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File metadata and controls

93 lines (79 loc) · 3.84 KB

Command Line Interface

The Dremio Client uses the Click library to generate its command line interface. This is installed as dremio_client by pip

All of the REST API calls are exposed via the command line interface. To see a list of what is available run:

$ dremio_client --help
Usage: dremio_client [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --config DIRECTORY   Custom config file.
  -h, --hostname TEXT  Hostname if different from config file
  -p, --port INTEGER  Hostname if different from config file
  --ssl                Use SSL if different from config file
  -u, --username TEXT  username if different from config file
  -P, --password TEXT  password if different from config file
  --help               Show this message and exit.

  catalog_item    return the details of a given catalog item if...
  delete_catalog  delete a catalog entity given by cid and tag...
  delete_pat      delete a personal access token
  graph           return graph info of PDS or VDS         
  group           return group info
  job_results     return results for a given job id pagenated...
  job_status      Return status of job for a given job id
  pat             return personal access token info for a given...
  query           execute a query given by sql and print...
  reflection      return the reflection set
  reflections     return the reflection set
  refresh_pds     refresh metadata/reflections for a given...
  set_catalog     set a catalog entity with the given json...
  set_pat         create a personal access token
  sql             Execute sql statement and return job id
  tags            returns tags for a given catalog entity id or...
  update_catalog  update a catalog entity (cid) given a json...
  user            return user info
  votes           return reflection votes
  wiki            returns wiki for a given catalog entity id or...
  wlm_queues      return the list of wlm queues
  wlm_rules       return the list of wlm rules

The config directory and a number of other settings can be configured from the command line and overwrite the default config locations.

Run a Query

We can run a query on the command line and have the results returned as json. We use jq to manipulate the json after it is returned. This could be combined into more complete scripts for maintenance and monitoring.

$ dremio_client query --help
Usage: dremio_client query [OPTIONS]

  execute a query given by sql and print results as json

  --sql TEXT  sql query to execute.  [required]
  --help      Show this message and exit.
$ dremio_client query --sql 'select * from sys.options' | jq '. | length'
$ dremio_client query --sql 'select * from sys.options' | jq
    "name": "",
    "kind": "LONG",
    "type": "SYSTEM",
    "status": "DEFAULT",
    "num_val": 126000000,
    "string_val": null,
    "bool_val": null,
    "float_val": null
    "name": "vote.schedule.millis",
    "kind": "LONG",
    "type": "SYSTEM",
$ dremio_client query --sql 'select * from sys.options' | jq 'to_entries[] | "\(.value | .name)"'