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Releases: tenet-ac-za/simplesamlphp-module-genuniqueid

Release v2.0.1

07 Nov 07:05
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Version for both 2.0 & 2.1

Release v2.0.0

10 Mar 11:42
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Update for SimpleSAMLphp 2.0.x

Release v1.0.2

18 Oct 07:35
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Changes since the last version are primarily cosmetic and include:

  • updating unit testing to match SSP
  • migrating CI from Travis to Github actions
  • migrating the repo to tenet-ac-za
  • adding a config section to composer.json & updating dependencies

However, this release bumps the SimpleSAMLphp version to 1.19 and the PHP version to 7.4. It is not intended to be backwards compatible with earlier versions of either SimpleSAMLphp or PHP.

This is likely the final version in the 1.x series, mirroring the imminent release of SimpleSAMLphp 2.x. That introduces some significant changes to the module layout, and so there's now a 1.x branch to maintain the old layout.

Release v1.0.1

17 Mar 11:59
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Initial release, revised to include privacy preserving code