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Given the netlist, this program draws an AC circuit and finds the current/voltage values.

How to run

  1. make execute
  2. ./ac_circuit_solver input.cir output1.svg output2.txt

Command 2 runs the program taking NETLIST as input from input.cir and generates output1.svg.html as output image and output2.txt with the voltages and currents after solving the circuit.

Code structure

The entire code is in the src/ directory and is structured in the following way:

  1. ac_circuit_solver.cpp

This is the main file for the entire project.

  1. draw.h and draw.cpp

They contain the main function to draw the circuit.

  1. parse.h

It contains the element and source structures and their vectors obtained after parsing the input netlist.

  1. parseCircuit.y

It is the yacc file used while parsing.

  1. scanCircuit.l

It is the lex file used while scanning.

  1. svg.cpp and svg.h

They contain the svg functions used for drawing individual elements and implement onClick events on text to get an alert box showing statistics of the element when clicked.

  1. Eigen/ directory

It is the C++ library used for generating and solving matrices.


A testing script has also been written to run many cases simultaneously. It can be modified as per the usage.

All the test cases used for testing the working are included in the Public_cases folder.

Restrictions on Input Netlist

There are some restrictions kept in the netlist format:

  1. The net can have only an non-negative value as name. eg. NET 0, Net 1.
  2. The elements can have only non-negative value as name. eg. R5, V0.
  3. The only units allowed to specify values are K(Kilo), N(Nano) and M(Milli). This is deliberately done for the purpose of easy error reporting in case units are mismatched.
  4. For resistor, only the value has to be supplied eg. 10K would mean 10 kilo ohms whereas for capacitor and inductor, F and H need to be written after unit. eg. 10NF.
  5. The frequency unit allowed for voltage and current sources is only KHz.


Given the netlist, this program draws an AC circuit and finds the current/voltage values.







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