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Type Example
scalar let height = 165
list let interests = ['Cinema', 'Literature', 101]
dictionary let phone = {'cell': 123, 'work': '?'}

Variable types, once assigned, are permanent and strictly enforced at runtime. As we set the interests as a list there will be error now.

let interests = 'unknown'

" Error: variable type mismatch

Variable scopes and prefix

Prefix Meaning
g:varname The variable is global
s:varname The variable is local to the current script file
w:varname The variable is local to the current editor window
t:varname The variable is local to the current editor tab
b:varname The variable is local to the current editor buffer
l:varname The variable is local to the current function
a:varname The variable is a parameter of the current function
v:varname The variable is one that Vim predefines


Prefix Meaning
&varname A Vim option (local option if defined, otherwise global)
&l:varname A local vim option
&g:varname A global vim option
@varname A vim register
$varname An environment variable


Operation Operator Syntax
Assignment let var=expr
Numeric-add-and-assign let var+=expr
Numeric-subtract-and-assign let var-=expr
String-concatenate-and-assign let var.=expr
Ternary operator bool?expr-if-true:expr-if-false
Logical OR `bool
Logical AND bool&&bool
Numeric or string equality expr==expr
String case insensitive eq expr==?expr
String case sensitive eq expr==#expr
Numeric or string inequality expr!=expr
Numeric or string greater-than expr>expr
Numeric or string gr-or-eq expr>=expr
Numeric or string less than expr<expr
Numeric or string l-or-eq expr<=expr
Numeric addition num+num
Numeric subtraction num-num
String concatenation str.str
Numeric Multiplication num*num
Numeric division num/num
Numeric modulus num%num
Convert to number +num
Numeric negation -num
Logical NOT !bool
Parenthetical precedence (expr)


" File execution, you can run vimscripts from the vim
" command line.
" :source <vimscript.vim>