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Building your first Overworld application: Chat

Building a chat server


Chat applications are a familiar way to let us dive directly into building a useful program that can be published to the world and have people and machines connect and interact with it, while highlighting some of the features and workflows of Overworld.

Additional resources

Here are some links to additional resources:

Creating a new app

Overworld should be usable as an Erlang app in your own project. Let's start a new rebar3 application called "chat":

$ rebar3 new app chat

This should create some basic directory structure and a few files to get started. You'll want to edit rebar.config and include Overworld as a dependency. Here we add Overworld pulling from the GitHub master branch, in chat/rebar.config, you'll want to change the deps option to look like this:

{deps, [
  {overworld, {git, "", {branch, "master"}}}

You should be able to successfully rebar3 compile and see the library pulled down and built.

While you're in this config file, you'll also want to change the apps section under shell to boot Overworld and its dependencies. It should look a bit like this:

{shell, [
  % {config, "config/sys.config"},
    {apps, [

Hello, World!

Make a new Erlang source file called chat_global.erl in the directory src.

You'll want to specify that this is a ow_zone server and export the minimum required callback functions:


% Required ow_zone callbacks

The callbacks are standard functions that the Overworld application will expect your applictaion to provide, in order to fit the behaviour of an "overworld zone". Generally, Overworld will call your application to handle the fine details of joining and leaving zones, handling remote procedure calls (RPCs) from clients, and advancing the world state (ticks).

The init function and handlers form the private API of our app, to be used by Overworld internally. Next let's start to define the public API for our Chat server, which can be used by other parts of our program or an operator in the shell.

We'll need some way to start and stop the server (start/0, stop/0), a way for players to join the session (join/2), a way for players to leave (part/1), and a way for players to send some input to the server (send/2). For each function here, ow_zone will call back to our required handler functions defined above. This will allow us to expose a standard API to our clients and hide the implementation details. Overworld will seamlessly handle messages sent over the network to remote clients (via Protobuf) or to other Erlang processes (including distributed Erlang!).

Overworld will automatically keep track of any sessions connected to our world server and will handle message serialization/deserialization between the clients and the server.


-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).

start() ->
    ow_zone:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []).

stop() ->

join(Msg, Session) ->
    ow_zone:join(?SERVER, Msg, Session).

part(Session) ->
    ow_zone:part(?SERVER, Session).

send(Msg, Session) ->
    ow_zone:rpc(?SERVER, chat_msg, Msg, Session).

You may have noticed that for the send/2 function, we send along the atom chat_msg - this atom will ultimately refer to the name of one of the messages we'll define in our wire protocol.

Now that we have defined the API boilerplate, we can start writing some application code! The first thing we need to do is setup the initial ow_zone server state. By default, ow_zone will let anyone connect without authentication and will update the game world at 30 ticks per second. This should be totally OK for our purposes.

Normally for a game we'll want to define some initial state and mutate that state over time as players interact with the game world in fun and exciting ways. For a chat application, we'll use the server state to buffer all messages received every tick, and then dump the contents of the buffer to all connected players every tick. Let's just make the initial state an empty list for now.

% Required callbacks 
init([]) ->
    InitialState = [],
    {ok, InitialState}.

Next we'll need to define what happens when players join or leave the game. Overworld will automatically keep track of any sessions connected to our world server and will handle message serialization/deserialization between the clients and the server. So all you need to write is the game logic!

Aside: Overworld messages

At the end of any required callback function, you'll want to return a 3-tuple to ow_zone with the following rules:

   {Status, Response, State} when
       Status :: ok | {ok, Session},
       Response :: noreply 
                   | {'@zone', term()}
                   | {'@', list(), term()},
       State :: term().

In plain language: for Status messages, you want to either respond ok or respond ok with an updated copy of the player's session. You may update the player's session if there's something about it that your callback function changes. Perhaps you wanted to set some game specific information in via ow_session:set_game_info/1, for example.

For responses, ow_zone understands 3 different response messages from a server implementing the behaviour. You can use '@zone' to broadcast a message to everyone in the zone, in our case everyone connected to the World Server. You can also target individuals with {'@', PlayerIDs} where PlayerIDs is a list of player IDs that should receive this message. Lastly, you can use noreply to silently accept the message with no updates sent out to connected players. Here's a handy reference table:

Response Description
{'@zone', Msg} Send a zone-wide message Msg to all connected clients
{'@', PlayerID, Msg} Send a message, Msg, to player PlayerID. Also accepts a list of Player IDs
noreply Send no reply to any connected player

Finally, you should return your internal state to ow_zone via State.

Implementing the callbacks

Now we should implement the handler functions for our chat server. We'll add some logger business to give us some idea of what's going on, but otherwise do nothing very exciting.

handle_join(_Msg, Session, _Players, State) ->
    ID = ow_session:get_id(Session),
    logger:notice("Player ~p has joined the server!", [ID]),
    {ok, noreply, State}.

handle_part(Session, _Players, State) ->
    ID = ow_session:get_id(Session),
    logger:notice("Player ~p has left the server!", [ID]),
    {ok, noreply, State}.

For RPCs, we know we have one type function that a client might call: chat_msg. Let's say that chat_msg will include, obviously, the message.

Notice that the function signature is a bit different for handle_rpc - we must additionally include the message type. This will be especially important when we start serializing the data over a WebSocket, because we'll need to instruct Overworld what Protobuf message to use.

We'll take the message verbatim and stuff it into the zone state. In a real application, you may want to modify the message before buffering it! For example, you may want to parse it for slash commands, filter it for bad words, or add/remove keys from the message map.

handle_rpc(chat_msg, Msg, Session, _Players, State) ->
    ID = ow_session:get_id(Session),
    logger:notice("Player ~p has sent a chat message: ~p", [ID, Msg]),
    {ok, noreply, State}.

There are a few more callbacks that we need to define to properly implement the ow_zone behavior. Since the game server is going to update every 30ms, we have to implement logic for that update. For now we'll do the minimum necessary to get the server to compile:

handle_tick(_Players, State) ->
    {ok, noreply, State}.

At this point, everything required by Overworld is implemented. We also defined a public API to nicely wrap joining/leaving, sending messages, and starting/stopping the server.

Testing it out so far

You can save up your work at this point and try things out. Make sure you run rebar3 shell from the root of your application directory.

$ rebar3 shell
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Analyzing applications...
===> Compiling ow
===> Compiling chi
Erlang/OTP 25 [erts-13.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1] [jit:ns] [dtrace] [sharing-preserving]

Eshell V13.0  (abort with ^G)
===> Booted gproc
===> Booted mnesia
===> Booted cowlib
===> Booted ranch
===> Booted cowboy
===> Booted ow
===> Booted sasl

From the shell you can start the world server and verify everything is working:

1> chat_global:start().
3> chat_global:stop().

Let's also try to join the server as a player from the shell. First we need to create a Overworld session. Whenever a connection is first established to an Overworld server, the client handler will create a session that looks much like the below for a user. We'll mimick it by calling the new session function directly:

8> S = ow_session:new().

We can then join and part the server with this session information. Remember that join/2 requires a message, so let's assume that's the handle of the player joining. When we work with protobuf later, we'll see that we mostly deal with messages in terms of maps. So let's sketch out what that message might look like:

8> Name = #{ name => "rambo" }.
9> chat_global:join(Name, S).
2022-06-22T21:21:11.872998-05:00 : notice: Player -576460752303423295 has joined the server!

It works! Try sending a chat message:

6> chat_global:send("Hello, world!", S).
P2022-06-22T21:21:15.229092-05:00 : notice: Player -576460752303423295 has sent a chat message: "Hello, world!"

Finally, let's try leaving:

11> chat_global:part(S).
2022-06-22T21:21:21.243792-05:00 : notice: Player -576460752303423295 has left the server!

Saving state and sending messages

Now that we've confirmed that the server is up and running, and we're logging some semi-useful messages, we actually need to save and buffer those messages and send them to connected players. The first thing that we'll need to do is add messages to the state. Let's modify the handle_rpc function to do that:

handle_rpc(chat_msg, Msg, Session, Players, State) ->
    ID = ow_session:get_id(Session),
    % Make sure the player has actually joined the zone
    State1 = 
        case ow_zone:is_player(ID, Players) of 
            false ->
            true ->
                [ #{ who => ID, msg => Msg } | State ]
    {ok, noreply, State1}.

A few things going on here. First, we change _Players to Players in the function signature, so the variable is actually bound. Then, we use that variable to check if the player sending the message is actually in the zone. If so, we append the sender's ID and the message to the zone state and buffer it. We don't actually send any data here, just store it for the tick function to handle it later.

Aside: Maps

You may be wondering why we're using maps to store all the data. The reason is pretty simple - if we ever want send data over the wire via Protobuf, using a map is the most flexible way to serialize it.

Now we'll need to have the zone send all of the messages it has buffered up in each tick. To do so, we'll change the handle_tick function. First, we might as well not send any updates to players when there are no messages to send. So let's first head that off with a pattern match for empty state where we don't reply anything, then follow it up with a zone-wide broadcast when we have something to send.

handle_tick(_Players, State = []) ->
    {ok, noreply, State};
handle_tick(_Players, State) ->
    % Replace the current state with an empty list and send out the state.
    State1 = []
    Reply = {'@zone', {state_transfer, State}},
    {ok, Reply, State1}.

Let's try it out in the shell. We've got a number of things to do here if we have a fresh shell:

  1. Start a new session
  2. Set the PID of the session to match our shell
  3. Start the chat server
  4. Join the server with our shell
  5. Send a message
  6. Finally, see if we get a response back.

Note: The value of self() can change if you make a mistake!

If you flub one of the commands in the next section, be aware that the Erlang shell may crash and be restarted automagically. This will change the value of self()! You may need to re-update your session via f(S1) to unbind S1, and then re-run step #2 before proceeding.

So we'll proceed exactly along those lines:

1> S = ow_session:new().
2> S1 = ow_session:set_pid(self(), S).
3> chat_global:start().
{ok, <0.541.0>}
3> Name = #{ name => "rambo" }.
5> chat_global:join(Name, S1).
2022-06-25T09:42:03.467787-05:00 : notice: Player -576460752303423390 has joined the server!
6> Msg = #{text => "hello world!"}.
6> chat_global:send(Msg, S1).
2022-06-25T09:43:43.451675-05:00 : notice: Player -576460752303423390 has sent a chat message: #{text => "hello world!"}
7> flush().
Shell got {<0.541.0>,zone_msg,
           {state_transfer,[#{msg => #{text => "hello world!"},
                              who => -576460752303423390}]}}

Serializing messages

If we ever want players to connect from the outside world, we'll need to define some messages that we can serialize and send across the wire. Overworld supports protobuf as a standard wire format to communicate between game server and client.

Go ahead and make a priv/proto directory in the root of your chat application, e.g.,

mkdir -p ow/apps/chat/priv/proto

Fire up your favorite editor and we'll start defining the protobuf file. I'll call it chat.proto.

syntax = "proto2"; 

package chat;

It's important that the Protobuf package name matches the name of the application for the Protobuf plugin to auto-generate the serializer/deserializer code.

Now we can start defining some messages! We know for sure we need a "join" message as well as a corresponding "part" message, as those are required callbacks for Overworld:

message join {
    required string handle = 1;

message part {
    required string handle = 1;

The next two messages have to do with receiving chats and sending them out to clients in batches. The first one should be pretty self-explanatory: we want to send along the player's chat message. The state_transfer message will simply tell the client to expect a series of chat_messages as a list, since our handle_tick/2 function sends them out in batches.

message chat_msg {
  required string text = 1;

message state_transfer {
  repeated chat_msg msgs = 1;

That's it for the Protobuf file!

We have one last thing to do before Overworld will automatically encode/decode messages for us. We need to define a callback in our server, rpc_info/0 that will tell Overworld some important information about our messages. First, let's add it to our exports list with the other callbacks:


Now we can work on defining the RPCs. First, we define some opcodes which are actually just a couple of bytes at the beginning of the message that let's the client and Overworld determine which function to use to decode or encode the message. Overworld reserves 0x0 through 0xFFF for itself by convention, but you can use anything from 0x1000 through 0xFFFF for your own opcodes.

Let's take a look at what the final product looks like, and then break down each section:

% Overworld RPCs
-define(CHAT_JOIN, 16#1001).
-define(CHAT_PART, 16#1002).
-define(CHAT_SEND, 16#1003).
-define(CHAT_XFER, 16#1004).

rpc_info() ->
            opcode => ?CHAT_JOIN,
            c2s_handler => {?MODULE, join, 2},
            encoder => chat_pb
            opcode => ?CHAT_PART,
            c2s_handler => {?MODULE, part, 1},
            encoder => chat_pb
            opcode => ?CHAT_SEND,
            c2s_handler => {?MODULE, send, 2},
            c2s_proto => chat_msg,
            encoder => chat_pb
            opcode => ?CHAT_XFER,
            s2c_call => state_transfer,
            encoder => chat_pb

I prefer to stick the rpc_info/0 function near the top of the source file, just before start/0.

For messages that are received by the server, we need to define a client-to-server handler, or c2s_handler. This should be a 3-tuple with the module, function, and arity (MFA) that Overworld will call whenever it receives a message prefixed by the appropriate opcode. Since join, part, and send are messages that come from the client, we inform Overworld that they will have corresponding c2s_handler functions when messages come in.

One thing that Overworld will do to determine how to associate your protobuf messages with callbacks is inspect the name of your handler and assume that the protobuf message has the same name. For the send/2 function, it doesn't seem all that great to call our messages "send", I'd much rather have a name like chat_msg - where "send" is the verb and "chat_msg" is the object being sent. So here I add the c2s_proto option to instruct Overworld to use the "chat_msg" definition in our Protobuf file instead of looking for "send".

For the remaining message, we don't expect clients to send state_transfer messages to our server since it represents a bundle of messages to be dispatched all at once. So here we don't have a c2s_handler, but instead define a server-to-client call, or s2c_call. The corresponding function for our client will be created automatically by the Godot plugin.

Some finishing touches

Our chat server is in pretty good shape, but let's add a few finishing touches to make it easier once we get to wiring up the client. The chat server really ought to start automatically whenever you fire up the BEAM, and it will also need to call into Overworld to register its opcodes and associated callback functions.

To register our app with Overworld, open up chat_app.erl and add


to the start/2 function, like so:



-export([start/2, stop/1]).

start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->

stop(_State) ->

We also need to make sure that the supervisor starts up our Chat server. You'll need to edit chat_sup.erl and add a child spec for the chat server in the init/1 function:

init([]) ->
    SupFlags = #{strategy => one_for_all,
                 intensity => 0,
                 period => 1},
    ChildSpecs = [
                        id => "chat_global",
                        start => {chat_global, start, []}
    {ok, {SupFlags, ChildSpecs}}.

You will also want to make sure to edit the rebar.config for your application to set up proper encoding and decoding of Protobuf messages:

{plugins, [
  {rebar3_gpb_plugin, "2.13.2"},

{erl_opts, [
        {i, "./_build/default/plugins/gpb/include"}

{gpb_opts, [
  {i, "priv/proto"},                % path/to/proto_dir
  {module_name_suffix, "_pb"}, % Naming convention, unless you have a good reason just go with it.
  {o_erl, "src"},              % Where the generated source is placed
  {o_hrl, "src"},          % Where the generated include files are placed
  {strings_as_binaries, false},
  {maps, true},
  {msgs_as_maps, true},
  {mapfields_as_maps, true},

{provider_hooks, [
    {pre, [
        {compile, {protobuf, compile}},
        {clean, {protobuf, clean}}

Now when you start up the BEAM, it should compile the protobuf files and start the chat app automatically!

Lastly, we need to fix up the file to be a bit more descriptive, and to ensure that overworld gets started before chat, so the Chat app only attempts to register itself after Overworld starts up. Mine looks like this:

{application, chat,
 [{description, "An Overworld application"},
  {vsn, "0.1.0"},
  {registered, []},
  {mod, {chat_app, []}},
  {modules, []},

  {licenses, ["MIT"]},
  {links, []}

Once you've added all of the necessary bits and bobs, you can try starting up a shell again and ensure that the Chat app is registered and running:

1> ow_protocol:registered_apps().
2>  regs().

** Registered procs on node nonode@nohost **
Name                  Pid          Initial Call                      Reds Msgs
application_controlle <0.44.0>     erlang:apply/2                  253501    0
chat_global           <0.389.0>    ow_zone:init/1                   79643    0
chat_sup              <0.388.0>    supervisor:chat_sup/1              185    0

Building a chat client


The Overworld Client plugin is able to connect to a running Overworld server from within Godot and generate a GDScript-based library for marshalling game data from Protobuf objects into GDScript types and back again.

Aside: Inspecting the client zip file

With Overworld running, try downloading the client library and extracting it to some local directory:

mkdir libow
cd libow
curl http://localhost:4433/client/download > 

If you have Overworld running on some other computer on your network, just change localhost to your server's IP.

After you unzip the library, you should see 3 files created:

name description Auto-generated Overworld client library
ow.proto Wire format for Overworld core functions
chat.proto Wire format for the chat application

The ow.proto file will contain various objects needed for Overworld itself, while chat.proto should be identical to the one you wrote earlier. will contain all of the high-level code needed to facilitate communication between your game or application and Overworld.

Creating a new Godot project

This isn't meant to be a comprehensive tutorial on building applications with Godot. However, you can start by making a new project called "chat_client".

Installing the Overworld client

Either clone the Overworld client plugin repo, or download a compressed release from GitHub, and then copy the addons directory into your Chat application directory.

git clone
cp -a overworld_client/addons chat_client/addons

You'll want to enable the plugin by going to Project -> Project Settings... -> Plugins and clicking the checkbox next to Enable.

You should see a new tab in your Godot editor, labeled "Overworld".

Downloading and compiling your custom Overworld library

Once you have the Client plugin installed, you'll want to point it at your Overworld server (localhost, if on the same computer, otherwise the server's IP or hostname). Click the "Download & Compile" button for the plugin to download the client zip file from your server, extract it and compile the Protobuf files from sources.

You will want to ensure that the output directory has been created prior to trying to compile the Overworld library, otherwise you will receive an error message.

Autoloading the client

You will probably want to autoload the Overworld client in your scenes to facilitate network communication. Go to Project -> Project Settings... -> AutoLoad. Under Path:, you'll need to type in the path to or click the folder icon to locate it. On the right, you'll need to give the Network library a node name. I typically call it NetworkClient.

Once that's done, make sure to click the Enable checkbox under Global Variable and close the project settings.


Server Server

Client Setup