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Archived changelog entry

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March 14, 2022


Version 5 is a big refactor with deprecation of previous variant based color names in favor of container ones that were added to updated M3 based ColorScheme in Flutter 2.10.0. The same additions and changes are now also introduced in FlexColorScheme. Despite being a very big release, with many new features, actual breaking changes are very few and mostly concerns in version 4 deprecated members and of course requiring minimum Flutter 2.10.0 to work.

The WIP updates now includes the version of the key color seeded M3 ColorScheme usage intended for the final design. The feature supports seeding by not only using a single primary key color, but also using separate key colors for secondary and tertiary colors. The Flutter SDK ColorScheme.fromSeed only support using a single color as seed. The primary, secondary and tertiary color are used as key color seeds, when seeding is used, and by default all three color are used as key for their respective tonal palette used by the generated ColorScheme. Using secondary and tertiary colors can each optionally be turned OFF. If both are, the result is same as when using ColorScheme.fromSeed, with the primary color as seed key color.

When using a key seed color generated ColorScheme, it may sometimes, e.g., for branding purposes, be useful to lock a certain color in the resulting ColorScheme to the actual key color value used for primary, secondary and tertiary. FlexColorScheme includes scheme appropriate colors for each of these color properties, as well their containers. You can for each property define which ones you want to keep as defined by these input colors, in the seed generated ColorScheme. You can of course use this feature with custom input colors as well.

The bundled example 5, the Themes Playground is now fully up to date with all the new features. Its updated code generation still needs results verification.

There are also now in Flutter master channel more actual M3 impacts and ThemeData color property deprecations commits landed in Flutter master channel that I reviewed and prepared for in advance when possible.

Much work on tests, and readme documentation updates remain, but API docs are up-to-date. This book long change log may also help. There are only a few breaking changes, and most of them are rarely used properties, so migration should be relatively easy, despite the long list of changes and new features.


  • Requires at least Flutter stable 2.10.0.This release uses new M3 ColorScheme properties that are not included before Flutter version 2.10.0, as well as the ThemeData flag useMaterial3.

  • Removed parameter surfaceStyle from FlexThemeData extensions FlexThemeData.light and FlexThemeData.dark that uses in version 4.2.0 already deprecated property surfaceStyle in FlexColorScheme class. The same deprecated property surfaceStyle in FlexColorScheme class is still available in 5.0.0-dev.1. In the stable release 5.0.0 it might be removed as well. They were all scheduled for deprecation in version 5.0.0, but keeping it around a bit longer in the main class in 5.0.0-dev releases to prolong backwards API compatibility during development. Maybe I will keep it in the release too, many tests need to be rewritten when they are removed.

  • The enum SchemeColor has new values and past values are in a new order. The order was changed to accommodate new color values and to keep them in the same order as their corresponding color properties in M3 ColorScheme. The change of order is potentially breaking, but unlikely to break anything in major ways, other than possibly local storage of selected enum values. In the bundled samples you might for example see wrong color selections loaded from local storage, just reset or select correct value to fix it.

  • To get more harmonized setup on opt-in sub themes for NavigationBar, BottomNavigationBar and NavigationRail a few properties in FlexSubThemesData and FlexSubThemes had to be modified and broken. Impact is estimated to be low for most users.

    The following properties were renamed in FlexSubThemesData:

    • navigationBarTextSchemeColor -> navigationBarSelectedLabelSchemeColor
    • navigationBarMutedUnselectedText -> navigationBarMutedUnselectedLabel
    • navigationBarIconSchemeColor -> navigationBarSelectedIconSchemeColor
    • bottomNavigationBarSchemeColor -> bottomNavigationBarSelectedLabelSchemeColor

    In FlexSubThemesData the property navigationBarIsStyled was removed. It is no longer needed. The same end result it enabled can be achieved by setting all NavigationBar related properties in FlexSubThemesData that have a none null default value to null.

    The following parameters were renamed in FlexSubThemes.navigationBarTheme:

    • textSchemeColor -> selectedLabelSchemeColor
    • unselectedTextSchemeColor -> unselectedLabelSchemeColor
    • iconSchemeColor -> selectedIconSchemeColor
    • mutedUnselectedText -> mutedUnselectedLabel

    The following parameter was renamed in FlexSubThemes.bottomNavigationBarTheme:

    • baseSchemeColor -> selectedLabelSchemeColor


  • Added useMaterial3 to all theme constructors and factories. This is the same flag as in ThemeData, it does not have any major impact on default themed widgets in Flutter 2.10.x. Opting in on opinionated sub-themes, will however as before give opinionated component sub-themes that result in Material 3 like styles. Similar look will become default widget design in later Flutter SDK versions when using the flag useMaterial3 is set to true.

  • Added new properties onPrimaryContainer, onSecondaryContainer, tertiary, tertiaryContainer, onTertiary and onTertiaryContainer to the un-namedFlexColorScheme constructor and factories FlexColorScheme.light and FlexColorScheme.dark, as well as to extension FlexThemeData to extensions FlexThemeData.light and FlexThemeData.dark on ThemeData.

  • In FlexColor added new color properties for all color values to cover the new "Container" color properties in Flutter 2.10 new M3 ColorScheme. For every built-in FlexColor, there are now also these new color properties:

    • primaryContainer
    • secondaryContainer
    • tertiary
    • tertiaryContainer

    The previous color values maps as follows:

    • tertiary = old secondaryVariant color value, that is deprecated for each color value.
    • Old primaryVariant, is just deprecated for each color value.

    The "variant" colors are still available as deprecated properties, and will remain available until version 6.0.0. The old color properties and their values still work as inputs, and they produce same equivalent ColorScheme results as before. This is done by the values still being assigned as fallback value in custom schemes so that new:

    • primaryContainer if not assigned, falls back via old primaryVariant.
    • secondaryContainer if not assigned, falls back via old secondaryVariant.

    When it comes to the new built-in scheme designs, the color used on past:

    • secondaryVariant was a reasonable fit for new M3 tertiary color property and was used as its value.
    • The new properties secondaryContainer and tertiaryContainer, had to get new built-in color values that fit with the M3 design intent for those color properties. This while considering the value secondary already had, and the value tertiary got by being assigned the color value of past secondaryVariant.
    • The new color property primaryContainer also needed a new color value. The past primaryVariant is not the correct design fit for how the color value is intended to be used in M3 Color design.
    • In many cases it was possible to make nice color schemes, by reshuffling some existing color values and using colors from light scheme, in container properties in dark scheme and vice versa. Sometimes new better tuned color values were used. In all events all Container color properties are new features in this release, so they are considered "new" even if their color value might have been recycled from previous properties in some cases. Some Container color values may still be fine-tuned before final 5.0.0 release, but it is unlikely.
  • In class FlexSchemeColor added new color properties primaryContainer and secondaryContainer they replace deprecated properties primaryVariantand secondaryVariant. The old properties still work and are used as fallback to the new ones when the new ones are not provided. The previous properties are still available as deprecated, and will remain available until version 6.0.0, or until they are removed from the Flutter stable channel, whichever comes first. The properties for built-in schemes were assigned to their new corresponding FlexColorvalues.

  • In class FlexSchemeColor added new color definitions from FlexColor for FlexSchemeColor.tertiary and FlexSchemeColor.tertiaryContainer.

  • In class FlexSchemeColor the FlexSchemeColor.secondaryContainer and FlexSchemeColor.tertiaryContainer should be brighter versions of their none container parent light mode and darker in dark mode. They receive such color values via new corresponding FlexColorvalues.

  • In factory FlexSchemeColor.from added optional and nullable parameter brightness. If not assigned, the factory works as before, producing a complete FlexSchemeColor from just one or more color property inputs, by producing a toned complete FlexSchemeColor suitable for a light or dark M2 design based theme. If brightness is given value Brightness.light it produces a FlexSchemeColor from just one or more color property inputs suitable for a M3 light theme mode theme. If brightness is dark, for a dark mode intended M3 scheme. When brightness is defined the factory also sets defaults for error and errorContainer colors, if they were not passed in. The error color is based on the Material 2 guide color and errorContainer is a FlexColorScheme definition as it has no M2 value. Seed based new M3 error colors are used when using key based seeded M3 ColorScheme. An option to also use M3 based error colors when not using seeded ColorScheme, may be added in a future version.

  • Factory FlexSchemeColor.effective got the same nullable and optional brightness property as FlexSchemeColor.from, with same functionality, producing the same kind of M3 tone mapped colors when reducing amount of used colors, and also providing error color defaults. The FlexSchemeColor.effective factory otherwise works as before considering color swapping and effective input colors reduction. Producing same results via usedColors input limiter as if provided FlexSchemeColor would have been created with FlexSchemeColor.from limited to same colors as implied by usedColors parameter in the FlexSchemeColor.effective factory.

  • To the method FlexSchemeColor.toDark(), that computes a dark theme mode appropriate FlexSchemeColor set from colors designed for light theme mode, added the optional positional bool parameter swapColors. It is false by default to not break past behavior. It is used to swap the "main" and its Container color properties. So that primary <> primaryContainer, secondary<> secondaryContainer and tertiary<> tertiaryContainer in the input light theme mode designed FlexSchemeColor are swapped before producing the output FlexSchemeColor suitable for a dark theme mode. This is useful if the input FlexSchemeColor is designed for a light M3 based ColorScheme. If it is then, to get a correct M3 designed output and via whiteBlend value desaturated colors, the main and container values of the light mode colors should be swapped in the result. In light mode, M3 main is darker than container, but in M3 dark mode it should be the other way around so that main is lighter and container is darker. By swapping the colors and then de-saturate them with an adjustable white alpha blend, we can achieve this design goal as well, when computed dark theme mode colors from a set of provided light theme mode input colors.

  • Added additional opinionated component sub-themes for:

    • SwitchThemeData via FlexSubThemes.switchTheme.
    • CheckboxTHemeData via FlexSubThemes.checkboxTheme.
    • Radio via FlexSubThemes.radioTheme.
    • NavigationRailThemeData via FlexSubThemes.navigationRailTheme.

    There are many quick and easy configuration parameters added to FlexSubThemesData. The following built-in widgets now have quick and easy custom theming option via sub-themes opt-in.

    • TextButton
    • ElevatedButton
    • OutlinedButton
    • Older buttons using ButtonThemeData
    • ToggleButtons
    • Switch
    • Checkbox
    • Radio
    • InputDecoration
    • FloatingActionButton
    • Chip
    • Card
    • PopupMenuButton
    • Dialog
    • TimePickerDialog
    • SnackBar
    • Tooltip
    • BottomSheet
    • BottomNavigationBar
    • NavigationBar
    • NavigationRail
  • Added additional ColorScheme color selection options to component sub-themes configuration class FlexSubThemesData. The feature introduced in version 4.2.0 is now also supported by sub-themes for:

    • FloatingActionButton, via FlexSubThemesData.fabSchemeColor.
    • TextButton, via FlexSubThemesData.textButtonColor.
    • ElevatedButton, via FlexSubThemesData.elevatedButtonColor.
    • OutlinedButton, via FlexSubThemesData.outlinedButtonColor.
    • MaterialButton, via FlexSubThemesData.materialButtonColor.
    • ToggleButtons, via FlexSubThemesData.toggleButtonsColor.
    • Switch via FlexSubThemes.switchTheme.
    • Checkbox via FlexSubThemes.checkboxTheme.
    • Radio via FlexSubThemes.radioTheme.
    • NavigationRail via FlexSubThemes.navigationRailTheme.
    • Dialog backgrounds, affects DialogTheme and TimePickerThemeData via FlexSubThemesData.dialogBackgroundColor. If used this property overrides color property dialogBackground in all FlexColorScheme constructors, factories and theme data extensions.
    • AppBar background color, via the AppBar sub-theme definition is built into the FlexColorScheme.toTheme method (legacy). May migrate its implementation to own FlexSubThemes sub-theme later.
    • TabBar for indicator and item color. The TabBar sub-theme definition is currently built into the FlexColorScheme.toTheme method (legacy). May migrate its implementation to own FlexSubThemes sub-theme later.
  • Added a FlexKeyColors configuration class that can be used with the FlexColorScheme.keyColors to enable and configure Material 3 based key color based tonal palettes' generation that are then used to define the ColorScheme. The tonal palettes are generated using existing built-in or custom colors, as key colors for generating palettes. The method matches the ColorScheme.fromSeed Flutter SDK feature if you only use primary color as input. However, it also offers more configuration and flexibility on how to use key colors as seed colors. It does so without the need to go to lower API levels to produce custom tonal palettes and use them manually in the ColorScheme definition. The implementation makes it easy to use a combination of key seeded colors and fixed colors, in any combination, to produce the color scheme. This makes using seeded colors an option for supplementary colors while e.g., primary color is locked to a given brand or design color value, but other colors in the ColorScheme are less critical, and it is more important that they match the tone of the over all theme.

  • Added bool property useMaterial3ErrorColors to FlexColorScheme.light and FlexColorScheme.dark. Set to true, to use the new Material 3 error colors, instead of past Material2 based ones, which are still default. When using key color seed generated [ColorScheme]s always use the Material 3 based error colors.

  • Added custom tone configuration for seeded ColorScheme. M3 color design has it own fixed defaults for which tone from the relevant TonalPalette is used as input on each color property in the light and corresponding dark ColorScheme. By configuring and passing in a FlexTones to tones in FlexColorScheme.light and FlexColorScheme.dark it is possible to control which color tone from the relevant TonalPalette is used for each color property in generated ColorScheme. Obviously making poor selections produces bad results, but there are some tuning that works very well for different needs, e.g., primary could be assigned a one step lower value in light mode, to produce seeded color schemes that are more vivid or saturated.

  • The Material 3 based seeded ColorScheme also locks down the chroma level of seed color for secondary colors to 16 and to 24 for tertiary colors, and keeps it at min 48 for primary color. The FlexTones configuration makes it possible to change these restrictions. You can then get more vivid tonal palettes also for secondary and tertiary TonalPalettes. FlexTones has a FlexTones.light and FlexTones.dark constructor that have default values that gives the same result as using the hard coded ColorScheme.fromSeed tone mapping and chroma limit behavior on TonalPalette. These constructors are also convenient to use when making custom FlexTones setups. To show how, it comes with four built in examples. They take a Brightness value as input, and return FlexTones configs with different design goals suitable for dark or light mode brightness themes. There is FlexTones.material, it is an alternative Brightness input based API for FlexTones.light and FlexTones.dark to get the default Material 3 design guide config. Similarly, there are 3 alternative configurations.

    • FlexTones.soft for even softer and more earthy tones than M3 defaults, that are pretty soft and pastel like to begin with.
    • If you prefer more vivid tones to be generated, try FlexTones.vivid.
    • If you like or need more contrast differences between your colors, you can try FlexTones.highContrast.

    It is easy to make your own configs with the API. The setup of the these built-in examples shows how.

  • Added new alpha blend control blendOnLevel value for onColors to class FlexSubThemesData. It is used to produce onColors for main colors that can be adjusted and be more in-line with M3 seed color usage design by tuning their blend level. Before, this was turned on via blendOnColors toggle that will remain, but has a slightly modified new function. The blendOnLevel introduces a new blend level value for onColor that is not tied to used blend level on surfaces.

  • Defined matching color values for new FlexSchemeColor.secondaryContainer and FlexSchemeColor.tertiaryContainer for all existing built-in color schemes. This was surprisingly tedious task.

  • New color schemes: Added four new built-in color schemes. Total number of color schemes is now 40 matched light and dark pairs.

    • Flutter Dash - A Flutter Dash 4k desktop wallpaper colors based theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.flutterDash for easy access to it.
    • M3 baseline - Material guide 3 baseline based theme. Use enum value FlexScheme.materialBaseline for easy access to it.
    • Verdun green - Material guide 3 verdun and mineral green with hemlock. Use enum value FlexScheme.verdunHemlock for easy access to it.
    • Dell genoa green - Material guide 3 theme with dell, axolotl and genoa greens. Use enum value FlexScheme.dellGenoa for easy access to it.


  • Added all the new ColorScheme M3 color properties to SchemeColor enum and its static functions schemeColor and schemeColorPair. Deprecated the enum values primaryVariant and secondaryVariant. These deprecated enum values are still available, but return correct replacement M3 color values from the in Flutter 2.10.0 updated ColorScheme when using functions schemeColor and schemeColorPair.

  • To class FlexColorScheme default constructor, light and dark factories, added properties primaryContainer and secondaryContainer. They replace deprecated properties primaryVariant secondaryVariant. The old properties still work and are used as fallback to the new ones, if the new ones are not provided. The previous properties are still available as deprecated, and will remain available until version 6.0.0.

  • In extension FlexThemeData to extensions FlexThemeData.light and FlexThemeData.dark added properties primaryContainer and secondaryContainer. They replace deprecated properties primaryVariant secondaryVariant. The old properties still work and are used as fallback to the new ones, if the new ones are not provided. The previous properties are still available as deprecated, and will remain available until version 6.0.0.

  • The opt-in, custom M3 TextTheme is now defined using the new actual M3 TextStyle names available in Flutter 2.10.0. The change is none breaking thanks to underlying implementation in Flutter SDK 2.10.0. It now also includes the new styles headlineMedium and labelMedium that do not directly map to any previous M2 text styles. Flutter SDK automatically maps the new TextTheme and its TextStyles to corresponding M2 text style names, so they work and can be used as before. This opt-in TextTheme includes the new M3 typography (text size and letter spacing), for what presumably will become EnglishLike2021 as Typography when it is included in Flutter. This typography (font geometry) is not yet available in Flutter 2.10.0 and was not even in master at the time when Flutter 2.10.0 was released. FlexColorScheme has included a EnglishLike2021 geometry since version 4.0.0, now it also uses the correct TextStyle names since they became available in Flutter 2.10.0. The actual EnglishLike2021 will arrive in the Flutter stable release after 2.10.x. The current custom version of it will be removed then.

  • The feature of blendOnColors has changed design wise slightly, it is now used as a toggle to indicate that on colors for the main colors, that is onPrimary, onSecondary, onTertiary and onError should also receive an alpha bland of its color pair, of strength blendOnLevel/2 when blendOnColors is true. If blendOnColors is false, they use white or black contrast color as appropriate for their main color pair. The blending of onColor only occurs when their main color is not using seed based ColorScheme based color value.

  • The darkIsTrueBlack option in FlexColorScheme.dark that makes and keeps scaffold background fully black, now makes other blended surfaces 5% darker instead of 8%, scaffold remains black.

  • The lightIsWhite option in FlexColorScheme.light that makes and keeps scaffold background fully white, now makes other blended surfaces 5% lighter instead of 8%, scaffold remains white.

  • The built-in description for FlexScheme.material was changed to "Default Material 2 color theme, used in the design guide" from "Default Material color theme, used in the design guide", to make it clear it came from the M2 guide.

  • The built-in description for FlexScheme.materialHc was changed to "High contrast Material 2 design guide theme" from "High contrast Material design guide theme", to make it clear it came from the M2 guide.

  • The order of the colors, in the rarely outside FlexColorScheme used demo apps, theme presentation/switch button FlexThemeModeSwitch was changed for better placement of new color primaryContainer and tertiary. The Colors primaryVariant and secondaryVariant were removed from it since the colors are deprecated in Flutter SDK. The change was from:

Before Before
Primary Primary variant
Secondary Secondary variant


After After
Primary Secondary
Primary container Tertiary


  • When using FlexSubThemesData.inputDecoratorSchemeColor the floating label did not change to the selected ColorScheme based SchemeColor. Now it does, it also keeps the correct error color behavior. Tricky bugger to define this one by the way.

  • FIX TO MATCH M2 SPEC and STYLE BREAKING: In all previous versions of FlexColorScheme, the Flutter ThemeData.estimateBrightnessForColor was used to calculate if black or white on color should be used on the error colors. In dark mode for the default error FlexColor.materialDarkError and the high contrast dark mode error color FlexColor.materialDarkErrorHc, this resulted in correctly computed contrast color value white being used on them. Regardless of this, the Material 2 guide specifies and Flutter SDK uses, black as the on color for these colors. These two cases were added as special considerations to return black color for these two particular color cases, even if the Flutter contrast color computation says it should be white, but since M2 spec is black, we decided to go with that despite this. It is a borderline case, both work but results in different style.


  • Due to Flutter SDK issue #100027 "Using systemNavigationBarDividerColor changes statusBarIconBrightness and systemNavigationBarIconBrightness on Android 11" a number of temporary changes were made to FlexColorScheme.themedSystemNavigationBar. The divider feature is disabled until the issue has been resolved. There is also a temporary workaround implemented, it attempts to keep system icons from getting the wrong brightness on Android 11. It may not always work.


  • Updates to examples 1...4

    • Add a few of the new features to examples 3 and 4.
    • Removed showing the old, already in Flutter v1.26 deprecated buttons RaisedButton, OutlineButton and FlatButton in ALL the examples. They are going away in next stable release of Flutter after 2.10.x, as per this notice #98537.
  • Update default example app Hot Reload Playground.

  • Major update to example 5 Themes Playground, it now includes support for all the new features:

    • Added config for unselected toggleable style.
    • Added feature to export the code for the active ColorScheme.
    • Added color scheme color configuration to all opinionated component sub-themes that have it.
    • Added color limit input usedColors, it is an old API in FlexColorScheme, it has just never been featured much.
    • Added useMaterial3 toggle.
    • Added controls for using key color dynamic seeded ColorScheme, using the predefined colors primary, secondary and tertiary as seed colors.
    • Added a setup that demonstrates the usage of FlexTones. Made some useful setups as pre-configured FlexTones, and the playground uses demo. Now comes with FlexTones.material for the default Material 3 design guide config, and FlexTones.soft, FlexTones.vivid, FlexTones.vividSurfaces and FlexTones.highContrast as built-in pre-configured options. It is easy to make own configs with the API.
    • The ThemesPlayground paints active TonalPalettes and highlights selected tones in the palettes when you have on a ColorScheme color. May extend this to make an interactively configurable tonal setup by pickling tones from the TonalPalette and sliders to adjust chroma. this could later be used to create a custom FlexTones config and get it as part of setup code too.
    • Playground Cupertino adaptive switches now also follow theme via a custom SwitchListTileAdaptive wrapper. The iOS green switches are an eyesore imo, but the SDK adaptive switch cannot be changed via a theme alone. Needed to make a custom widget where active thumb, explicitly uses switch theme color as thumb color, sigh.
    • Added border radius individual override adjustments on buttons, to demo that the API can do it too.
    • NavigationBar, BottomNavigationBar and Android system navigation bar were given separate panels, and many new configuration options. They still share some controller values, might separate them in some future version of the app.
    • Added NavigationRail Settings panel, with similar settings and NavigationBar.


  • Tests are still incomplete and currently down to about 86% coverage, but at least all existing (1275) ones are passing and behave as expected.
  • Add tests for new SchemeColor properties.
  • Add tests for FlexTones.
  • Add tests for FlexKeyColors.
  • Add tests for FlexCorePalette.
  • Add test for all new sub-themes in FlexSubThemes.
  • Add tests for new useMaterial3 property.
  • Add tests for all new sub themes FlexSubThemes and its config data in FlexSubThemesData.
  • Add more tests for legacy fallbacks when using old deprecated primaryVariant and secondaryVariant properties.
  • Add tests and verification of old colors definition backwards behavior.