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135 lines (87 loc) · 2.12 KB

File metadata and controls

135 lines (87 loc) · 2.12 KB


Run with:

node eg/hmc5883l.js
var Board = require("firmata").Board,
    address, board;

address = 0x1E;

board = new Board("/dev/tty.usbmodem411", function() {

  var x, y, z, interval;

  board.on("string",function( string ) {
    console.log("string", string);

  // Continuous measurement mode
  board.sendI2CWriteRequest( address, [ 0x02, 0x00 ] );

  // Set pointer to XMSB
  board.sendI2CWriteRequest( address, [ 0x03 ] );

  // initial interval wait time is 500ms
  interval = 500;

  setInterval(function() {

    // Read 6 bytes from the register
    board.sendI2CReadRequest( address, 6, function( data ) {

      // The HMC5883L returns data in this order:
      // XX ZZ YY

      // x, y, z are initialized at top of board ready callback

      // // XX 0, 1
      // x = data[0] | data[1] & 0xFF;

      // // ZZ 2, 3
      // z = data[2] | data[3] & 0xFF;

      // // YY 4, 5
      // y = data[4] | data[5] & 0xFF;

      // XX 0, 1
      x = ( data[0] << 8 ) | data[1];

      // ZZ 2, 3
      z = ( data[2] << 8 ) | data[3];

      // YY 4, 5
      y = ( data[4] << 8 ) | data[5];

      console.log( x, y, z );

  }, interval );


 Example run:

 194 3 65330
 195 1 65330
 195 3 65330
 195 0 65330
 195 2 65330
 195 5 65331
 197 7 65333
 191 48 65347
 155 101 65355
 140 111 65351
 113 125 65350
 91 135 65351
 96 131 65348
 117 121 65347
 141 104 65346
 174 76 65346
 207 26 65348
 214 65527 65352
 206 65488 65347
 201 65478 65342
 201 65479 65342
 193 65467 65333
 208 7 65357
 176 75 65351
 142 101 65348
 134 103 65346
 134 102 65346




(Nothing yet)


All contributions must adhere to the the Idiomatic.js Style Guide, by maintaining the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.

Release History

(Nothing yet)


Copyright (c) 2012 Rick Waldron Licensed under the MIT license.