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94 lines (64 loc) · 2.35 KB

File metadata and controls

94 lines (64 loc) · 2.35 KB

Reporting an issue

For reporting a bug, please make sure your report includes the following points.

  • How to reproduce it
    • What text the textarea contained as pre-condition
    • What operations you did
    • What was the expected behavior
    • What was the actual behavior
  • Environment
    • Your terminal
    • Rust version
    • tui crate version

An example of bug report: rhysd#1

Submitting a pull request

Please ensure that all tests and linter checks passed on your branch before creating a PR which modifies some source files.

To run tests:

cargo test --features=search -- --skip src/

--skip is necessary since cargo test tries to run code blocks in README file.

To run linters:

cargo clippy --all-features --examples
cargo fmt -- --check

If you use cargo-watch, cargo watch-check alias is useful to run checks automatically on writing to a file.

Print debug

Since this crate uses stdout, println! is not available for debugging. Instead, stderr through eprintln! or dbg! are useful.

At first, add prints where you want to debug:

eprintln!("some value is {:?}", some_value);

Then redirect stderr to some file:

cargo run --example minimal 2>debug.txt

Then the debug prints are output to the debug.txt file. If timing is important or you want to see the output in real-time, printing the file content with tail command would be useful.

# In a terminal, reproduce the issue
cargo run --example minimal 2>debug.txt

# In another terminal, run `tail` command to monitor the content
tail -F debug.txt

Running a fuzzer

To run fuzzing tests, cargo-fuzz is necessary.

cargo +nightly fuzz run edit

Running benchmark suites

Benchmarks are available using

To separate criterion crate dependency, benchmark suites are separated as another crate in bench/.

To run benchmarks:

cd ./bench
cargo bench --benches

See README in bench/ for more details.