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File metadata and controls

100 lines (70 loc) · 2.83 KB


This webpage has been built in Django (Python). It is an email authenticator i.e. it sends a one-time link to user's email for verification. Thereafter, it redirects the user to a login-logout dashboard. It also has the facility to view all users created till now.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Start off by forking this repository and cloning it to get your local copy. Make sure you run this in git bash.

    $ git clone
  • If you prefer a virtual-environment (venv) you should have pip and venv installed.

    $ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev
    $ sudo apt-get install python3-venv
  • Initiate a python 3 environment.

    $ python3 -m venv env 
  • Activate your virtual environment.

    $ source env/bin/activate

    After successful activation, the code within parentheses will appear before the prompt in the bash similar to this:

    (env) <directory>$ 

    You can watch this video on how to install venv :

  • Now navigate into the cloned repository and install all requisites given in requirements.txt .

    $ cd Email-Authentication
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

    Here is what your Pipfile will appear when you're ready to go ( you can view it by running $ pip freeze ).


Once the requirements are met, then come the most important steps :

  • Create a file to store environment variables. Since this file will contain sensitive information, it has been added to '.gitignore'
$ touch .env 
  • Generate a secret key for the project

    Secret Key can be generated from here.

    Generate the key and copy it to clipboard.

  • Add the secret key to the .env file

    $ echo 'SECRET_KEY="thesecretkeycopiedtoclipboard"' >> .env 
  • Initialise the database

    $ python makemigrations
    $ python migrate
  • You now need to add your email address and password from which the confirmation email will be sent. Please be careful with this step as this is the most important step. Make sure correct email-address and password is given.

    $ echo 'EMAIL_HOST_USER="youremailaddress"' >> .env
    $ echo 'EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD="yourpassword"' >> .env
  • All set ! Now run the server and get started !

  • Run the following command in your terminal.

    $ python runserver
  • Navigate to http://localhost:8000 in any web browser to see it in action.Have fun!