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The My.Simple Story

The Employee Paradox

  • The incentive of the Company: The Employee will work more for the wage.
  • The incentive of the Employee: Work less for the wage.

Not True for Software Development!

The company incentive is for the engineer to deliver Quality Code

Because quality code is good for the business:

  • Lower MTTR on bugs
  • Lower maintenance cost
  • More deliveries in a shorter time
  • Happy Customers

The employee incentive is to deliver Quality Code

Because quality code is good for work/live balance:

  • Less time spent on bugs
  • Less time spent on maintenance
  • More deliveries in a shorter time
  • Happy Company

E.g. Writing quality code creates a pattern where over time you Work Less & Do More

So how to "Work Less & Do More"?

If you wait a moment and think about it... If you follow the following thumb rules:

  • Make it Simple
  • Make it Encapsulated
  • Make it Coherent
  • Make it Agnostic
  • Make it Optimized

Engineers way of thinking is mostly concentrated on the How?

alt text

This question is originally from a line of questioning dedicated to discover if one can simplify a challenge. Immediately,Engineers will start planning... "How big is the giraffe?" "How big is the refrigerator?" "How...? ..."

However, the most important, overlooked, question is the What?

"What is the ROI in placing a giraffe into a refrigerator?" "What business will improve by placing a giraffe into a refrigerator?"

Those line of questions are mostly overlooked by the software engineers/architects, which leads to "ventures" that cause companies, writing software, to waste Billions of $ without any true ROI.

But life isn't perfect, to say the least, on the How? either

Do not invent the wheel! As engineers, we all know that... However, as engineers, we tent to, intentionally or subconsciously, identify the wheel incorrectly.

The API as an example

API has the most common mistake in identifying the wheel... Most, if not all, engineers will identify the wheel as the protocol. Restful, GRPC, KAFKA, NATS,... However, with an analogy to Language, protocols are only the alphabet of the language. The wheel/language in this analogy is the way processes/microservices concurrently query, share & update each other with data, models & updates.

API definition of a process/microservice is like re-inventing a language over & over again, every time... The process of "You send me that, I will reply with this, I will update you with that" is a huge time & money pit when developing a microservice base application. Just imagine how much effort, time & money is spent in that area, and that is without maintenance, versioning & backward compatability...

Remember, this is just one example... They are many more, throughout the software stack.


Throughout the software stack of building a microservice based application, there are some building blocks & challenges that can be encapsulated into a single, agnostic & simple components that can be used to remove, the money pits, infra challenges and allow the team to concentrate on the business logic.

##So what is my.simple? A collection of coherent, while agnostic, components that can extremely expedite the building of a microservice based application. Years of fullstack experience, experimenting & coherence analysis were materialize in this repository.

Stateless/Stateful, Active/Active, Active/Passive, Security, High Availability, Horizontal Scaling, API, Kubernetes, Microservices. All those big words usually popup during planning of a distributed application... The problem starts during implementation!

Over-engineering, Over-complexity & trying to re-use & push past, bloated, code of a single process application into a container is an epic scale pandemic, causing companies and the industry to spend trillions of $, re-inventing a complex, money pit & unmaintainable " wheels" that should have been simple...

What is my.simple?

My simple is an abstracted, agnostic & coherent full stack framework with integrated Security. In a nutshell, it means that the challenge was not just to write the implementation for each component in a simple way, it was also all about making them agnostic. Turns out that Agnostic as a guideline outputs a simple & scalable solution to each challenge... And there are many!