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M Systems Language: Summary of Features

M is a systems language first devised for 8-bit Z80 systems in early 1980s, since evolved and now targeting 64-bit Windows machines using x64 processor.

It is also now known as 'Mosaic'.

The following is not a formal reference but is a random collection of features, ideas and aims that may be useful to others. Or to help understand M source code.

This is an early draft, and there will be typos and omissions, mistakes and probably duplicates. It is also disorganised, but should be enough to get an idea of the lanuage. I can't promise everything mentioned works in the actual M compiler.

The M Compiler

This is written in M. It builds to a single executable file that I usually call mm.exe, currently some 0.6MB, which includes a small set of libraries. (That is, the sources for the libraries are part of the executable.)

This gives a tidy self-contained compiler.


There are none, when mm builds a .exe file, other than needing a Windows computer. M programs make use of the C standard library, via the MSVCRT.DLL library that comes with every Windows system.

However, there is no direct support for generating .dll files; these require that mm generates a .obj file instead, and an external linker (eg. gcc) used to create the .dll.

Whole Program Compiler

A 'program' in this sense is the collection of modules and files that form a single .exe or .dll file. M will always compile all modules from scratch. (Effectively, the 'compilation unit', or granularity, moves from one module, to one program.)

No Make or Project Files

M builds a project by submitting only the lead module. It will then locate all necessary modules (by following import links), to produce an executable named after the lead module.

Linking with external libraries

M by default generates executables that are dynamically linked to DLLs. To statically link to such libraries, requires:

  • Getting mm to generate .asm (-c switch) (Note direct mm -obj support is not working right now)
  • Using ax (companion assembler/linker) to produce .obj files
  • Linking via the C compiler gcc with .o or .a files

This requires the external library to exist in the form of gcc-compatible .o object files, or .a archive files. It further requires a .a library to contain the actual library functions, and not simply be an interface to a DLL file.

Compilation Speed

I've taken my eye off the ball recently, but it will still compile at hundreds of thousands of lines per second on my slowish PC with a conventional hard drive.


I don't have an optimiser right now, and the code is poor. However this doesn't affect these compiler projects too much. The M compiler can still build itself from scratch (some 40Kloc in 30+ modules) in about 0.2 seconds, even though mm.exe is built as unoptimised code.

C Target

At various times, I have supported a C target, so generating a monolithic C source file instead of .exe or .obj or .asm. This gives the advantage of being able to compile programs for Linux, and to take advantage of optimising C compilers like gcc.

But it is currently dropped as it requires a considerable effort. Also some features are problematical, or are not supported. (Also, unless Tiny C is used to compile the output file, compilation hits a brick wall as soon as gcc is invoked, as that compiler is much slower.)

ASM Target

This was the main target before mm could directly generate .exe [or .obj] files directly. It was in the syntax for my own very fast assembler (some 2M to 3M lines per second). Although no longer needed, it was handy for debugging, or for perusing the output. This is enabled using the -c option (use 'mm -help').

The .asm output is again a single, monolithic file, which can actually be assembled into .exe or .obj - you need the 'AX' assembler/linker project, also written in M.

Generating .obj files

These are needed when it is necessary to go beyond what mm can do itself. Eg. using external linkers, static linking with external libraries or C modules. It would be done using 'mm -obj', but I've found that that built in functionality was never properly adapted from the separate ax assembler. It can be done like this:

mm -c prog            # prog.m to prog.asm
ax -obj prog          # prog.asm to prog.obj

M Syntax

Originally inspired by Algol-68, but has evolved its own style. Best described by looking at example programs.

Modules and Imports

This is another big difference from C (and C++ is only now acquiring modules). M has no header files and has no need for declarations as well as definitions.

You define a function, variable, named constant, type, enum, macro etc in its own module. To export it, add a 'global' attribute in front, otherwise it is private to that module.

To use those exported names from module A in another module B, that is when you write 'import A' inside B.

Circular and Mutual Imports

Previous versions of the module system required modules to be in a strict top-down hierarchy. That was too restrictive. The current scheme allows imports in any order including circular imports: A can import B, and B can import A.

(There is a downside: the order in which default initialisation routines are called is no longer determinate.)

Out of Order Definitions

Unlike C, functions can be defined in any order in a module. If a function F calls G(), and G is defined later on, you don't need a forward or prototype declaration for G.

Actually, this also applies to other named entities, so you could for example choose to define all the local variables at the end of a function!

Block Scopes

Another big departure from C, is that inside a function, there is only a single scope; there are no block scopes. Further, there is a single name space (no crazy tag namespaces and even label namespaces of C: you could write: 'L: int L; goto L;')

Since functions are best kept small, there is no real need for multiple scopes and overloading the same identifiers.


While M ostensibly requires semicolons to separate statements, in practice these are rare in M source code. This is because newlines are converted to semicolons, except when:

  • A line-continuation character \ is used at the end of the line
  • The line clearly continues onto the next because it ends with one of: "(" "[" "," or a binary operator


M only has single-line comments starting with "!" until end-of-line. ("!" came from the DEC Fortran and Algol I used in the late 70s.)

It has had block comments in the past, but I believe those should be an editor function (which can use multiple "!" comments). (This also makes things simpler for highlighting editors, as it doesn't need to keep track of context from 1000s of lines before.)

This document will use '#' for comments in examples as it is clearer and more familiar.

Doc Strings

This is something I've played with, and is in my other language, but temporarily missing from M. Doc strings are line comments starting with #, just before and/or inside a function.

A compiler option causes such documented functions to be written to a text file, with function signature shown plus the comments for each.

Character Set

I haven't yet ventured into Unicode. Source code is written in ASCII, but can also be UTF8. UTF8 sequences can be part of comments or strings.

Newlines in source files must use CR/LF or LF sequences.


Another departure from most languages, especially those associated with C and/or Unix. M is case-insensitive, which means that all of these names are identical to it:

abc abC aBc aBC Abc AbC ABc ABC

Identifiers in M use: A-Z a-z 0-9 _ $ and can't start with a digit.

(To access case-sensitive names used with external libraries, there are two schemes. One is to declare the name as a string, but can then be used in any case. The other is to use the ` prefix, which also allows names that are reserved words:

clang proc `exit(int)

Here, it is necessary because 'exit' is a loop control statement in M.)

Program Entry Point

This is usually the start() function, which is always global (ie. exported, no 'global' needed.) start() takes no parameters.

M will insert a call to a start-up routine in M's runtime module, to set up command-line parameters etc as global variables (nsysparams, and sysparams, the latter being an array of strings).

main() can also be used as an entry point, especially if generating .obj files to be linked via gcc, as gcc will not recognise 'start'. (I previously stated that using main() will not cause init code to be executed, but that's not right.)

The $init function

If encountered in a module, it will be called automatically by start-up code. No 'global' attribute needed. However, because of non-determinate module import order, if such a routine depends on another $init function being called first, then this must be handled manually (with flags and direct invocation etc).

Include, Strinclude and Bininclude

include is an ordinary textual include, and is only needed in M when you actually want to include code (not headers) from another file. (For example, a file generated from a program.)

strinclude can be used in an expression, and can include any text file as a string constant. (I use this to incorporate the sources for M libraries into the M compiler; or the C header sources into my C compiler.)

Example in a program called prog.m, this prints itself:

proc start =
    println strinclude "prog.m"

bininclude is a variation used to initialise a byte-array, and can refer to any file including binaries. However it's done inefficiently at present.

Conditional Compilation

M has no preprocessor and no conditional directives for code (there used to be, but I didn't like them).

Conditional code is handled at the module rather than line level. It can look like this:

mapmodule pc_assem => pc_assemc when ctarget

Where, when 'import pc_assem' is encountered, it will instead import 'pc_assemc' when 'ctarget' has the value '1' (in this case pc_assemc is a dummy module with empty functions). 'ctarget' can be a built-in flag or one set with compiler options.

This keeps the contents of each module clean. (Look at some C system headers to see what happens with most code is a patchwork of #if/#ifdef blocks.)

There are a handful of built-in options, but are currently irrelevant now that M only targets x64 on 64-bit Windows. But user-defined options can be created on the mm command line:

mm -set:flag1 ...                # flag1 has default value "1"
mm -set:flag2:val ...            # flag2 has value "val"

Which can be used as:

mapmodule A => B when flag1               # do this when flag1 is defined and has value "1"
mapmodule A => B when flag2 = "val"       # do this when flag2 is defined and has value "val"

Function Tables

There is a limited amount of reflection in that all functions (names and addresses) in the program are written to the executable, and can be accessed via special functions.

This allows finding out the name of a function from a function pointer. But what I most use it for is building, at runtime, tables of functions pointers for special handlers. For example, handlers for the commands of, say, an editor, may have functions with names such as 'ed_left', 'ed_delcharright'. By searching for a function with that name (in practice then store in a table to avoid a search), I can add functionality as needed, without needing to maintain tables of pointers.

Data Types

M is low-level so has mainly simple, fixed-size types: scalars, records (ie. structs) and fixed-length arrays with a size known at compile-time.

Dynamic arrays with a length known at run-time can be created with pointers and allocations, but the size remains fixed.

A new type recently added are slices or views into arrays and strings, which can do more along those lines (see below) but I haven't done much with them yet.

In current development (although shelved for a while) is a version with higher level types. (M did have variant types briefly, allowing flex lists, big nums and such, but I decided they were not a good match for M in that form.)

Numeric Types

The official set of types are these (either long or short forms can be used):

int8     i8      Signed integers
int16    i16
int32    i32
int64    i64
int128   i128

word8    u8      Unsigned integers
word16   u16
word32   u32
word64   u64
word128  u128

real32   r32     Floating point
real64   r64

char     (c8)
char64   (c64)

Common aliases:

int    =  int64
word   =  word64
real   =  real64
byte   =  word8

(There had been also machine types intm and wordm which were 32 or 64 bits depending on target, also intp and wordp for widths matching those of a native pointer, but since I'm concentrating on 64-bit machines, and assuming 64-bit pointers, those will be dropped.)

Type of Integer Constants

These are defaults before any casts are applied, depending on the magnitude of the constant:

0 to 2**63-1              int64
2**63 to 2**64-1          word64
2**64 to 2**127-1         int128
2**127 to 2**128-1         word128
2**128 and above          'decimal' type (not implemented in this version)

(No suffixes are used to force a particular type, except that in the next M version -L is used to force a decimal type for integers and floats. To force a type, just use a cast, eg. word64(0).)

Numeric Separators

Numeric constants including floating point can use ' _ or ` to separate groups of digits.

Numeric Scaling

M allows scale factors such as 'million', used like this:

4 million           # 4000000

There used to be others (like m, cm and km to scale lengths to the same units), but this part of the language will be reviewed to try and have user-definable scale factors.

Such names are in their own namespace; 'million' can still be used as an identifier.

Number Bases

Number bases from 2 to 16 can be used for integers and floats, eg:

2x100    # base 2; 4
3x121    # base 3; 16
8x377    # octal: 255
12xBBB   # base 12: 1727 (not sure if bases 10x to 15x work in this language)
0xFFF    # hex: 4095
5x3.4    # base 5: 3.8 (3 and 4/5)

Numeric Limits and Type Sizes

Given any numeric type T or expression X, then:


will yield the smallest and largest values possible. (Next version, where a 'range' (see below) is an actual type, then I may introduce T.bounds to mean 'T.minvalue..T.maxvalue'.)

For the fixed size of a type or expression:


For array lengths and bounds, there is a whole set of properties that can be extracted; see section on Lengths and Bounds.

Character Constants

M uses ASCII, so 'A' has the value 65, but it has type 'char'.

Multi-character constants are possible, with these types:

'A'                        c8
up to 'ABCDEFGH'           u64

Unicode String and Char Constants

Not sure how to tackle Unicode support yet, so these constants are not supported. UTF8 sequences can be used, but to work with those, any routines called need to support UTF8. A 'print' on a UTF8 string ends up calling C's printf for normal (not wide) characters, so these also depends on Windows, locale, codepages and the like.

Type Reflection

The expression X.type returns an internal type code, so that it can be used as 'if X.type = int.type' for example. Although types are static, the result type of an expression may not be obvious. It can also be turned into a string:

println X.typestr

may display "i64", or whatever arbitrary type X happens to be.

Type Syntax

This is Algol68-based, with types written left-to-right:

ref int A            # point to int
[10]int B            # Array 10 of int
ref[]ref real C      # Point to array of pointer to int

Compared to C (with its convoluted inside-out type-syntax with the name of the thing being declared somewhere in the middle), it's really easy with none of its quirks. See sample source files.

Type Aliases

These are written as, for example:

type intptr = ref int
type matrix = [4,4]int real

Like C, these do not introduce a new type.

Pointers and Arrays

Unlike C, you can't index a pointer like an array, and you can't dereference an array like a pointer. Offsets to pointers can be done, but are written as '(P+i)^' rather than using P[i] like C, making it clear something underhand is going on.

Auto Dereference

M used to be a more transparent language needing explicit derefs, but that has been relaxed. Now, a dereference op (a postfix '^' like Pascal) can be omitted in many cases:

P^[i]   can be written as P[i]      (P is pointer to array)
P^.m    can be written as P.m       (P is pointer to record)
P^()    can be written as P()       (P is pointer to function)

Less transparent, but cleaner code. However sometimes ^ is still needed:

print P^           otherwise it will print the pointer
++P^.m             otherwise it's parsed as (++P)^.m (working on this)  

Array Bounds

[5]int A                # Array of length 5
[]int A = (10,20,30)    # Unbounded array whose length is set by the data
ref []int A             # Unbounded array which is a pointer target

So far these arrays have used the default lower bound of 1. Other bounds are possible:

[0:]int A = (10,20,30)  # Bounds are 0..2, length is 3
ref [12:]int A          # pointer to array indexed from 12, length unbounded
[6..10]int A            # Bounds are 6 to 10 inclusive, length 5
[6:10]int A             # Bound are 6 to 15 inclusive, length 10

The general pattern is:

[lower .. upper]
[lower : length]
[lower :]               # Unbounded array

For multi-dimensions, use:

[10,20]int A
[,20]int A              # First unbounded

(There is limited support for passing multi-dimensional arrays to functions; the dimensions must be constants, except the first can be unbounded.)

Value Arrays

M arrays are always handled by value (C converts them always to a pointer, with a schism in the type system to ensure that). So:

[10]int A,B
A := B

However, there is little support for passing value arrays to functions or returning such arrays. (I used to allow that long ago, but it was never used.) Better ways to pass arrays are by pointer, by reference, or via a slice.

Array Indexing

M allows multi-dimensional indexing using the more fluid A[i,j,k] instead of the A[i][j][k] used in many languages. Although A[i][j[k] is legal too.


These are structs, eg:

record date =
     int day, month
     int year

date d,e,f

Offsets can be specified directly (eg. int x @ a for x to be at the same offset as a), but now 'union' and 'struct' are used as a better way of controlling layout:

record R =
       int32 a
       int32 b
          byte f,g,h,i

Here, the struct occupies 4 consecutive bytes. There is no padding added to ensure alighnment; this must be done manually.

Struct and union behave like anonymous structs and unions in C.

Records in M must always be declared as named user types like the above; not anywhere, or anonymously, like in C. There is no concept of a struct tag.

Matching Foreign C Structs

If a record is constructed to match a struct in a C interface, then field offsets must match exactly. However C can inject padding for alignment. This is tricky to duplicate, so a special attribute can be used:

record rec = $caligned
    byte a
    int64 b

Such a record now occupies 16 bytes instead of 9, and b starts at offset +8 instead of +1.

Records as Classes

Records can contain other definitions such as types, named constants, and functions, which do not form part of any instance of the record. But I've done little with this, so I'm not sure exactly what is supported by M.

The concept is easy however: it can provide simple encapsulation.

Pointers and Strings

Pointers work as they might do in C. In a type spec, 'ref' is used to means pointer-to:

 ref int P = nil         # Nil is the equivalent of C's NULL

Low-level strings are zero-terminated sequences like C, but here they're sequences of a char type which is distinct from a byte:

 ref char S
 ichar T                 # ichar is a synonym for 'ref char'

Such strings are generally passed as 'ref char' (or ichar) types, rather than ref[]char which allows normal indexing.

Char Array Initialisation

[]char S = ('A','B','C')

This would be a lot of work to write like this. C allows such an array to be initialised from "ABC", but "ABC" has the wrong type, char* rather than char[] (a C quirk allows it). In M, special string constants exist:

[]char S = a"ABC"             # 3-char array, non-terminated
[]char S = z"ABC"             # 4-char array, zero-terminated

Raw String Constants

These are:


where string escapes are ignored.

Statements and Expressions are the Same

This is another concept from Algol68 - any expression can be used as a statement, and any statement can be used as an expression, and yield a value, although usually that would be 'void'.

(Name definitions are not classed as statements however.)

'Statements' that can usefully yield a value are: 'if' (long and short versions), 'switch' and 'case', although they will require an 'else' part.

Any sequence of statements can be easily turned into a single expression by writing as (s1; s2; s3), or sometimes a sequence can be written anyway without the brackets:

if c:=nextch(); d:=c; c<>0 then                # uses the value of the last expression

Functions and Procs

M likes to make a stronger distinction between functions that return a value, and those that don't. The latter are defined with 'proc'

function add(int a,b)int =
    return a+b

proc addto(int &a, b) =
    a +:= b

Here the '&' signifies a reference parameter. Functions require a return type, and they need to return a value. Alternate syntax:

function add(int a,b) => int = {a+b}

This demonstrates:

  • Parameter names with the same type can share the type spec (unlike C)

  • => can be optionally used denote a return type

  • {...} braces can be used around a function body, the only place they are used. ({,} were part of a more general syntax for deferred code, such as lamdbas, but never got around to that. Function bodies are certainly deferred.)

  • 'Return' is actually optional.

Function Parameters

M has default and keyword parameters:

proc createwindow(int dimx=640, dimy=480, posx=0, posy=0, border=1) ...

createwindow(dimx:1920, dimy:1080)

Reference Parameters

As shown above, '&' means a reference parameter, allowing a callee to modify data in the caller:

proc setlength1(int length) = {length^ := 123}
proc setlength2(int &length) = {length := 123}
int length

setlength1 uses explicit & and ^ operators, setlength2 does things implicitly. This also means it's not possible to pass a nil pointer.

Nested Functons

Functions can be nested, but in a limited manner because a nested function can't access the stack-frame variables of its enclosing functions (that is difficult to implement). But it can still access static variable, named constants etc of those functions.

Multiple Return Values

An experimental feature limited to scalar return types:

function fn => int, int, int =
   return (10, 20, 30)

(a,b,c) := fn3()         # At present exact type match needed (will not convert to match)

Return values can be ignored:

(a,b) := fn3()   # discard last
a := fn3()       # discard last two
fn3()            # discard all

Define Variables

This is fairly standard; inside a function (anywhere in the function actually):

int a, b:=123, c
var int a, b:=123, c        # 'var' can optionally be a prefix

I liked the idea of requiring variable definitions to start with a keyword, but I also found it was a pain having to type this prefix, so it is now optional.

At the moment, non-static variables are not automatically initialised to anything, like C.

Readonly Variables

I've never been a fan of C's 'const' attribute, which really complicates the type system. M never had anything like that until recently, when it was possible to use 'let' instead of 'var':

let int A := 100         # (type should be optional, but that is not supported yet)

Here, the initialisation is mandatory, as A can't be used as an lvalue like in an assignment. This provides some weak protection, but won't do much for more complex variables, such as arrays or pointers to data structures. Let is experimental.

('Let <type> A:=expr' prohibits the use of &A, so it will stop elements of arrays and records from being written to as they make use of &A for such operations. However that also stops &A from being passed to functions even if they do not intend to write to the object, which is a big restriction. So while providing more protection than I expected, at present it is only practical for scalar types.)

(Also experimental are 'in', 'out' and 'inout' attributes for function parameters. 'out' vaguely corresponds to '&' used for reference parameters. I haven't played with these attributes yet, and I'm not sure whether an 'in' parameter should be equivalent to 'let'.)

Static Variables

All variables defined outside a function are static. They are either set to all zeros, or can be initialised with an expression or construct that must be a compile-time constant:

int A = 100         # "=" must be used, not the ":=" of assignment

Inside a function, a 'static' prefix is needed.

Named Constants

This is a very simple feature, naming compile-time expressions:

const A     = B+C
const int B = 100
const C     = 200

When no type is used, it is infered from the expression. (The example demonstrates out-of-order definitions.) Such constants can be exported using 'global const'.

Use of A, B or C in source code are synonyms for the constants 300, 100 and 200.

'const' is useful for numeric types, but less so for anything else.


These are a little like C:

enum (A, B, C=10, D)         # A=1, B=2, C=10, D=11

Or can also part of a type:

type colours = enum (red, green, blue)
type lights  = enum (red, amber, green)

Here, the names need to be qualified: you have to write (2), or (3). However the type system isn't that sophisticated, so the actual types are merely ints, and nothing stops you using or interchangeably.

Typed enums are not used much, and actually, enums themselves are rare because I normally use the tabledata feature next:


This is an unusual feature that defines sets of enums, and parallel data arrays, at the same time:

tabledata() []ichar colournames, []word colourvalues =
    (red,       $,      0xFF'00'00),
    (green,     $,      0x00'FF'00),
    (blue,      "Blue", 0x00'00'FF),

This defines enums red=1, green=2, blue=3. And an array [1..3]ichar with the values ("red","green","Blue"). And an array [1..3]colourvalues with the given numbers.

The "$" is a device which returns the name of the last enum defined, so it saves having to duplicate each enum name, but you can just use a regular string.

In this form, entries can be added, deleted or moved very easily. Notice the trailing comma on the last entry to facilitate this.

The arrays can be zero-based (or some other value): use [0:] on the array declarations, and start with red=0. (But don't try to override the other enum values, as the array mapping can't cope with that.)

The () in tabledata() can contain a type name to contain the enums, as suggested above, eg:

tabledata(colours) ....

Or the () can be omitted completely, then it just defines parallel arrays, no enums:

tabledata []ichar names, []int values = ("one", 100), ("two", 200), ("three", 300), end

Lengths and Bounds

The following can be applied to arrays and slices:

.len       # length of array or slice
.lwb       # lower bound
.upb       # upper bound
.bounds    # returns a range lower..upper (compile-time only)

The following works for any type:

.bytes     # byte-size in any type or expr

And this for primitive types:


Binary Operators and Precedence Levels

:=      9   assign

+       4   (binary) add
-       4   (binary) subtract
*       3   multiply
/       3   divide (both integer and floating point)
rem     3   remainder (modulo)
**      2   raise to power
iand    4   bitwise and
ior     4   bitwise or
ixor    4   bitwise xor
<<      3   shift left
>>      3   shift right
in      6   (see range/set constructs)
notin   6   also 'not in'; opposite of 'in'
min     4   binary minimum
max     4   binary maximum
clamp   -   clamp(x,a,b) restricts x to being within a..b

and     7   logical and (short circuit operators used in conditional exprs)
or      8   logical or
xor     8   logical xor
andb    7   logical and (non-short circuit versions, always evaluates both operands)
orb     8   logical or
not     -   logical not

=       6   equals
<>      6   not equals
<       6   less than
>       6   greater then
<=      6   less than or equal
>=      6   greater than or equal

..      5   Make range

Unary Operators

+       -   plus
-       -   (unary) negate
inot    -   bitwise not
abs     -   absolute value

++      -   increment (used as prefix or postfix)
--      -   decrement (used as prefix or postfix)

sqr     -   square (x*x)
sqrt    -   square root
atan2                (Used as atan2(x,y))

Note that many of these are functions in other languages, but are operators here. That means parentheses are not needed (but usually advised), but also they are properly overloaded.

For example, abs can be applied to ints or reals, and will give the expected answer (try using abs() in C on a float rather than int):

int a,b; real x,y
b := abs a
y := abs x

Precedence Levels

2   **                             # highest
3   * / rem << >>
4   + - iand ior ixor
5   ..
6   = <> < <= >= > not notin xor
7   and andb
8   or orb

9   :=                             # lowest

Disregarding "**" and ".." which don't exist in C, there are six levels, compared to a dozen in C.

Array Indexing

If A is an array, then you can index it as:


If A is a pointer to array, it must be dereferenced first:

A^[i]           # (M now makes such a deref optional)

Where there are multi-dimensions of a flat array, then the indexing goes like this:

A[i][j][k]          # C style alternative

With slicing, then a slice can be created using:


(This results in a slice that can be indexed like an array, so A[i..j][k], which can be written as: A[i..j,k]. Or it can be further sliced: A[i..j, k..l])

As a convenience, the special symbol $ used in an array index, returns the upper bound of that array. So A[$] is the last value, equivalent to A[A.upb].

Pointer Dereferencing

This is done with the "^" symbol, applying as as suffix to a term like in Pascal:


And can be used consistently with multiple derefs:

R^.S^.T                # (In such instances, that ^ can be omitted for cleaner code.)
R.S.T                  # Provided ^ is followed by "." or "[", it can be omitted for cleaner code

Each ^ can be cancelled by one &, so that &Q^^ is equal to Q, and &&Q^ equals &Q.

When mixing ^ with ++ and --, it needs to be used like this:

P++^        # Increment P then deref the original value
++P^        # Increment P then deref the new value

Field Selection

Little to say about this, except it uses the common "." notation:

pt.x + pt.y

When used with a pointer to a record P, it's like this: P^.x or the ^ can be omitted for P.x.

Note that "." is also used for selecting names from a namespace. A namespace might be a module, function or record. That use is detected and resolved at compile time:


It's not possible to tell, until resolved, whether both dots select fields, or just the second, or neither.

Min/Max and Clamp

min/max are built-in operators, and can be used like this:

c := min(a,b)
a max:=b

They will work on numeric types.

Clamp is used as follows:


and is equivalent to c:=min(max(x,a),b)

Assignment and Equality

Assignment always uses ":=" for assignment, and "=" for equality. This reduces the potential for mistakes as is common when "=" and "==" are used.

Assignments can of course be used inside an expressions which is how the mixup arises.

Augmented Assignments

These are assigments such as:

a +:= b

which means a := a + b. In M, these are only allowed as standalone statements, as their use inside expressions is confusing.

Such assignments are allowed for +, -, *, /, iand, ior, ixor, min and max:

a min:= b

Unusually, M allows augmented assignments for some unary operators too:

   -:= a       # a := -a
 abs:= a       # a := abs a
 not:= a       # a := not a
inot:= a       # a := inot a

Multiple Assignment

This is similar to what is used in Python:

(a, b, c) = (b, c, a)

(a, b) = (10, 20)

a, b = b, a

The last will do the swap operation, but not as efficiently with complex terms as each is evaluated twice.

This can also be used when the right-hand-size is a function returning multiple values:

a, b = fn()

Expression List

This is the equivalent of C's comma-operator:

a + (x; y; z)

but is written with ";", and with mandatory parentheses. x and y are evaluated first (usually they will have some side-effects), then z, which is the result of the expression list.

(Here, also, x, y, z can be statements.)

Chained Compare Operators

The compare operators are =, <>, <, <=, >= and >.

When combined like this:

if a = b = c

then that means:

if a = b and b = c

Other examples:

if a <= b < c            # a <= b and b < c
if a > b < c = d         # if a > b and b < c and c <= d

If you need to use the 1/0 return value of a=b, then break it up using parentheses:

if (a = b) = (c = d)

(Note: middle terms are evaluated twice. This will be fixed eventually, but most uses have simple terms.)


Any two fixed size compatible values can be exchanged like this:

swap(a, b)

This is more efficient that doing it via (a,b):=(b,a), as terms are written once with less chance of error.


Like C, narrow integer types are widened, but to int64 rather than int32 as is common for C (word64 for unsigned).

The same applies to the char type, widened to C64. But real32 floats are not widened to real64.

This usually applies to any term of an expression, except for terms like X.type, X.typestr, X.bytes, X.bitwidth where the non-promoted type of X is used.

Mixed Sign Arithmetic

In M, this will be done in signed mode: the unsigned operand is converted to signed. The rules here (combined with promotion) are simple compared with C:

Unsigned + Unsigned   => Unsigned
Unsigned + Signed     => Signed
Signed   + Unsigned   => Signed
Signed   + Signed     => Signed

There are no exceptions, and they do not depend on the width of the types.

Type Conversion and Punning

Type conversions are written like this:

Simple type conversions are written like this:


although it has to be a conversion that is allowed. However, an ambiguity in the current syntax means that elaborate types (more than one token) have to use this more general form:

cast(x, int)

There is also type punning, which is a re-interpretation of a type without changing anything:

real x := 1.1

println int64(x)       # display 1
println int64@(x)      # display 4607632778762754458 (0x3FF199999999999A)

The @ symbol makes it type punning (equivalent to *(int64_t*)&x in C).

Again, for complex types, use cast@(x,int64).

Sometimes, it can be difficult to get on top of which precise conversion is needed, as happens with pointer types. Then, 'cast' can be used to automate it:

ref int64 p
ref []int q

p := cast(q)             # omit the target type

'cast' will apply whatever cast is required. This is handy when the necessary type needs to be tracked down, or when it is likely to change.

(There are issues at present with getting function pointer types to match properly. So here cast() is an easy way to do that.)

Conditional Statements

This is mainly the if statement:

if cond then
elsif cond then
elsif cond then

With elsif and else both optional so that a simple if-statement is:

if cond then

(Don't worry, you can use end, end if or endif in place of fi)

There is also:

unless cond then
else                   # optional

with the opposite logic. (Sometimes this helps, sometimes not.)

When you have this pattern: if x=a then.. elsif x=b then ..., then consider using the case statement which is designed for exactly that.

Sometimes, if, case and switch can be combine to form a composite statement:

if cond then
elsif cond2
elsecase x
when a then
when b,c then
fi              # final block delimiter needs to match opening keyword

But use sparingly as it looks funny.

Conditional Suffixes

Some control-flow statements can have a conditional suffix. For example:

goto finish when x=0
return 3 unless n<0

The possible condition keywords can be:

when expr
unless expr          # this one has the opposite logic

('if' used to be allowed but in the revised language that has an ambiguity.)

The statements where such a suffix is allowed are:



Not sure if 'goto' is mentioned anywhere, but is definititely part of the language. It seems to be out of favour these days. If you don't like writing goto, M allows 'go to'.

Note that labels need to be written with two colons:


(":" is heavily used, but if ambiguities can be sorted, it will be possible to is use lab:")

A mild variation is the experimental feature recase:

case x
when a then
when b then
    recase a

recase here will jump to the branch of the case statement that deals with 'a', equivalent to reentering the case statement with x = a (but x is not actually changed).


Modern languages seem to be lacking in looping constructs even though, as mere syntax, they have little cost. M offers:

do ... od                  # endless loop
to n do ... od             # repeat n times
for i:=a to b do ... od    # iterate from a to b
for i in a..b do ... od
for i in A do ... od      # uses A.lwb .. B.upb
forall x in A do ... od    # iterate over values in A
while x do ... od
repeat ... until x

There are also looping versions of switch and case statements.

There is no equivalent of C's open 'for' loop which encourages all sorts of weird and wonderful constructions, usually all on the same line. (There was something similar based on 'while', but it was never used.)

Loop controls include restart, redo, next and exit, and can be used to any level of nested loop.

Some loops (for) can have an else part, which is executed on normal exit (abnormal ones include goto, exit, return and stop).

For Loops

The full syntax is:

for i := a to b by c when d do

This iterates the loop variable of over a to b inclusive, stepping by c. 'when d' can be used to conditionally execute any particular iteration. The 'else' part executes on normal termination.

But many parts are optional, and a more typical loop is:

for i := a to b do

Even shorter forms include:

for i to b do ...            # start from 1
to b do ...                  # this is now the repeat-n-times loop
do ...                       # and this is the endless loop

Note that such a loop will always count upwards. To count downwards, use 'downto' instead of 'to'.

There is an alternative syntax:

for i in a..b do          # expression after .. is either a range construct ...
for i in A do             # ... or applies .lwb and .upb to create a range

forall is also available to iterate over values rather than indices, and currently works fine with slices:

forall x in S do          # iterate over values in S
forall i,x in S do        # same but expose the index in 'i'

This is of limited use for normal arrays unless the array bounds are known to the compiler. (Note that in the revised language, 'forall' is likely to be dropped, and I will just have 'for' to do both kinds of iteration. Details to be worked out.)

Note: loop index variables don't need to be declared. They are auto-defined as 'let', so that you can't assign to them. To be able to assign to them, declare them outside.

Loop Controls

  • restart Restart the loop (mainly applies to for loops)
  • redo Repeat this iteration
  • next Continue to next iteration
  • exit Break out of the loop

This can be used with nested loops by supplying a loop index:

exit         # Exit from this inner loop
exit 1       # Same thing
exit 2       # Exit from next outer loop
exit 0       # Exit from outermost loop
exit all     # Same thing

All these controls can also be used with a conditional suffix:

exit when c=0

Switch Statement

Switch statements use an integer index and are designed to map to a jump table:

switch x
when a, b then
when c then
end switch

x is an integer expression; a,b and c should be constant int expressions, and should not span a greater range than is suitable for a jump table.

Test expressions can be ranges:

switch c
when 'A'..'Z','a'..'z', '_' then

There is a limit of a few hundred values between smallest and largest in a switch. If exceeded, try using a case statement.

Case Statement

When x is not an integer, or a, b are not integers or not constants, or the range is too wide, then a case statement can be used in place of switch:

case x
when a, b then
when c then

Case statements will sequentially test x against a, b and c in turn, until the first match. (Currently ranges can't be used.)

One variation on case is when the test expression is omitted:

when a=b, c=d then
when e<0 then

Then it will evaluate expressions until one returns true, then it will execute that when-block.

Looping Switch and Case

Both switch and case statements have looping equivalents:

doswitch p++^
when a,b,c then
when ...
end switch

docase x

At the end of each when or else block, it will jump back to the start to repeat. Some means is usually needed to exit at some point (exit, goto, return, stop).

Print and Println

M still retains print and println as statements:

println a,b,c

This displays a, b and c, whatever type they happen to be, then adds a newline. print doesn't add the newline.

To print to a file open as handle f, use:

println @f, a,b,c

The values are written with spaces in between. To suppress the space, use a double comma:

print a,,b,c

This gets very ugly and is not satisfactory, but it will do for informal printing. For that purpose, there is also the "=" prefix:

println =a,=b,=c

which adds "A=", "B=" and "C=" before each value respectively.

Otherwise, it is necessary to use formatted print, which looks like this:

fprintln "#-#.(#)",a,b,c

If a is 10, b="abc" and c is a pointer with value 0x0001234, then the output will be 10-abc.(0001234). To output an actual "#", use:

fprint "###", "#",name,"#"      # when name is "abc", will display #abc#

Individual formatting is done like this:

fprintln "#-#.(#)",a:"z10",b,c

In this example, a is shown in a field 10 chars wide, with leading zeros.

There also ways to print into a string:

println @&.str, "One","Two"

(Both print and read need further docs to use effectively, but these are the basics.)

Read and Readln

Read and Readln are also available, but I'd need to research more how they work. They are used as follows:

int a,b
real c

print "?"
readln a,b,c


read a,b,c

readln reads the next whole line into a buffer, from the console (or from a file using readln @f). Then read statements consume inputs from that buffer.

That's why they can be part of the readln, or follow later.

(Reading into a string isn't ready yet; 'readstr' is used for that. See extract.m in Examples.)

Range Construct

A range is a pair of ints defining a sequence, such as 1..10, which means to 1 to 10 inclusive, and always stepping by 1.

It's not a type in itself (it will be in the next version), but it can be used as a construct:

  • For array bounds
  • In switch-when expressions
  • With the in operator
  • As part of a Set constructor.


[1..10]int a

switch c
when 'A'..'Z' then

if a in [32..63] then ...

... ['0'..'9','-','+','.']

Set Construct

(IGNORE THIS SECTION. I will need to double check exactly what is possible.)

Like a range, a set is not a proper type (I will try and have one in the next version).

Here, sets are used to construct int values of 64 or 128 bits. Such a construct can be used with the in operator:

if c in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..z']
if a in [1,2,4,8,16]

Since they are just integers, logical operations can be done between then.

Also, set inclusion can also be done with dot indexing:

const alpha = ['A'..'Z','a'..'z'].[c]

However these will not do the range checking that in will do.



This feature allows two variables to share memory:

real x
int a @ &x

Here, a shares the same memory as x. Note that a should not be smaller than x (unless that is the intention, or perhaps x is itself equivalenced to a larger variable).

The expressions available are simple: &x or &x+3, with the offset always in bytes. Possibly, indexing can be added to allow:

Label Pointers

This is a possible feature (also implemented in C by gcc), where you can take the address of a label, store it in arrays and so on, and use that later in an indirect goto.

But at the moment it'S not implemented. (For some kinds of programs, it results in faster execution thaN using a switch.)

Foreign Functions

Foreign functions are any that are not directly part of this program. That is, not defined in any of the source modules that are compiled together to build this executable.

They must reside in an external DLL.

To use them, they must be declared in an importdll block, for example:

importdll msvcrt =
    clang proc puts(ichar)
    clang function printf(ichar, ...)int

Such names will be made available to the rest of the module. And also, if this module is imported elsewhere, they are exported to those other modules.

Each declaration must start with the language the function uses. Or rather the call convention used. Currently there are three possibilities:

  • clang
  • windows
  • mlang

windows is not a language, it is to show the Windows call convention is used rather then normal C. (On Win64, both Windows and C use the same call convention. M uses its own.)

Where a foreign function has a case-senstive name, it must be in quotes:

import windowsdlls =
    windows function "MessageBoxA" (int=0, ichar message, caption="Title", int=0)int

But then it can be used like this:


This also demonstrates adding optional parameters with default values, and using keyword parameters.

Foreign function can also be written as `MessageBoxA, but then all instances must be written the same way. The advantage is that this can distinguish between names that can clash when converted to lower case, or names that clash with a reserved word.

(There used to be an option to supply an alias to function, such as:

function "MesssageBoxA" as "messagebox" ...

but it's missing at the moment. You can try using macros.)

Compiler Variables

These are special built-in variables that can be used to determine various aspects of the compilation:

$lineno         Current line number as an int constant
$strlineno      Line number as a string
$modulename     Name of module
$filename       Filename of module
$function       Current function name
$date           String constants containing date or time of compilation

Standard Libraries

  • msys Support library implicitly imported in every module
  • mlib Small runtime library
  • clib Interface to some C library functions
  • oslib Selection of functions implemented by the OS
  • osdll DLL function handling when names/params not known until runtime

nil Pointer Constant

This is designated by nil, which has type 'ref void'. It is used to set pointers to 'unused', or not pointing at anything.

System Constants

There are a small number of predefined constants, such as pi, but I'm going to revise this part of the language.

Inline Assembly

The M language has always had inline assembler available in a straightforward manner:

assem                   # block of assem instructions
    mov D0,[a]
    add D0,4

asm inc dword [b]       # one instruction at a time

Since M's register usage is unsophisticated, interaction with M is simple.

Using the M Compiler

Given a program consisting of multiple modules, of which the lead module (containing the start() function) is prog.m, and the M compiler is called mm.exe then use:

mm prog

assuming mm is in a suitable search path.

This will compile prog.m and all linked imported files, into prog.exe.

For other options, try 'mm -help'.

Grouped Imports

Sometimes there are modules A, B, C which work together to provide some functionality, but you need to import all of them. It is tider to put those imports into a new module X:

import A
import B
import C

Then just do this in your program:

import* X

This will make all the modules imported by X, also known to this program.

X needn't be an an empty module; it can have useful content. So if A already imports B and C, you can do this:

import* A

Naked Functions

What are sometimes called naked functions, are those with no entry or exit code.

In M, they are written like this:

threadedproc fn =

They are called threadproc because they were created to implented threaded-code handlers for an interpreter. There, you would jump to such a procedure, and then jump to the next, without using normal call and return.

For such reasons, parameters and local frame variables are not possible (only static ones).


There is a new, simple implementation of macros, example:

macro getopnd = (pcptr+1)^
macro dist(x,y) = sqrt(x*x+y*y)

That second form can be used for inline functions. The body of a macro must always be a single, well-formed expression or term. However, a sequence of statements can trivially be turned into an expression:

 (s1; s2; s3)

So multi-line macro bodies are possible. What is not allowed are definitions (as macros are expanded in a later pass after the symbol table is completed).

Bit Indexing

(BIT/BITFIELD INDEXING needs to be checked.)

If A is an integer, then it can be indexed like this:

print A.[i]                # 1 or 0
A.[j] := 0

Indexing starts at zero, and goes up to 7, 15, 32, 63 or 127 depending on the size of A.

Bitfield Indexing

If A is an integer, then an arbitrary bitfield can be extracted using:

A.[i..j]               # i/j can be either order, eg. 0..7 or 7..0
A.[i..j] := x          # insert x into that bitfield

Standard Bit/Bitfield Codes

A.msb          Top byte (most significant)
A.lsb          Bottom byte (least significant)
A.msbit        Top bit
A.lsbit        Bottom bit
A.msw          Top half
A.lsw          Bottom half
A.odd          1 when bottom bit is 1 (read-only)
A.even         1 when bottom bit is 0 (read-only)

Address-of Operator

This is like it is in C, but it is a little different for arrays:

[10]int A
&A           # type is ref[10]int
&A[1]        # type is ref int

When you need a pointer to the first array element, then having to know the first element, or type &A[A.lwb], is a nuisance. Then it is possible to type:


(This is a rare instance where C is more convenient. But this is a stop-gap until the correct address-of op is done automatically.)

Stop Statement

stop             Stop the program (like exit(0) in C)
stop N           Stop with return code N (like exit(N))


This is a new feature and quite a big subject to describe. Some examples:

[10]int A           # normal array
slice[]int S        # A slice

A slice is composite type consisting of (pointer, length). A slice can be initialised like this:

S := (P,100)        # Construct from a normal pointer
S := (&.A, A.len)   # slice to whole of A, but...
S := A              # ... the conversion is automatic anyway.
S := A[3..6]        # Slice to subarray

With a function F taking a slice type, it is possible to call it as:


While F might look like this:

proc F(slice[]int S)=
   for i in A do
       println a,A[i]

or (using 'forall' which will change):

proc F(slice[]int S)=
    forall i,x in A do
        println i,x

Applied to char arrays, this provides counted strings.

2-way Selection

Like C's ?: operator, M's is written like this:

 (A | B | C)

Evaluate either B or C depending on whether A is true or false. Unlike C, this can be used as an lvalue:

(A | B | C) := 0          # set either B or C to zero
&(A | B | C)              # evaluate &B or &C as & propagates inside.

In M, (a|b|c) is just another way of writing a regular if-statement. Nothing stops you using the regular form:

print if a then "true" else "false" fi
if A then B else C fi := 0 

Actually, a long-form 'if' can be used too:

print if a then b elsif c then d ...

but is not recommended as an expression.

N-way Selection

This extension to 2-way selects is written is:

 (n | a, b, c, ... | z)

This evaluates a, b, c ... according to n = 1, 2, 3 ... If out of range, z is evaluated. Again, this can be an lvalue. (There is no long form.)

For more complex selections, normal switch and case statements can be used.

Initialisation of Arrays and Records

For static variables, scalars, arrays and records can only be initialised with compile-time expressions, or those involving addresses of static variables (there are limits on how complex the latter can be).

For non-static (ie. stack frame), they can be initialised in the same way they are assigned to.

Assigning to arrays and records is a recent feature, although there are some limitations: char arrays can't be initialised or assigned to this way.

This is becomes the assignment is done an element at a time, and would be inefficient to assign a string to an char-array by loading and storing a character at a time. Otherwise it can be:

[]int A := (x,y,z)      # x,y,z represent runtime expressions; A will have a length of 3
date D := (x,y,z)
D := (p,q,r)

Creating Amalgamated Files

Apart from .exe, .obj and .asm output formats, there is one more: an 'amalgamated' file, with extension .ma.

This is not a true amalgamation as the result isn't a single module, but a simple collection of files (and support files) preceded by directory info that lists all the files. This makes it easy to copy, upload, transmit a project, without needing to use a binary format.

Also, M can directly compile a project in its amalgamated form. If the lead module of a project is prog.m, then:

mm -ma prog          # collects all modules and support files into

mm           # compile the project from that single file, into prog.exe

In this context, 'support files' are those incorporated using 'include', 'strinclude' and 'bininclude' directives.

Bugs and Limitations

There will be loads. This one problem with languages used by too few people, it does not get exercised enough. It is easy to get around limitations or bugs, or there will be ranges of features that haven't be used enough to know how well or otherwise they work.


Lots of nice features listed, but there are plenty of issues too:

  • Not known to external tools so syntax highlighting either can't be applied, or will be wrong

  • Most external libraries that might be compatible, will have C APIs. That requires interfaces for any library to be written as an importdll block in M. That is a lot of work. (Sometimes, you can create a smaller, tidier set of interface functions in C, then the interface in M to those functions will be smaller. But then you have an extra C dependency.)

  • There is a limited amount of source code in M (currently some 100Kloc), so the tools will not have got the testing they would get if applied to a billion lines of C code. So there will be inevitable bugs, corner cases that have never been tested etc as well as language features that don't work as well as expected.

  • There is no optimiser.