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Predicting the success of a movie before its release and understanding the factors that contribute to its success is a fascinating challenge. Whether it's the budget, cast, crew, or genre, there are numerous variables that can influence a movie's performance at the box office and its critical acclaim.

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Movie Recommendation System


Predicting the success of a movie before its release and understanding the factors that contribute to its success is a fascinating challenge. Whether it's the budget, cast, crew, or genre, there are numerous variables that can influence a movie's performance at the box office and its critical acclaim. This project aims to build a movie recommendation system that helps users discover movies they are likely to enjoy based on various features and attributes.

Data Source Transfer Summary

We have utilized a dataset from The Movie Database (TMDb) as the primary data source for this movie recommendation system. This dataset contains a wealth of information about thousands of movies, including details about the plot, cast, crew, budget, and revenues. The dataset has been modified to provide more accurate and up-to-date information compared to the original version.

Key information about the dataset transfer:

  • The dataset now includes full credits for both the cast and crew.
  • Actor and actress names are listed in the order they appear in the credits.
  • Revenues appear to be more current and accurate.
  • Some movies from the original dataset that couldn't be ported were due to inaccuracies.

Data Source Transfer Details

  • Some fields in the dataset contain JSON data and functions for loading this data are available for convenience.
  • Certain fields like "runtime" may not be consistent across versions, so caution is advised when using this information.
  • Full credits for cast and crew are now stored in a separate file.

Open Questions About the Data

While we have made efforts to improve the dataset, there are still some uncertainties and open questions:

  • The currency of budgets and revenues is not confirmed. It's unclear whether they consistently represent global revenues in US dollars.
  • The dataset hasn't undergone a comprehensive data quality analysis. Users are encouraged to identify and report any data discrepancies or corrections.
  • Budgets with values of zero were treated as missing in the IMDb version. Similar issues might exist in this dataset.


This movie recommendation system can be used to explore various questions and insights, including:

  • Categorizing movies by type, such as animated or non-animated, based on crew job titles.
  • Analyzing the divide between major film studios and independent productions.
  • Clustering movies to discover natural groupings and patterns.


This dataset was generated from The Movie Database API (TMDb). We acknowledge TMDb for providing access to this valuable movie-related data. Please note that this product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.

For additional movie-related data, including information on actors, actresses, crew members, and TV shows, you can explore TMDb's API here.

Getting Started

To use this movie recommendation system, follow these steps:

  1. Data Acquisition: Acquire the dataset from TMDb or an appropriate source and ensure it's in a format compatible with the system.

  2. Data Preprocessing: Preprocess the data to handle missing values, convert data types, and perform any necessary cleaning and feature engineering.

  3. Building the Recommendation System: Implement the recommendation system using machine learning algorithms or collaborative filtering techniques.

  4. User Interface: Develop a user-friendly interface for users to interact with the recommendation system.

  5. Deployment: Deploy the system on a web platform or as a standalone application.

  6. Testing and Evaluation: Test the recommendation system's performance and gather user feedback for improvement.

  7. Continuous Improvement: Continuously update and improve the system based on user feedback and changing data.


This project is licensed under the [License Name] License - see the file for details.


  • The Movie Database API (TMDb)
  • [Other Acknowledgments]

Enjoy using the movie recommendation system and happy movie-watching!


Predicting the success of a movie before its release and understanding the factors that contribute to its success is a fascinating challenge. Whether it's the budget, cast, crew, or genre, there are numerous variables that can influence a movie's performance at the box office and its critical acclaim.






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