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⚡ OCMS Credentials

This repo contains a (growing) collection of credential requirement specifications that follow the Open Credential Merit System and are designed to provide an overview of the skills, knowledge, and abilities required to fulfill certain, specific roles.

Currently, this is a work in progress. Feel free to open issues for missing requirements you feel are warranted. Hopefully, this will become a community effort. The goal is to provide direction for those seeking to fill these roles professionally and provide a reference -- built from professional consensus -- for both learners and those who could mentor them (not unlike Scouting Merit Badges).

(Not all of the following are yet linked.)


Software Applications Development

Web Applications Development

💢 Avoid the title "Full Stack Developer" when you can. It is useless for anything other than searching for potential jobs and has become a source of frustration for many in the industry since no one can agree on what it actually means. If you do insist on using this title make sure you fulfill all the requirements for both Frontend and Backend (which very few in the industry claiming the problematic "Full Stack" title actually do).

Systems Administration and Architecture

IT Security


Selection Criteria

Some might wonder why unpopular -- even deprecated -- technologies are included in some of these credentials. It is never enough to only learn what is popular and trending. You should learn what is necessary to do the job. Certainly, you can select jobs that avoid technologies that you really despise, but generally you should still learn enough about such technologies to speak from experience about them.

Ask the question, "Is this technology still used by more than 30% of the industry?" If the answer is yes -- even if that technology is being phased out -- then it is still required learning for anyone to confidently claim proficiency in a given role that requires it, even if only to migrate off of it to something new.