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File metadata and controls

99 lines (87 loc) · 3.49 KB


This is a wrapper around Retrofit to make your use of library in app-level so much easier. This will make your classes of retrofit implementation with just one annotation and omits the boilerplate for you. ;)


1- For the configuration of the retrofit create a class which implements the BaseConfig class and is annotated with @RetroConfig:

class RetroConfig : BaseConfig {  
     override val baseUrl: String  
         get() = ""  
     override val converters: List<Converter.Factory> = arrayListOf(LoganSquareConverterFactory.create())  
     override val callAdapters: List<CallAdapter.Factory> = arrayListOf(RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.create())  
     override val observeScheduler: Scheduler  
         get() = AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()  

2- For each of your requests make an empty interface and annotate it with @Request:

       url = "user/{username}/profile",  
       verb = Verb.GET,  
       returnType = User::class  
interface GetUserProfile

And just like this for post requests:

       url = "user/signin",  
       verb = Verb.POST,  
       returnType = User::class,
       bodyType = RequestBody::class
interface SignIn

As simple as that. You can call your APIs like this:

var caller = GetUserProfileCaller() //this is the name of the interface + Caller"saeednt")


var caller = SignInCaller() //this is the name of the interface + Caller
var body = RequestBody()

Extra configuration:

In the @Request annotation you can find these options:

Parameter Usage Default
url The url part which is added to call function annotation -
verb The http verb for retrofit call -
returnType The object which will be returned by the response converters after a successful call -
bodyType For adding a @Body parameter to your call NullType::class
rxEnabled If set to true your call function returns Observable<returnType>. Otherwise the function returns Call<returnType> true
pagedRequest If your call has pagination and you want the pagination to be handled for you you can set this to true false
ordered If you request has order parameters you can set this to true false
hasQueryMap If you want to pass extra query map parameter to the call you can set this to true false

Installation Latest Version

For gradle:

implementation 'com.nt.retrowrapper:wrapper:latest_version'
kapt 'com.nt.retrowrapper:compiler:latest_version'

And for maven:




Or you can download the library and compiler from bintray in .jar format: Bintray Repo

Note that you have to add the compiler dependency using kapt ...

And the library dependency using implementation ...