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100 Days Of Code - Log

Day 1 - 4: 11 - 15 Jan 2022

10 day Sprint Goals:

  • Finish Basic Javascript module with freeCodeCamp's JS Algorithms and Data Structures Cert
  • Finish non-project modules of Responsive Web Design Cert
  • Start projet modules of RWD cert
  • Complete js module in my bootcamp
  • Update favicon for portfolio site
  • Write weekly recap on
  • Make an open source contribution

Yesterday recap:

  • I did a whole bunch of set up for #100daysofcode. Including:

    • posts
    • checking out the site
  • I also worked on the freeCodeCamp Javascript Cert and RWD cert Minor changes to my portfolio site

Today's plans:

I'm continuing with freeCodeCamp's JS cert. I figured out how to make a golf nickname calculator with par and stroke inputs!


Trying not to overwhelm myself. I need to pace myself!!


Day 5: 16 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • A whole bunch of set up for #100daysofcode. Including:
    • post
    • forking thAlgorithms and Data Structuresis repo
  • I also worked on the freeCodeCamp JS Algo and D.S Cert
  • Commented on Rammina's #100daysofcode post.

Today's plans:

  • Work on the JS Cert with fCC
  • Start RWD project for fCC
  • Check out the #100daysofcode tag on
  • Play around with my open source issue


JS is kicking my behind. The switch operator lesson in the cert made no sense. I had to check the hint and see others struggling and saying the same thing. So I felt a lil better. But I am shaken. 2 days in a row. I'm going to make a post about it.


Day 6: 17 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Started on fCC RWD project
  • Tinkered with open source project in browser
  • Commented on fellow #100daysofcode post.
  • Questioned whether or not I wanted to dive into JS like this.

Today's plans:

  • Work on the JS Cert with fCC
    • be ready for week 2 of bootcamp
  • Complete one RWD project for fCC
  • Check out the #100daysofcode tag on -Play around with my open source issue


Time management is now a concern. I worked on the fCC JS course all day. I'm not feeling too well so I wasn't on top of my time management game.


This is a roller coaster. I'm struggling with objects again lol I'm gonna give less time to the fCC course tomorrow and dive into my open source issue.exercism


  • Exercism - Checked out this site for more js practice!

Day 7: 18 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Struggled with fCC JS task
    • made it to week 2 tho!

Today's plans:

  • Comment on my open source issue
  • Work on the JS Cert with fCC (but not all day!)
  • Make progress on one RWD project for fCC
  • Check out the #100daysofcode tag on

Struggles: My open source issue is down on gitlab and I'm not sure if I should say something? I think I'll check again tomorrow and if it's still not working I'll reach out. I'll work on a RWD project for now.

Thoughts: I took it easy today. After yesterday I could use a break from going so hard in the code. I at least figured out what the issue was in the lesson I struggled with all day, and had help from the community. That felt good.

Links: I turned GitHub into my own Billboard by Thomas Harris on - I read this post this morning and was blown away by the ability people have! This was so inspiring!

Day 8: 19 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Completed fCC task that gave me trouble
  • Tried to tinker on open source issue, but it was experiencing a bug

Today's plans:

  • Comment on my open source issue
  • Change og info portfolio site to show different fav icon/sm photo
  • Figure out how to get commits into my contribution graph
  • Draft up a couple of articles
    • my favorite keyboard shortcuts
    • my hacktoberfest experience

Struggles: Understanding when to say "Hey something's wrong" on my open source issue. I didn't want to add fuel to the fire, but I also don't want to withhold info.

Thoughts: I'm realizing that my experience contributing to open source projects was really valuable. I'm gonna talk that up.

Links: My portfolio site - Updated the og:image property on my site so the social link isn't a huge 👩🏾‍💻 emoji lol

Day 9: 20 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Commented on my open source issue
  • Updated my portfolio

Today's plans:

  • Test on my open source issue
  • Figure out how to get commits into my contribution graph
  • Work on JS cert


Now I'm stuggling to manage timing a "hey I need some help," response haha. I'm trying to make a footer stick to the bottom of a page. My solution works when the height is signifigantly taller than the width. However, when the width is wider than the height (ex. mobile screens in landscape mode) the footer blocks content on the screen. I think, I'm almost positive there's a way to write a media query that'll style accordingly, but that's over my head at the moment. It's all part of the learning experience tho.


I've made it to loops in my JS cert and I'm playing around with push / unshift. I can make an array list even and odd numbers backwards using a simple loop, with either method, and it makes me happy.

Day 10: 21 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Test on my open source issue
  • Figure out how to get commits into my contribution graph
  • Work on JS cert

Today's plans:

  • Talk to someone in my network about their role and job applying experience.

Struggles: I'm feeling a little bad that I'm not going to be able to do as much on the weekends but I'm also ok about that too. I need to manage how much time I do this and have a life.

Thoughts: I was really happy to have had talked with a dev in my network. I'm really inspired to start the job hunt and I feel less presure to "know everything".

Day 11: 22 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Reached out to dev in my network
  • Work on JS cert

Today's plans:

Make one change and relax

Struggles: Not really struggling right now. I'm happy to have made my lil change and keep today about life outside of the computer

Thoughts: Enjoy the weekend! Hope the fork detaches soon!


My portfolio site - Updated the meta: description property on my site so the content matches the message about me I want to communicate.

Day 12: 23 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

Updated description on portfolio

Today's plans:

Make one change and relax




Day 13: 24 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

Edited fCC project

Today's plans: Make one change and relax


Again it felt super weird to add special charaters to hrefs.


Gonna get back into JS now that I've made some progress in my fCC project.


Day 14: 25 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

Edited fCC project

Today's plans:

  • Work on JS Cert
  • Update resume


I'm struggling to understand how to use the length of an array in a recursive function. The profile lookup task has me stumped.


My pomodoro clock of choice now doesn't work. I'm struggling to find an app that'll work in the background and allow me to change up the focus/break state. I wanna do it with JS but also make my own app if I have to.

Day 15: 26 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

Work on JS Cert Update resume

Today's plans:

Update my github readme


Not much today. I think I need a lil bit of a challenge to make up for the slack of the past week-ish.


I like doing the fCC JS activities, but I don't like that there's no interface or a way to save my code. I think I'm gonna try and build something around one of the tasks. Especially on that uses JSON data. I'm gonna take a look at frontend mentor to see if I can get some design ideas/inspo.


Day 16: 27 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

Updated github profile readme

Today's plans:

Work on RWD Cert projects


I don't want to lose steam on my RWD project, but I also don't want to get too into the weeds with styling. Especially when it's not required.


I finished a RWD project!!! WHOO!! 1 down, 4 more to go. It's not my best design work (no design) and I need to clean up the code, but it's passing. I can breathe.


Day 17: 28 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

Work on RWD Cert projects

Today's plans:

  • One change and relax
  • JS Cert (maybe?)



I'm going ahead and starting the tribute page. I can always go back and add the styling to these projects.


Day 18: 29 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

Work on RWD Cert projects

Today's plans:

Work on RWD Cert projects


Keeping motivation, but I'm showing up at least.


Day 19: 30 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Work on RWD Cert projects

Today's plans:

  • JS cert
  • Code Assessment for job application
  • Prep job materials


Not being able to figure out the code assesment was a lil bit of a blow to my confidence.


I'm still glad for the expereince. It was the best code assessment I've encountered. I can actually understand how data structures fit in the real world. I'm a lil more interested in learning how to extract info from JSON. The JS cert was a step in the right direction for that.

Day 20: 31 Jan 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Code Assessment for job application
  • Prep job materials

Today's plans:

RWD project - tribute page


Darn it. I missed pushing to github yesterday. And I did a ton of coding yesterday in fCC!!


Next time I notice I didn't commit for the day, I'm just gonna stop and do something. Lesson learned.


Day 21: 1 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

RWD project - tribute page

Today's plans:

RWD project - tribute page JS cert



Just plugging along with JS and the tribute page. I don't like building without a design so this is a challenge for me. I"m going to mimic the fCC design and just leave it at that. I'm missing the frontend mentor projects now. On the brightside. Ithink with what I've learned in th JS course I can build out some of the logic to some basic game or calculator.


Day 22: 2 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

RWD project - tribute page

Today's plans:

RWD project - product landing page

Struggles: I'm pausing on the tribute page because I'm struggling on ideas of who to pay tribute to!! Also, I'd need to figure out a way to get the src right.


I'm not going for an hour of coding. I'm just coding a lil bit and keeping it pushing. I really need to start building out a JS project to solidify what I'm learning.


Day 23: 3 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

RWD project - tribute page

Today's plans:

Apply to jobs JS cert RWD prject Draft #100daysofcode update

Struggles: I started applying for jobs heavy on the 1st and I can feel my time management skills being tested. I'm setting my expectations for coding to be something like any lil bit I can do or learn, and I'll be happy.


I need to do an update and rehash out what I'd like to get out of #100daysofcode. I think I want to define some projects to build out but we'll see haha

Day 24: 4 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert
  • Applying to jobs

Today's plans:

  • JS cert
  • Draft #100daysofcode update


I'm on to regex now and I think I'm getting the hang of it, but the random charater flags is going to be tricky. I wonder if there's like a flashcard / game to help getting use to the syntax in a fun way.

Day 25: 5 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert

Today's plans:

  • JS cert
  • Draft and publish #100daysofcode update


I'm behind on my bootcamp. And I'm also worried at all the JS knowledge is disappering right before my eyes.


I'm a lil behind on my JS bootcamp. Just about a week and I haven't attempted any of the projects, but I'm thinking I'll work on it tomorrow. Today I haven't been in the best mood, I think writing a retrospective of my 25 days will be a nice break.


  • Proper Way to Make HTML Nested List - Strange but I didn't realize or maybe I forgot that in order to nest list, the ul/ol must be inside the li tag? Reminder that it's always good to review the basics!

Day 26: 6 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert
  • Draft and publish #100daysofcode update

Today's plans:

  • JS cert



Not feeling the best today. I finished the regrex section of the JS cert and was thinking to start a project. But, I'm going to relax a bit and see how that goes for me.


Day 27: 7 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert

Today's plans:

  • RWD project


Day 28: 8 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • RWD project

Today's plans:

  • Applying to jobs
  • JS cert


I've just been applying to jobs nonstop. I haven't coding as much as I wanted. Or really done anything other than job stuff.


I thought of the idea of creating an email finder. I think a simple project would be to create a form that takes the first and last and company domain name. Then using regex create 3-5 possible emails from the input. Something like:

  • {first}.{last}@company
  • {f}{last}@company
  • {first}{last}@company

Then the next step would be to figure out how to get the emails verified and return the one that's the highest most likely match.


Day 29: 9 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Applying to jobs
  • JS cert

Today's plans:

  • Applying to jobs
  • JS cert


Balancing health, rest, and completing this daily task


I feel awful today. I haven't slept much at all today and had to cancel everything and keep a watch on me. It's evening and I'm feeling better than I was 12 hours ago, so I may just do one JS cert task and call it a day.


Day 30: 10 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Applying to jobs
  • JS cert

Today's plans:

  • Email Generator
  • JS cert


Balancing health, rest, and completing this daily task


I'm feeling much better today thankfully. Still not sure if I'm out of the weeds just yet, but I'm hopeful.

I started my email generator project today. Thinking more about it I'm kinda like, "how am I going to do this?"

I'm writing each function out separtely, but I'm not sure how I'm going to get them to chain together.


  • Email Generator - I hate not having some design for it, but I'm gonna worry about making it work before anything else.

Day 31: 11 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Email Generator
  • JS cert

Today's plans:

  • Email Generator


Balancing health, rest, and completing this daily task


I'm trying to write out a function that'll log each of the inputs. I think I know how I want to do that using var.value then either creating an array or just apply regex? I'm not sure, but I'll figure it out.


Day 32: 12 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Email Generator

Today's plans:

  • Email Generator


Balancing health, rest, and completing this daily task


Well I'm amazed that I got the function to log the input and push to an array. I'm now wanting to create key value pairs, somehow. Naming the index, so instead of:

0: firstNameValue

it would look something like:

firstNameInput: firstNameValue

I'm also wanting a more elegant solution for going through the inputs, like maybe using a do while or for each loop? Idk. But I think there's something I could other than list each input out.


  • Email Generator
  • Python Tutor - I couldn't use it how I wanted today, but this site is super helpful for visualizing how data flows in your code.

Day 33: 13 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Email Generator

Today's plans:

  • Email Generator


Balancing health, rest, and completing this daily task


Ok So! I've gotten a function to show first@domain but! It only works with the log. Whenever I comment out the log it doesn't show on the page :(

I think it has something to do with the preventDefault that I have on the submit click event, not allowing for the output message to show.


Day 34: 14 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Email Generator

Today's plans:

  • JS Cert


Balancing health, rest, and completing this daily task


Doing on change and relaxing. Enjoying Valentine's Day.


Day 35: 15 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert

Today's plans:

  • JS Cert


Trying to have a life and code and apply for jobs.


I've fallen off with my JS cert tasks. I'm glad to be working on it again, becuse it's giving me some ideas for the email generator.

Day 36: 16 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert

Today's plans:

  • Email Generator


Trying to have a life and code and apply for jobs.

I'm getting a lil stuck on how to get the mulitple outputs to show up using .innerText? Maybe I'll create a p tags for each output? That sounds like something I could be able to do with JS.


Figured out another function!! Using temperate literals is the way to go haha


Day 37: 17 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Email Generator

Today's plans:

  • Open Source Contribution (yay!)


I can't figure out how to make what was suggested to work. I'm trying to make a footer stick to the bottom and these are the changes I want to make:

body {
    height: 100%;
 /*container div*/
  height: 100%;
  min-height: 100%;
  position: relative;
    min-height: 300px;
    /*(min-height because it's dynamic not hard height defined) */
    position: absolute;
    /* toggling the posistion sometimes makes things better sometimes it does make a difference */
    bottom: 0;

It looks great until devices are in landscape mode with more content :(


I'm glad to have gotten back in touch with the maintainers of my project. That's been on my head for a while.

Day 38: 18 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Open Source Contribution

Today's plans:

  • JS Cert


Just trying to balance life and code.


Reminding myself that I don't have to do the most. Just what I can.

Day 39: 19 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert

Today's plans:

  • JS Cert


Just trying to balance life and code.


The light is flickering. It's hard to stay motivated. I think I'll read some posts of others doing the 100days challenge. Help me recontextualize my experience.

Day 40: 20 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert

Today's plans:

  • JS Cert


Just trying to balance life and code.


Same as yesterday basically. I"m stuck on a task with splice() and don't really feel like fooling with it right now.

Day 41: 21 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert

Today's plans:

  • JS Cert


Just trying to balance life and code.


I needed this semi-break. I'll be back fresh tomorrow working on my open source contribution and my email generator!

Day 42: 22 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert

Today's plans:

  • Tackle Take Home Project
  • Open Source Project (was down again)


Trying to come to terms that I'm struggling with this full-stack take home challenge. I couldn't understand what to google to even get me on the a track.


I'm trying not to be discouraged and take it as a learning experience, but it's hard to disapoint others.

Day 43: 23 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Tackle Take Home Project
  • Open Source Project (was down again)

Today's plans:

  • Tackle Take Home Project


Avoiding this take home project because it's overwheleming to me. I don't think I can do it and I'm struggling with even beginning when I know I'm going to fail.


I need to try or either go to sleep.

Day 43: 23 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Tackle Take Home Project

Today's plans:

  • Tackle Take Home Project


Stil avoidant but I got some very encouraging words from my Virtual Coffee community.


I need to try.

Day 45: 25 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Tackle Take Home Project

Today's plans:

  • Coderbyte assessment


Still struggling with the fear of not being "good enough"


I had an assessment that wanted a function that had a rating system between 0 - 5 with .5 increments. For every 1 log full and for the half log "half" and if there were less than 5 items then log "empty." I only had an hour to figure it out. They didn't want an array which confused me, but I almost got it and was tinkering when time ran out. I was surprised that I would get as far as I did. But I didn't like not being able to leave and save my work to check out the other question. I never got to see it :(

Day 46: 26 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Coderbyte assessment

Today's plans:

  • Github profile README


Balancing coding time and having a life


I'm just doing what I can. Helping my partner move and I'm not stressing about doing the most today.


Day 47: 27 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Github profile README

Today's plans:

  • JS email generator


Balancing coding time and having a life


Like yesterday, just doing what I can. I can't wait to get the email generator going.


Day 48: 28 Feb 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS email generator

Today's plans:

  • Coding assessment


Balancing coding time and having a life


I'm mad I missed posting to my log because I had a code assessment with toggl. I was using my js file for my email generator to check my answers and the code haha


Day 49: 1 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Coding assessment

Today's plans:

  • JS Cert


Balancing coding time and having a life


I can't believe I'm already almost halfway with the #100day challenge! I'll put a post out soon on my as a reflection/look ahead.

Day 50: 2 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert

Today's plans:

  • Email generator


Balancing coding time and having a life


Amazed that it's been 50 days. I need complete a project or two soon to feel accomplished. My email generator is coming along. I need to figure out why the functions themselves are logging and not the function with given parameters.


Day 51: 3 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Email generator

Today's plans:

  • JS


Balancing coding time and having a life


Still need to reflect. It's hard for me to do so with a daily challenge. I need to incorporate a scheduled day for thinking and not just doing.

Day 52: 4 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert

Today's plans:

  • JS Cert


Balancing coding time and having a life

Thoughts: No thoughts — just doing!

Day 52: 4 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert

Today's plans:

  • Email Generator


I can't figure out how to get slice to extract all but the first character of a string.

Thoughts: I need to clean up the logic soon but so far it's ok. I kind of have a plan for how I want to combine all of the pieces in a huge function that'll take 3 parameters and then run through all of the combos.


Day 53: 5 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Email Generator

Today's plans:

  • Email Generator


The logic is killing me.

Thoughts: I need to clean up the logic soon but so far it's ok. I kind of have a plan for how I want to combine all of the pieces in a huge function that'll take 3 parameters and then run through all of the combos.


Day 54: 6 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • JS Cert

Today's plans:

  • Open Source Contribution


I can't figure out how to create a PR for this and Gitpod is a headache. I pushed some commits and now need to delete them somehow because my acutal email is being exposed.

// in web/pages/_documents.tsx
          <Main />
          <NextScript />
          <style jsx global>{`
            /* Adds global styles to html, body and main id*/
            body {
              height: 100%;
            #__next {
              height: 100%;
              min-height: 100%;
              position: relative;

// in /web/componenets/Footer/Footer.tsx
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  root: {
    display: "flex",
    flexDirection: "column",
    width: "100%",
    minHeight: "300px",
    // (min-height because it's dynamic not hard height defined)
    position: "absolute",
    // toggling the posistion sometimes makes things better, sometimes it does not make a difference
    bottom: "0",

Thoughts: I need to pair program more often. I got this far with someone in my Virtual Coffee Community and I've learned so much about .tsx and .jsx in those couple of hours.


Day 54: 6 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Open Sourece Contribution

Today's plans:

  • Take home tests


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills

Thoughts: I just got 3 take home tests today. It's def a good problem to have, not only so I get to exercise my skills, I also get to be in the place and work through the mental blocks I have with these things. I'm not losing whatever happens. That's what I'm trying to tell myself.

Day 55: 7 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home tests

Today's plans:

  • Take home tests


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills

Thoughts: I roughly completed the take home for the company I'm most excited for. I'm gonna polish it up a bit tomorrow and send it out. It's due Thursday. I'm planning to give half a day to another and the weekend to the final test.


Day 56: 8 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home tests

Today's plans:

  • Take home tests


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills

Thoughts: I didn't really do much today, just thought about my take homes.


Day 57: 9 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home tests

Today's plans:

  • Take home tests


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills

Thoughts: I finished the take home and feel pretty good about it. I recreated the screenshot almost to the t. I even reached out an asked some questions.


Day 58: 10 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home tests

Today's plans:

  • Take home tests


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills

Thoughts: I had to reassess the take home. I was supposed to use js to dynamically build the site. I didn't think I could do it but I didn't run into too many difficulities. I learned a good bit too like I knew off createElement but never got to build something with it, using my own hands. I didn't get to all of the design elements, but just being able to go outside of my comfort zone and surprise myself, was a very valuable experience.


Day 59: 11 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home tests

Today's plans:

  • Take home tests


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


Had the round two interview going over the take home assignment. I think it went well? I was excited to be asked questions about the js aspect and while I can't say I felt confident, I at least could pick up on the questions after my memory had been jogged a bit. I need to speak more about js and get into that habit.


Day 60: 12 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home tests

Today's plans:

  • Take home tests


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I peeked at the Jekyll take home and yikes lol I'm in over my head. I wish I had the bandwidth to start earlier.

On the flip side, thanks to my other take home, I was able to incorporate some createElement() in my javascript for the email generator.


Day 61: 13 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home tests

Today's plans:

  • Take home tests


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I got the meat of the project done and I think I feel ok about what I accomplished. I think if I had more time I would have matched the design a bit closer.


Day 62: 14 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home tests

Today's plans:

  • Write up a README for job interview


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I was so excited about this opporunity that I create a README with all of my questions for the info session.


Day 63: 15 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Write up README

Today's plans:

  • Take home tests


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I got another take home test that's more backend focused. It would have overwhelmed me but I think I have a direction to go into now at least.

Links: These came up during the course of my day interviewing and talking with fellow devs. A couple came up twice!

Day 64: 16 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Write up README

Today's plans:

  • Email Generator


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills



Day 65: 17 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Email generator

Today's plans:

  • React practice


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I couldn't decide whether or not to start a new react project for a presentation and started a new repo with create-react-app


Day 66: 18 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • React practice

Today's plans:

  • ??


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


Legit missed today I guess

Day 67: 19 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Write up README

Today's plans:

  • Email Generator


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I'm just doing a little by little.


Day 68: 20 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Email Generator

Today's plans:

  • Email Generator


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


Reiterating on functions one by one.


Day 69: 21 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Email Generator

Today's plans:

  • Email Generator


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


Updating my email generator for a presentation.


Day 70: 22 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Email Generator

Today's plans:

  • Take home test


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


Did a coding take home that had unclear instructions. I could parse what it was asking but only have 30 mins to execute. I'm not hopeful for the role, but it was interesting practice. I think I'm getting a lil over coding and these take homes tbh.

Day 70: 22 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home test

Today's plans:

  • Updating log


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I haven't updated this in a week. It's hard to keep up now for whatever reason. I'm already over 70 days and I feel like I have very little to show for. Idk. Feeling a bit demoralized by everything.

Day 71: 23 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home test

Today's plans:

  • Updating log


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


Day 72: 24 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Updated log

Today's plans:

  • Take home


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I went to my communities Thursday get together and idk I felt remotivated to make some changes to my porfolio and code a bit. I was inspired by my after VC chat to complete more projects. Especially now that I'm in the final stretches of this challenge. I need something to show and to keep from stagnating.

I think I'm going add some js to my portfolio site and make it so that my card dynamically upate, instead of hard coding them in.

Might even do that for my skills list as well.

Day 73: 28 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Updated log

Today's plans:

  • Take home


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I didn't do anything on the weekend and I think I needed it. I needed the break from the pressure of doing something for the contribution graph.

Day 74: 29 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home

Today's plans:

  • Take home


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I got to work on this take home. I'm finally making headway on this assignment. It's tough because it's for a role that I've very interested in yet just didn't have the mental capacity for it.

Day 75: 30 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home

Today's plans:

  • Take home


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I figured out the logic for part one of my take home. I had the general idea for the take home but didn't really put it into code until today and yesterday.

Day 76: 31 Mar 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home

Today's plans:

  • Take home


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I mob programmed (kinda?) with a few people and it was so intimidating but I felt like I was in good hand and wasn't ever gonna get stuck with. I had to figure out how to get a .txt file read by js without using node. Without their help I would have never figured out what to do on my own. I want to learn more about promises and resolving async functions as they relate to the dom.

Day 77: 1 Apr 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home

Today's plans:

  • Take home


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I paired with someone in my community and I learned so much. I can't begin to explain the amount of growth and omg wow youu can do it moments I've had in an hour and a half!!

For example I learned the cmd + D and F2short cuts. Find patterens to not only write code but also to edit!

Day 78: 2 Apr 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Take home

Today's plans:

  • Take home


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I forgot to create a gh-page for the take home assignment I've been working on. So I did that and updated the Readme!

Day 79: 3 Apr 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Tak home assignment

Today's plans:

  • Update log


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


Just coming in to update the logs. I can't believe I'm almost on day 80!

Day 80: 4 Apr 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Update log

Today's plans:

  • Update log


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I worked on learning Cypress using their docs


Day 81: 5 Apr 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Update log

Today's plans:

  • Update log


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I missed publishing the log yestrday but today I'm watching another dev debug!

Day 82: 6 Apr 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Update log

Today's plans:

  • fCC JS bootcamp


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I worked on the fCC JS bootcamp by stating a project finally! I figured that I've been learning a ton recently and that I probably knew more than I gave myself credit for. It turns out, I can figure things out and solve them with a bit of help from google!


Day 83: 7 Apr 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • fCC JS bootcamp

Today's plans:

  • fCC JS bootcamp


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I completed a project finally!


Day 84: 11 Apr 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • fCC JS bootcamp

Today's plans:

  • fCC Web Dev bootcamp


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I worked on another stalled in progress project. It hard letting go of the design and just focusing on the coding. I feel a way because the design is lacking, but I really just want to code it up well then maybe come back and make it look like something later. I just want that cert!!


Day 85: 12 Apr 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • fCC Web Dev bootcamp

Today's plans:

  • fCC Web Dev bootcamp


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


Making a lil progress on this project. Maybe tomorrow I"ll sit down and finish it.


Day 86: 13 Apr 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • fCC Web Dev bootcamp

Today's plans:

  • Coding content


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


Today I worked on writing content about my experience job searching as an entry-level dev! No links yet but hopefully they coming.

Day 87: 14 Apr 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Coding content

Today's plans:

  • Coding content
  • Teaming up on a project


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills


I wrote a little more. I'm tackling an interesting problem that another dev friend came across and I want to see if I can solve it my way haha

I'm tackling the JS for creating something like a progress indicator where classes are added to the previous milestones and removed as needed.


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Day 88: 15 Apr 2022

Yesterday recap:

  • Coding content

Today's plans:

  • Teaming up on a project


Trying to keep my confidence and momentum with growing my skills

Thoughts: I'm still working on the problem, but I feel close?? Although I think embedding a do..while inside a forEach isn't the best practice lol


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