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New to (Secure) Ruby? See the Red Paper!

(Secure) Ruby to Liquidity w/ ReasonML Syntax / Michelson (Source-to-Source) Cross-Compiler Cheat Sheet / White Paper

What's Michelson? What's Liquidity?

The Liquidity language lets you programm (crypto) contracts with (higher-level type-safe functional) OCaml or ReasonML syntax compiling to (lower-level) Michelson stack machine bytecode.

By Example

Let's Count - 0, 1, 2, 3

RubyLiquidity (w/ ReasonML)


"Classic" Style

type :Storage, Integer

init [],
def storage()

entry [Integer],
def inc( by, storage )
  [[], storage + by]

"Modern" Style with Language Syntax Pragmas

type Storage = Integer

init [],
def storage()

entry [Integer],
def inc( by, storage )
  [[], storage + by]

(Source: contracts/counter.rb)

Liquidity (w/ ReasonML)

gets cross-compiled to:

type storage = int;

let%init storage = () => {

let%entry inc = (by: int, storage) => {
  ([], storage + by);

(Source: contracts/counter.reliq)

Test, Test, Test

Note: For (local) testing you can run the "Yes, It's Just Ruby" version with the michelson testnet "simulator" library. See /michelson » . Example:

storage  = storage()
# => calling storage()...
# => returning:
# => 0
_, storage = inc( 2, storage )
# => calling inc( 2, 0 )...
# => returning:
# => [[], 2]
_, storage = inc( 1, storage )
# => calling inc( 1, 2 )...
# => returning:
# => [[], 3]

Let's Vote

RubyLiquidity (w/ ReasonML)


"Classic" Style

type :Storage, Map‹String→Integer›

init [],
def storage()
  {"ocaml" => 0, "reason" => 0, "ruby" => 0}

entry [String],
def vote( choice, votes )
  amount = Current.amount
  if amount <
    failwith( "Not enough money, at least 5tz to vote" )
    match Map.find(choice, votes), {
      None: ->()  { failwith( "Bad vote" ) },
      Some: ->(x) { votes = Map.add(choice, x + 1, votes); [[], votes] }}

"Modern" Style with Language Syntax Pragmas

type Storage = Map‹String→Integer›

init [],
def storage()
  {"ocaml" => 0, "reason" => 0, "ruby" => 0}

entry [String],
def vote( choice, votes )
  amount = Current.amount
  if amount <
    failwith( "Not enough money, at least 5tz to vote" )
    match Map.find(choice, votes), {
      | None    => { failwith( "Bad vote" ) },
      | Some(x) => { votes = Map.add(choice, x + 1, votes); [[], votes] }}

(Source: contracts/vote.rb)

Aside - Type-Safe Function Signature Shortcuts ("Auto-Completion")

Short Version Long Version
init [] sig :init, [] => [Storage]
entry [String] sig :entry, [String, Storage] => [Array‹Operation›, Storage]
sig [Address, Address, Nat]¹ sig [Address, Address, Nat, Storage] => [Array‹Operation›, Storage]
sig [Address, BigMap‹Address→Account›] => [Account]² sig [Address, BigMap‹Address→Account›] => [Account]

¹: The signature is missing the return type - "auto-completes" Storage parameter and return type; for no return type use [].

²: No magic "auto-completion". Short version is the same as the long version.

Liquidity (w/ ReasonML)

gets cross-compiled to:

type storage = map(string, int);

let%init storage = () => {
  Map([("ocaml", 0), ("reason", 0), ("ruby", 0)]);

let%entry vote = (choice: string, votes) => {
  let amount = Current.amount();
  if (amount < 5.00tz) {
    failwith("Not enough money, at least 5tz to vote");
  } else {
    switch (Map.find(choice, votes)) {
    | None    => failwith("Bad vote")
    | Some(x) =>
        let votes = Map.add(choice, x + 1, votes);
        ([], votes);

(Source: contracts/vote.reliq)

Test, Test, Test

Note: For (local) testing you can run the "Yes, It's Just Ruby" version with the michelson testnet "simulator" library. See /michelson » . Example:

storage  = storage()
#=> calling storage()...
#=> returning:
#=> {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>0, "ruby"=>0}
_, storage = vote( "ruby", storage )
#=> calling vote( "ruby", {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>0, "ruby"=>0} )...
#=> !! RuntimeError: failwith - Not enough money, at least 5tz to vote

Current.amount =

_, storage = vote( "ruby", storage )
#=> calling vote( "ruby", {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>0, "ruby"=>0} )...
#=> returning:
#=> [[], {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>0, "ruby"=>1}]
_, storage = vote( "reason", storage )
#=> calling vote( "reason", {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>0, "ruby"=>1} )...
#=> returning:
#=> [[], {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>1, "ruby"=>1}]
_, storage = vote( "python", storage )
#=> calling vote( "python", {"ocaml"=>0, "reason"=>1, "ruby"=>1} )...
#=> !! RuntimeError: failwith - Bad vote

Minimum Viable Token

RubyLiquidity (w/ ReasonML)


"Classic" Style

type :Account, {
  balance:    Nat,
  allowances: Map‹Address→Nat› }

type :Storage, {
  accounts:     BigMap‹Address→Account›,
  version:      Nat,
  total_supply: Nat,
  decimals:     Nat,
  name:         String,
  symbol:       String,
  owner:        Address }

init [Address, Nat, Nat, String, String],
def storage( owner, total_supply, decimals, name, symbol )
  owner_account = total_supply, {} )
  accounts      = Map.add( owner, owner_account, {} ) accounts, 1.p, total_supply, decimals, name, symbol, owner )

sig [Address, BigMap‹Address→Account›] => [Account],
def get_account(a, accounts)
  match Map.find(a, accounts), {
    None: ->()        { 0.p, {} ) },  ## fix: allow (struct) init with keys too
    Some: ->(account) { account }}

sig [Address, Address, Nat],
def perform_transfer(from, dest, tokens, storage)
  accounts = storage.accounts
  account_sender = get_account( from, accounts )
  new_account_sender =
    match is_nat(account_sender.balance - tokens), {
     None: ->()  { failwith( "Not enough tokens for transfer", account_sender.balance ) },
     Some: ->(b) { account_sender.update( balance: b )}

  accounts = Map.add(from, new_account_sender, accounts)
  account_dest = get_account( dest, accounts )
  new_account_dest = account_dest.update( balance: account_dest.balance + tokens )
  accounts = Map.add(dest, new_account_dest, accounts)

  [[], storage.update( accounts: accounts )]

entry [Address, Nat],
def transfer( dest, tokens, storage )
  perform_transfer( Current.sender, dest, tokens, storage )

entry [Address, Nat],
def approve( spender, tokens, storage )
  account_sender = get_account( Current.sender, storage.accounts)

  account_sender = account_sender.update( allowances:
      if tokens == 0.p
        Map.remove( spender, account_sender.allowances )
        Map.add( spender, tokens, account_sender.allowances )
      end )

  storage = storage.update( accounts: Map.add( Current.sender, account_sender, storage.accounts))
  [[], storage]

entry [Address, Address, Nat],
def transfer_from( from, dest, tokens, storage)
  account_from = get_account( from, storage.accounts )
  new_allowances_from =
    match Map.find( Current.sender, account_from.allowances ), {
      None: ->()        { failwith( "Not allowed to spend from", from ) },
      Some: ->(allowed) {
        match is_nat(allowed - tokens), {
          None: ->() { failwith( "Not enough allowance for transfer", allowed ) },
          Some: ->(allowed) {
            if allowed == 0.p
              Map.remove( Current.sender, account_from.allowances )
              Map.add( Current.sender, allowed, account_from.allowances )
  account_from = account_from.update( allowances: new_allowances_from )
  storage = storage.update( accounts: Map.add( from, account_from, storage.accounts )
  perform_transfer( from, dest, tokens, storage )

entry [Address, Nat],
def create_account( dest, tokens, storage )
  if Current.sender != storage.owner
    failwith( "Only owner can create accounts" )
  perform_transfer( storage.owner, dest, tokens, storage )

"Modern" Style with Language Syntax Pragmas

type Account   = {
  balance      : Nat,
  allowances   : Map‹Address→Nat› }

type Storage   = {
  accounts     : BigMap‹Address→Account›,
  version      : Nat,
  total_supply : Nat,
  decimals     : Nat,
  name         : String,
  symbol       : String,
  owner        : Address }

init [Address, Nat, Nat, String, String],
def storage( owner, total_supply, decimals, name, symbol )
  owner_account = total_supply, {} )
  accounts      = Map.add( owner, owner_account, {} ) accounts, 1p, total_supply, decimals, name, symbol, owner )

sig [Address, BigMap‹Address→Account›] => [Account],
def get_account(a, accounts)
  match Map.find(a, accounts), {
    | None          => { 0p, {} ) },  ## fix: allow (struct) init with keys too
    | Some(account) => { account }}

sig [Address, Address, Nat],
def perform_transfer(from, dest, tokens, storage)
  accounts = storage.accounts
  account_sender = get_account( from, accounts )
  new_account_sender =
    match is_nat(account_sender.balance - tokens), {
     | None     => { failwith( "Not enough tokens for transfer", account_sender.balance ) },
     | Some(b)  => { account_sender {...balance: b } }

  accounts = Map.add(from, new_account_sender, accounts)
  account_dest = get_account( dest, accounts )
  new_account_dest = account_dest {...balance: account_dest.balance + tokens }
  accounts = Map.add(dest, new_account_dest, accounts)

  [[], storage {...accounts: accounts }]   

entry [Address, Nat],
def transfer( dest, tokens, storage )
  perform_transfer( Current.sender, dest, tokens, storage )

entry [Address, Nat],
def approve( spender, tokens, storage )
  account_sender = get_account( Current.sender, storage.accounts)

  account_sender = {...allowances: 
      if tokens == 0p
        Map.remove( spender, account_sender.allowances )
        Map.add( spender, tokens, account_sender.allowances )
      end }

  storage = {...accounts: Map.add( Current.sender, account_sender, storage.accounts) }
  [[], storage]

entry [Address, Address, Nat],
def transfer_from( from, dest, tokens, storage)
  account_from = get_account( from, storage.accounts )
  new_allowances_from =
    match Map.find( Current.sender, account_from.allowances ), {
      | None          => { failwith( "Not allowed to spend from", from ) },
      | Some(allowed) => {
        match is_nat(allowed - tokens), {
          | None          => { failwith( "Not enough allowance for transfer", allowed ) },
          | Some(allowed) => {
            if allowed == 0p
              Map.remove( Current.sender, account_from.allowances )
              Map.add( Current.sender, allowed, account_from.allowances )
  account_from = {... allowances: new_allowances_from }
  storage = {... accounts: Map.add( from, account_from, storage.accounts ) }
  perform_transfer( from, dest, tokens, storage )

entry [Address, Nat],
def create_account( dest, tokens, storage )
  if Current.sender != storage.owner
    failwith( "Only owner can create accounts" )
  perform_transfer( storage.owner, dest, tokens, storage )

(Source: contracts/token.rb)

Liquidity (w/ ReasonML)

gets cross-compiled to:

type account = {
  balance: nat,
  allowances: map(address, nat),

type storage = {
  accounts: big_map(address, account),
  version: nat /* version of token standard */,
  totalSupply: nat,
  decimals: nat,
  name: string,
  symbol: string,
  owner: address,

let%init storage = (owner, totalSupply, decimals, name, symbol) => {
  let owner_account = {balance: totalSupply, allowances: Map};
  let accounts = Map.add(owner, owner_account, BigMap);
  {accounts, version: 1p, totalSupply, decimals, name, symbol, owner};

let get_account = ((a, accounts: big_map(address, account))) =>
  switch (Map.find(a, accounts)) {
  | None => {balance: 0p, allowances: Map}
  | Some(account) => account

let perform_transfer = ((from, dest, tokens, storage)) => {
  let accounts = storage.accounts;
  let account_sender = get_account((from, accounts));
  let new_account_sender =
    switch (is_nat(account_sender.balance - tokens)) {
    | None =>
      failwith(("Not enough tokens for transfer", account_sender.balance))
    | Some(b) => account_sender.balance = b
  let accounts = Map.add(from, new_account_sender, accounts);
  let account_dest = get_account((dest, accounts));
  let new_account_dest = account_dest.balance = account_dest.balance + tokens;
  let accounts = Map.add(dest, new_account_dest, accounts);
  ([], storage.accounts = accounts);

let%entry transfer = ((dest, tokens), storage) =>
  perform_transfer((Current.sender(), dest, tokens, storage));

let%entry approve = ((spender, tokens), storage) => {
  let account_sender = get_account((Current.sender(), storage.accounts));
  let account_sender =
    account_sender.allowances = (
      if (tokens == 0p) {
        Map.remove(spender, account_sender.allowances);
      } else {
        Map.add(spender, tokens, account_sender.allowances);
  let storage =
    storage.accounts =
      Map.add(Current.sender(), account_sender, storage.accounts);
  ([], storage);

let%entry transferFrom = ((from, dest, tokens), storage) => {
  let account_from = get_account((from, storage.accounts));
  let new_allowances_from =
    switch (Map.find(Current.sender(), account_from.allowances)) {
    | None => failwith(("Not allowed to spend from", from))
    | Some(allowed) =>
      switch (is_nat(allowed - tokens)) {
      | None => failwith(("Not enough allowance for transfer", allowed))
      | Some(allowed) =>
        if (allowed == 0p) {
          Map.remove(Current.sender(), account_from.allowances);
        } else {
          Map.add(Current.sender(), allowed, account_from.allowances);
  let account_from = account_from.allowances = new_allowances_from;
  let storage =
    storage.accounts = Map.add(from, account_from, storage.accounts);
  perform_transfer((from, dest, tokens, storage));

let%entry createAccount = ((dest, tokens), storage) => {
  if (Current.sender() != storage.owner) {
    failwith("Only owner can create accounts");
  perform_transfer((storage.owner, dest, tokens, storage));

(Source: contracts/token.reliq)

Bonus: (Secure) Ruby to SmartPy to SmartML / Michelson (Source-to-Source) Cross-Compiler Cheat Sheet

The SmartPy¹ library lets you program contracts in Python (see Introducing SmartPy) compiling to SmartML and onto Michelson bytecode.

¹: Upcoming / Planned for Summer 2019

Let's Play Nim - The Ancient Math Subtraction Game

RubyPython (w/ SmartPy)


Nim is a mathematical game of strategy in which two players take turns removing objects from distinct heaps. On each turn, a player must remove at least one object, and may remove any number of objects provided they all come from the same heap. The goal of the game is to avoid taking the last object.

(Source: Nim @ Wikipedia)

# Nim Game Contract

sig [Integer, Option(Integer), Bool],
def setup( size, bound=nil, winner_is_last=false)
  @bound          = bound
  @winner_is_last = winner_is_last

  @deck           = Array( 1...size+1 )  ## e.g. [1,2,3,4,...]
  @size           = size
  @next_player    = 1
  @claimed        = false
  @winner         = 0

# cell - representing a cell from an array
# k    - a quantity to remove from this cell
sig [Integer, Integer],  
def remove( cell, k )
  assert 0 <= cell
  assert cell < @size
  assert 1 <= k
  assert k <= @bound   if @bound
  assert k <= @deck[cell]

  @deck[cell] -=  k
  @nextPlayer = 3 - @nextPlayer   ## toggles between 1|2

def claim
  assert @deck.sum == 0

  @claimed = true
  if @winner_is_last
    @winner = 3 - @nextPlayer
    @winner = @nextPlayer

Or using an alternative "meta" parameterized contract template / factory:

# Nim Game Contract Template
# Parameter Options:
# - bound          (default: nil)
# - winner_is_last (default: false)

sig [Integer],
def setup( size )
  @deck           = Array( 1...size+1 )  ## e.g. [1,2,3,4,...]
  @size           = size
  @next_player    = 1
  @claimed        = false
  @winner         = 0

# cell - representing a cell from an array
# k    - a quantity to remove from this cell
sig [Integer, Integer],  
def remove( cell, k )
  assert 0 <= cell
  assert cell < @size
  assert 1 <= k
  if $DEFINED[:bound]
    assert k <= $PARA[:bound]
  assert k <= @deck[cell]

  @deck[cell] -=  k
  @nextPlayer = 3 - @nextPlayer   ## toggles between 1|2

def claim
  assert @deck.sum == 0

  @claimed = true
  if $TRUE[:winner_is_last]
    @winner = 3 - @nextPlayer
    @winner = @nextPlayer

Python (w/ SmartPy)

gets cross-compiled to:

import smartpy as sp

class NimGame(sp.Contract):
    def __init__(self, size, bound = None, winnerIsLast = False):
        self.bound        = bound
        self.winnerIsLast = winnerIsLast
        self.init(deck       = sp.range(1, size + 1),
                  size       = size,
                  nextPlayer = 1,
                  claimed    = False,
                  winner     = 0)

    def remove(self, data, params):
        cell = params.cell
        k = params.k
        sp.check(0 <= cell)
        sp.check(cell < data.size)
        sp.check(1 <= k)
        if self.bound is not None:
            sp.check(k <= self.bound)
        sp.check(k <= data.deck[cell])
        sp.set(data.deck[cell], data.deck[cell] - k)
        sp.set(data.nextPlayer, 3 - data.nextPlayer)

    def claim(self, data, params):
        sp.check(sp.sum(data.deck) == 0)
        sp.set(data.claimed, True)
        if self.winnerIsLast:
            sp.set(data.winner, 3 - data.nextPlayer)
            sp.set(data.winner, data.nextPlayer)


The (secure) ruby cross-compiler scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Request for Comments (RFC)

Send your questions and comments to the ruby-talk mailing list. Thanks!