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A gradle plugin for publishing libraries

Currently, you can use this plugin to publish either jar or aar artifacts. This means you can write your project in Java/Kotlin/Groovy/etc. and deploy a binary artifact to an S3 repo or any repo you can connect to with basic authentication.


Gradle Version Gradle Publishing Version Dokka Version (optional)
<7.0 Any <1.0
7.0+ 0.2+ 1.0+

How to use

  1. In your project's root build.gradle file, add the following:
buildscript {
  repositories {
    // IF USING S3 as your maven backing
    maven {
      url 's3://your S3 bucket'
      authentication {
        credentials(AwsCredentials) {
          accessKey = /* your access key here, but you shouldn't store in source control */
          secretKey = /* your secret key here, but you shouldn't store in source control */
    // IF USING some other repository as your maven backing
    maven {
      url 'https://your maven repository'
      authentication {
        credentials(PasswordCredentials) {
          username = /* your user name--okay to store in storage control */
          password = /* your password, but you shouldn't store in source control */
  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.fsryan.gradle:fsryan-gradle-publishing:0.3.0'
  1. Then apply these plugins in order in the build.gradle file of the project you want to publish
apply plugin: ''                 // <-- for android only use 'java' or 'java-library' for java/kotlin/groovy
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
apply plugin: ''  // <-- for android only
apply plugin: 'fsryan-gradle-publishing'
  1. Then add the fsPublishingConfig gradle extension to configure the plugin:
fsPublishingConfig {
  developerName "Your name"
  developerId "Your identifier"
  developerEmail "Your email address"
  siteUrl /* url to your project's site (github, etc.) */
  baseArtifactId /* the name of your library */
  groupId                                     // <-- the group name (such as com.fsryan)
  versionName project.version                               // <-- the version name (such as semantic version 1.0.3)
  awsAccessKeyId = /* your access key here, but you shouldn't store in source control */
  awsSecretKey = /* your secret key here, but you shouldn't store in source control */
  useBasicCredentials = false                               // <-- use true if you need to use basic credentials, false by default
  releaseBasicUser /* the release basic username (ignored if useBasicCredentials = false) */
  releaseBasicPassword /* the release basic password (ignored if useBasicCredentials = false) */ 
  snapshotBasicUser /* the snapshot basic username (ignored if useBasicCredentials = false) */ 
  snapshotBasicPassword /* the snapshot basic password (ignored if useBasicCredentials = false) */
  extraPomProperties = [                                    // <-- all of the extra pom properties to add
    'myproj.gitHash': getGitHash()                          // <-- assuming you can get the git hash
  // goes in the description field of the pom
  description = /* A short description of the artifact you're publishing */
  filteredAndroidVariants = [
    'debug' // assuming you have an android project and you DO NOT want to publish the debug variant
  ] // will default to an empty set

There are other properties you can configure via the fsPublishingConfig gradle extension. See FSPublishingExtension for more details.

Developer setup:

If you want to develop without an IDE, then this repository has all you need. If you want to develop in IntelliJ, then you need to . . .

  1. Download the Groovy SDK:
  2. Set your Groovy SDK in your IDE properties