible.

Configuring Azure Pipelines

To actually deploy the website, this snippet needs to be added at the top of your pipeline's YAML file:

    - repository: rustinfra
      type: github
      name: rust-lang/simpleinfra
      endpoint: rust-lang

Then you can add this steps when you want to execute the deploy (please replace the contents of deploy_dir and cloudfront_distribution):

- template: azure-configs/static-websites.yml@rustinfra
    deploy_dir: path/to/output
    # Optional, only needed if GitHub pages is behind CloudFront
    cloudfront_distribution: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

You will also need to set the following environment variables in the pipeline:

  • GITHUB_DEPLOY_KEY: value outputted when adding the deploy key earlier (secret)
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: access key ID of the IAM user allowed to invalidate CloudFront (public)
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: access key of the IAM user allowed to invalidate CloudFront (secret)