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Contributing to Merlion

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Merlion! This document will help you get started with your contribution. Before you get started, clone this repo, pip install pre-commit, and run pre-commit install from the root directory of the repo. This will ensure all files are formatted correctly and contain the appropriate license headers whenever you make a commit.

Table of Contents

  1. Models
    1. Anomaly Detectors
    2. Forecasters
    3. Forecaster-Based Anomaly Detectors
  2. Data Pre-Processing Transforms
  3. Datasets


Merlion supports two kinds of models: anomaly detectors (merlion.models.anomaly) and forecasters (merlion.models.forecast). Each model should inherit from its respective base class: merlion.models.anomaly.base.DetectorBase for anomaly detectors, and merlion.models.forecast.base.ForecasterBase for forecasters. Make sure to carefully read the API docs for the appropriate base class and module before proceeding.

After implementing your model, please register it with the model factory, and add it to the appropriate config file for the benchmarking scripts (conf/ or conf/benchmark_forecast.json). Also implement some unit tests to ensure that the model is behaving as expected.

Finally, update the API docs by

Anomaly Detectors

To implement a new anomaly detector, you need to do the following:

  • Implement an appropriate ConfigClass which inherits from merlion.models.anomaly.base.DetectorConfig
  • Implement an initializer that takes an instance of this config class, i.e. you can instantiate model = ModelClass(config). ModelClass should inherit from DetectorBase.
  • Set the model class's class variable config_class equal to the ConfigClass above
  • Implement the abstract _train() method, and have it return the model's sequence of anomaly scores on the train data.
  • Implement the abstract _get_anomaly_score() method, which returns the model's predicted anomaly score on an input time series.

You may optionally override the following class variables of ConfigClass or ModelClass:

  • ConfigClass._default_transform: if the transform keyword argument is not given when initializing the model's config object, we use this default transform. If not overridden, we just use the Identity (i.e. no pre-processing)
  • ConfigClass._default_post_rule: if the post_rule keyword argument is not given when initializing the model's config object, we use this default post-rule. This is the rule used to post-process the output of model.get_anomaly_score() (e.g. to reduce noise). You can get the post-processed anomaly scores by calling model.get_anomaly_label()
  • ModelClass._default_post_rule_train_config: If post_rule_train_config is not passed to model.train() use this default config to train the post-rule (e.g. select the minimum anomaly score we want to set as a detection threshold).

See our implementation of Isolation Forest for a fairly simple example of what this looks like in practice, and this notebook for a step-by-step walkthrough of a minimal example.


To implement a new forecaster, you need to do the following:

  • Implement an appropriate ConfigClass which inherits from merlion.models.forecast.base.ForecasterConfig. Make sure that this object takes a parameter max_forecast_steps if your model has a maximum horizon it is allowed to forecast for.
  • Implement an initializer that takes an instance of this config class, i.e. you can instantiate model = ModelClass(config). ModelClass should inherit from ForecasterBase.
  • Set the model class's class variable config_class equal to the ConfigClass above
  • Implement the abstract _train() method, and have it return the model's sequence of predictions on the train data. These predictions should have the same format as the output of model._forecast() (see below).
  • Implement the abstract _forecast() method, which returns the model's forecast (and optionally the standard errors of that forecast, or None if the model does not have uncertainty quantification) on the timestamps of interest.

You may optionally override the class variable ConfigClass._default_transform. This is the default data pre-processing transform used to process the data before giving it to the model, if the transform keyword argument is not given when initializing the config.

See our implementation of SARIMA for a fairly simple example of what this looks like in practice, and this notebook for a step-by-step walkthrough of a minimal example.

Forecaster-Based Anomaly Detectors

Forecaster-based anomaly detectors convert a model's forecast into an anomaly score, by comparing the residual between the true value and the forecaster's predicted value. Their base class is merlion.models.anomaly.forecast_based.base.ForecastingDetectorBase.

Consider a forecaster class Forecaster with config class ForecasterConfig. It is fairly straightforward to extend this class into an ForecasterDetectorClass. You need to do the following things:

  • Define a config class which inherits from both ForecasterConfig and DetectorConfig (in that order). You may optionally specify a _default_post_rule class variable, but the _default_transform will be the same as ForecasterConfig.
  • Implement a model class which inherits from both ForecastingDetectorBase and ForecasterClass (in that order). You may optionally override the _default_post_rule_train_config class variable.

See our implementation of a Prophet-based anomaly detector for an example of what this looks like in practice, as well as the forecaster tutorial notebook.

Data Pre-Processing Transforms

To implement a new data pre-processing transform, begin by reading the API docs for the base classes merlion.transform.base.TransformBase and merlion.transform.base.InvertibleTransformBase. Inherit from the appropriate base class, depending on whether you transform is invertible. However, even non-invertible transforms should support pseudo-inversion. For example, when you take the moving average of an input time series with merlion.transform.moving_average.MovingAverage, it isn't guaranteed that the original time series can be recovered. However, we can approximate the desired inversion by keeping track of the boundary values and performing a de-convolution.

To actually implement a transform, override the abstract methods train() (this may be a no-op for transforms with no data-dependent parameters), __call__() (actually applying the transform), and _invert (inverting or pseudo-inverting the transform). Then, register it with the transform factory.

Specify the class property requires_inversion_state to indicate whether the inversion (or pseudo-inversion) is stateless (e.g. merlion.transform.Rescale simply rescales an input by a fixed scale and bias) or stateful (e.g. merlion.transform.moving_average.DifferenceTransform requires us to know the first time & value in the time series, since these are discarded by the forward transform). If the transform requires an inversion state, set self.inversion_state in the __call__() method and use it as needed in the _invert() method. Note that the inversion state can have whatever data format is most suitable for your purposes.

Check the implementations of DifferenceTransform, PowerTransform, and LowerUpperClip for a few examples. Add your transforms to whatever module you feel is most appropriate, or create a new file if it doesn't fit in with any of the existing ones. However, if you do add a new file, make sure to add it to the API docs by updating the autosummary block of merlion/transform/, and adding the new module to the Sphinx ReST file docs/source/merlion.transform.rst.


You can add support for a new dataset of time series by implementing an appropriate data loading class in ts_datasets, and uploading the raw data (potentially compressed) to the data directory. If your dataset has labeled anomalies, it belongs in ts_datasets.anomaly. If it does not have labeled anomalies, it belongs in ts_datasets.forecast. See the API docs for more details.

Once you've implemented your data loader class, add it to the top-level namespace of the module (ts_datasets/ts_datasets/anomaly/ or ts_datasets/ts_datasets/forecast/ by importing it and adding it to __all__.