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Standard SAAS repository layout

strugee edited this page Sep 20, 2014 · 3 revisions

SAAS application repositories (team-specific repositories that contain actual programs, not shared libraries) all follow a standard layout. This layout is documented here.

Repository file tree

|- (+) Libraries
|- Autonomous
|- Documentation
|- Teliop
|- Testing
|- Utilities
|- .editorconfig
|- .gitmodules

Detailed explanation

Libraries contains the standard SAAS robotics libraries. The (+) indicates that it is a Git submodule. Autonomous contains all the programs that might be used during the autonomous period of the game. Teliop contains all the programs that might be used during the teli-operated portion of the game. Documentation contains any repository-specific documentation that has been deemed to be useful. Utilities contains miscellaneous tools that might be useful - for example, a program to raise an arm that cannot be raised manually without damaging gears. .gitmodules is a file that Git uses to track information about submodules (namely, the libraries submodule). .editorconfig is an EditorConfig-compliant file (here is an example of what it should contain). COPYING contains the full text of the GNU GPL, version 2. is optional and contains general-purpose information on the repository. Teams are strongly encouraged to create this file and populate it, even with some prewritten boilerplate (here is the example boilerplate for 6157).