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This repository contains code to train and analyse three families of GAN models for healthy lung tissue modelling, as described in 'Evaluation of 3D GANs for Lung Tissue Modelling in Pulmonary CT' by Ellis et al. Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging. 2022.



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Supporting Code for Evaluation of 3D GANs for Lung Tissue Modelling in Pulmonary CT by Ellis et al, 2022

This repository contains code to train and analyse three families of GAN models for healthy lung tissue modelling, as described in 'Evaluation of 3D GANs for Lung Tissue Modelling in Pulmonary CT' by S Ellis, OE Martinez Manzanera, V Baltatzis, I Nawaz, A Nair, L Le Folgoc, S Desai, B Glocker and JA Schnabel. Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging. 2022. (paper available here and on arXiv here)

This project builds heavily on pre-existing code, such as the official PyTorch DCGAN implementation and the bigGAN code released by Brock et al. The 3D FID component of the analysis relies on the pretrained 3D MedicalNet by Chen et al, available here.

Generated samples from a trained bigGAN3D model


Requirements are provided in the accompanying requirements.yml file.

Instructions for use


There are a number of steps that need to be followed before the GAN training code can be run.

  1. The LUNA16 data must be downloaded here and the raw CT images stored such that all subsets are held in the same folder. E.g. the data folder is called /path/to/LUNA16/, which contains 10 subfolders subset0, subset1, etc.

  2. The must be unzipped and stored as one directory separate to the raw CT images, e.g. /path/to/seg-lungs-LUNA16/.

  3. Run the file, pointing it to your saved LUNA16 images and segmentations. This discards scans classed as malignant, and splits the remaining scans into 80:20 train:test.

     python --image_path /path/to/LUNA16/ --lung_seg_path /path/to/seg-lungs-LUNA16/
  4. Run the, which saves the real data's activation statistics as required for FID calculation.

     python --cudaDevice 0

Training a GAN model

Now we are ready to train a GAN model. There are many hyperparameters that can be specified, run python --help for details. Here is one example, running a DCGAN model with the minibatch discrimination (MDmin) described in the paper, calculating FID throughout the training:

    python --cudaDevice 0 --MDmin True --genModel DCGAN --fidFlag True

The results will be stored in a directory describing the method, e.g. DCGAN_MDmin_relativistic/, in a time-stamped subfolder allowing multiple runs.

The results folder will contain the following:

  • args.txt: a copy of the used args
  • allErrD.txt, allErrG.txt: the average discriminator and generator losses, outputted at the end of training for each patient
  • allFID.txt, allLabels.txt: the FID score measured every 200 patients and at the end of each epoch (pass through all patients), and the corresponding labels (in the format epoch{ep}_{patient})
  • bestFID.txt and bestFID_epoch.txt: the lowest recorded FID and the epoch,patient number this was measured at
  • fake_samples_*, real_samples_*: generated and real samples from throughout the training
  • netD_best.pth, netG_best.pth, netD_curr.pth, netG_curr.pth: the state of the models at both the minimum FID and the current epoch (gets updated throughout training)

Model analysis

The following additional model analyses can be performed:

  • produces 2D samples and interpolations from a provided GAN model. Results are saved in the same location as the invoked genereator model, in subdirectories samples and samples_interp. Example use:

      python --netG ./path/to/netG_best.pth --genModel DCGAN
  • 3D branch point analysis can be performed with the and scripts:

    • loads and calculates the number of 3D branch points for real image patches. The results are saved in the file real_branch_stats.txt where each line is the number of branch points recorded for a single real sample patch.
    • uses the specified GAN model to generate patches and calculates the number of 3D branch points per patch. The resulting distribution is saved in the model folder, in the subfolder branch_stats_3D/.
    • the resulting distributions can be visualised and compared as necessary.
  • 3D FID calculation is performed with the script, which uses the Med3D folder. 3D FID calculation can be performed as follows:

    1. create a folder called pretrain in the Med3D folder.

    2. download the pretrained 3D resnet(s) as indicated here and save the models in the pretrain folder made in step 1. We use the resnet_10_23dataset.pth model, but if required this can be manually changed in the file on line 20.

    3. pre-save the real 3D samples by running This creates a folder real_samples_3D_FID which contains batches of real images as .pth files. These are loaded when calculating 3D FID.

    4. run, supplying the generator model to be evaluated. The results will be saved in the results folder for that model. Example usage:

       python --netG /path/to/netG_best.pth --genModel DCGAN
  • UMAP analysis is provided for styleGAN models. To perform:

    1. run This takes random samples of z, maps into w-space and saves the results. In addition, for a smaller example set, it generates images and calculates and the number of branch stats per image. These are all saved in a UMAP_visualisation subfolder in the model results folder.
    2. run This loads the latent space w, performs the UMAP embedding, and plots the embedded space, colour coded by the branch statistics calculated in step 1 (similar to Fig. 10 in the manuscript). IMPORTANT: due to incompatibilities between libraries, this step must be performed in a separate python enviroment, defined by the umap.yml file.


This repository contains code to train and analyse three families of GAN models for healthy lung tissue modelling, as described in 'Evaluation of 3D GANs for Lung Tissue Modelling in Pulmonary CT' by Ellis et al. Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging. 2022.







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