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Releases: s0t7x/Incognito_RCM_Mod

v0.6.1 - s0t7x Mod

02 May 11:27
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This should work fine with OFW 10.0.0+ and CFW (Atmosphere) 0.11.1+
It was tested with ofw 10.0.1 and cfw 0.12.2 -> works fine!

I found no working incognito for later ofw and atmosphere (altough atmosphere should have a built-in equivalent to incognito). I came across Kronos2308 branch, whoms patch-branch sadly didn't compile.
I just reworked it to do. Changed the way it bypasses "unknown pkg1" error. And added a nametag to gfx so one can easily say if using modded incognito or not.