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Recenely, I wrote a manuscript, luckily, was accepted. The publisher wants the references to provided in BibItem instead of BibTeX. So, I found a simple solution given as follows:

Clone the repository "" into the desired folder

Save your references list into a BibTex file name 'refs.bib'. Note: Best way of doing is to copy the bixtex files from GoogleScholar.

Open terminal on MAC and run command in step 2 and step 3

  1. $ latex main
  2. $ bibtex main

Now a new file name 'main.blb' will be create that contains your output



@article{chowdhury2017online, title={Online covariate shift detection-based adaptive brain--computer interface to trigger hand exoskeleton feedback for neuro-rehabilitation}, author={Chowdhury, Anirban and Raza, Haider and Meena, Yogesh Kumar and Dutta, Ashish and Prasad, Girijesh}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems}, volume={10}, number={4}, pages={1070--1080}, year={2017}, publisher={IEEE} }

@article{rathee2019brain, title={Brain--Machine Interface-Driven Post-Stroke Upper-Limb Functional Recovery Correlates With Beta-Band Mediated Cortical Networks}, author={Rathee, Dheeraj and Chowdhury, Anirban and Meena, Yogesh Kumar and Dutta, Ashish and McDonough, Suzanne and Prasad, Girijesh}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering}, volume={27}, number={5}, pages={1020--1031}, year={2019}, publisher={IEEE} }

@article{birbaumer2007brain, title={Brain--computer interfaces: communication and restoration of movement in paralysis}, author={Birbaumer, Niels and Cohen, Leonardo G}, journal={The Journal of physiology}, volume={579}, number={3}, pages={621--636}, year={2007}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} }



\bibitem{birbaumer2007brain} Niels Birbaumer and Leonardo~G Cohen. \newblock Brain--computer interfaces: communication and restoration of movement in paralysis. \newblock {\em The Journal of physiology}, 579(3):621--636, 2007.

\bibitem{chowdhury2017online} Anirban Chowdhury, Haider Raza, Yogesh~Kumar Meena, Ashish Dutta, and Girijesh Prasad. \newblock Online covariate shift detection-based adaptive brain--computer interface to trigger hand exoskeleton feedback for neuro-rehabilitation. \newblock {\em IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems}, 10(4):1070--1080, 2017.

\bibitem{rathee2019brain} Dheeraj Rathee, Anirban Chowdhury, Yogesh~Kumar Meena, Ashish Dutta, Suzanne McDonough, and Girijesh Prasad. \newblock Brain--machine interface-driven post-stroke upper-limb functional recovery correlates with beta-band mediated cortical networks. \newblock {\em IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering}, 27(5):1020--1031, 2019.



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