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Fall 2021 Introduction to Deep Learning - Homework 1 Part 2

Author: ryanquinnnelson


octopus is a python module that standardizes the execution of deep learning pipelines using pytorch, wandb, and kaggle.

             /       \
            |         |
    _--_    |         |    _--_
   /__  \   \  0   0  /   /  __\
      \  \   \       /   /  /
       \  -__-       -__-  /
   |\   \    __     __    /   /|
   | \___----         ----___/ |
   \                           /
    --___--/    / \    \--___--
          /    /   \    \
    --___-    /     \    -___--
    \_    __-         -__    _/
      ----               ----
        O  C  T  O  P  U  S

Run Requirements

  • wandb account: wandb is used for model tracking and early stopping statistics. There is currently no way to turn off this behavior.
  • kaggle account: octopus is configured to download data from kaggle via the api. This behavior can be turned off in the configs.
  • kaggle.json file: If octopus is going to download data from kaggle, it expects a kaggle token file kaggle.json to be available. The file must contain your kaggle username and api key in the standard JSON format.
  • configuration file: The file is expected to be in a format that python's configparser understands. See example below.
  • customized python module with one file that implements four classes. octopus comes with an example customized file.
    • TrainValDataset
    • TestDataset
    • OutputFormatter
    • Evaluation


Defines Training and Evaluation datasets for your data.

  • Subclass of
  • Implements standard Dataset methods: __init__(), __len__(), __getitem__()


Defines Testing dataset for your data.

  • Subclass of
  • Implements standard Dataset methods: __init__(), __len__(), __getitem__()


Defines how output from the test set should be formatted to meet desired requirements (i.e. Kaggle submission).

  • Output from format() will be saved to file.
  • Implements: format(self, out) -> DataFrame


Defines the evaluation process for each epoch.

  • Implements: __init__(self, val_loader, criterion_func, devicehandler)
  • Implements: evaluate_model(self, epoch, num_epochs, model) -> (val_loss, val_metric)
  • Note that val_metric is a generic name. Match the actual metric returned in that position to the config file.

Steps to Run

Module requires a single argument - the path to the configuration file. Module expects pytorch, numpy, and pandas to be available in the environment.

$ /path/to/config.txt

Configuration file requirements

The following is an example of a configuration file. All configs are required. Values are fully customizable.

run_name = Run-07

debug_file = /Users/ryanqnelson/Desktop/test/debug.log

download_from_kaggle = True
kaggle_dir = /Users/ryanqnelson/Desktop/test/.kaggle
content_dir = /Users/ryanqnelson/Desktop/test/content/
token_file = /Users/ryanqnelson/Desktop/kaggle.json
competition = hw1p2-toy-problem
delete_zipfiles_after_unzipping = True

wandb_dir = /Users/ryanqnelson/Desktop/test
entity = ryanquinnnelson
project = CMU-11685-HW1P2-octopus-4
notes = Simple MLP
tags = MLP,octopus

# metric for comparison against previous runs to check whether early stopping should occur

# if a lower value is better for the metric, set comparison_best_is_max to False

# how many epochs to allow the current model to perform worse than the best model for this metric before stopping

# name of the metric that evaluate_model() returns in the second position of the tuple, for stats purposes

data_dir = /Users/ryanqnelson/Desktop/test/content/competitions/hw1p2-toy-problem
output_dir = /Users/ryanqnelson/Desktop/test/output

# input is (2 * context + 1) * 40 for this dataset


checkpoint_dir = /Users/ryanqnelson/Desktop/test/checkpoints
delete_existing_checkpoints = True

# if loading from a checkpoint, supply a fully qualified filename for the checkpoint file
checkpoint_file =  None


# keyword arguments to be supplied to Dataset subclasses when loading data
num_epochs = 3
hidden_layer_sizes = 128

# keyword arguments to be supplied when initializing the optimizer

# keyword arguments to be supplied when initializing the scheduler

# name of the metric stored in stats that the scheduler uses (if necessary) to determine its step

Additional Features

Repository also includes a bash script which will mount a drive on an AWS EC2 instance and prepare it for use.

How to run


Improvement Ideas

  • Multiple configuration files (Implemented in octopus in CMU-11685-HW2P2)
    • Current: octopus executes the pipeline for a single configuration file.
    • Improvement: If multiple configuration files are placed into a configuration folder, octopus will execute the pipeline for each configuration file.
  • wandb checkpoint metrics (Implemented in octopus in CMU-11685-HW2P2)
    • Current: When loading from checkpoint (and therefore starting from an epoch other than 1), the metrics sent to wandb will appear shifted relative to runs that sent metrics from epoch 1. For a previous run, the metric for epoch 1 is displayed as position 0 on wandb. For the checkpoint run, the metric for epoch X is displayed as position 0 on wandb.
    • Improvement: wandb shifts over and displays the metrics from the checkpointed run in the correct position in its graphs. A few ways to do this: (1) If loading from a checkpoint, octopus sends dummy metrics to wandb for each of the epochs before the one that the pipeline starts on; (2) octopus sends the actual metrics from all epochs stored in the checkpoint.
  • weight initializations (Implemented for Resnet in octopus in CMU-11685-HW2P2)
    • Current: model uses default initializations
    • Improvement: implement Kaiming Initialization or Xavier Initialization
  • Ability to turn off wandb
    • Current: there is no way to turn off the service because many parts of octopus use wandb.
    • Improvement: a single change in the config file stops use of wandb throughout the pipeline.
  • mount script arguments
    • Current: mount script assumes the name of the drive to mount.
    • Improvement: we pass in the name of the drive to mount as an argument to the script.

How octopus is used for this project

We were given a dataset of audio recordings (utterances) and asked to classify each speech frame into one of 71 phoneme states. We were given 14542 training utterances (18482968 frames), 2683 validation utterances (1935669 frames), and 2600 test utterances (1910012 frames). Audio utterances were already preprocessed into raw melspectrograms frames. Utterances had a variable number of frames, but every frame had 40 dimensions.

We were asked to implement a multilayer perceptron (MLP) model to classify the frames. One of the important hyperparameters to tune was the amount of context provided around each frame. On its own, a single frame doesn't contain much information. High accuracy was only achievable by including some number of surrounding frames for context.

I customized the customized module for this dataset and formatted output for the kaggle competition. The highest accuracy I was able to achieve on the private kaggle leaderboard was 79.704% (rank 17/316).