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Y-Net: Joint Segmentation and Classification for Diagnosis of Breast Biopsy Images

This repository contains the source code of segmentation branch of Y-Net.

Structure of this repository

This repository is organized as:

  • data This directory should contain the training and validation data.
  • pretrained_models_st1 This directory contains the pre-trained models. We only provide the models for Y-Net with ESP as encoding blocks and PSP as decoding blocks.
  • Python files - These files contain the source code that we used to train the data

Getting Started

Training Y-Net segmentation branch

You can start training the model using below command:


Please see the command line arguments for more details.

Note 1: Currently, we support only single GPU training. If you want to train the model on multiple-GPUs, you can use nn.DataParallel api provided by PyTorch.

Note 2: To train on a specific GPU (single), you can specify the GPU_ID using the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES as:


This will run the training program on GPU with ID 2.