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Sai Krishna edited this page Aug 11, 2017 · 3 revisions


  1. If you have installed Appium from npm make sure you have latest version. e.g. npm -g install appium@beta or Build Appium from source.
  2. Android SDK is installed and ANDROID_HOME is set as the environment variable.
  3. JDK 1.8 is installed and JAVA_HOME is set as the environment variable.
  4. Developer option is enabled on the attached device and must be authorized.

IOS (Real device):

  1. Mac machine with XCode and command line tools installed. XCode version >= 6.0, 7.1.1 recommended.

  2. libimobiledevice and ideviceinstaller must be installed.

    e.g. brew install libimobiledevice libplist libtasn1 usbmuxd openssl ideviceinstaller

  3. Developer option must be enabled in attached iOS device (Settings>Developer>Enable UI Automation)

  4. You must have a debug build of the application you wish to test.

  5. If you want to trigger tests on Multiple Simulators in parallel make sure you have Xcode9-beta and latest appium version 1.6.6.beta.

  6. Install ios-webkit-debug-proxy, if running web test on real devices. e.g. brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy