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Playpen for React Native App - POCs etc

3rd party plugins

Run the app

Ensure you have the React Native local environ dependencies installed (e.g. XCode and Android Studio - link to getting started )


No need to open XCode, just run:

$ react-native run-ios


Open android virtual device manager

$ android avd

Start a simulator from the device manager, then run the below

$ react-native run-android

In the beginning

The initial app was created on 4th Jan 2017 following the guidelines on

Also summarised below:

Pre Reqs

Node and Watchman

$ brew install node
$ brew install watchman

XCode (for iOS development)

Then install the react-native-cli node package globally

$ npm install -g react-native-cli

Initialise The App

$ react-native init sampleApp

Run The App

This should compile the initial app and run it in the Simulator

$ cd sampleApp
$ react-native run-ios

Note: if you see an error stating that the app ‘has not been registered’ then check that no existing terminal windows are running the react native package management stuff