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Guide: Loading and saving maps

Open a terinal and run roslaunch dyno_gazebo bringup.launch

Open web_interface in a browser. Make sure that hostname set to your computer.

Start making a new map toggling the cartographer new 2d switch in the Capabilies section of the web interface.

Enable navigation with move_base by toggling navigation.

Move around in the environment by sending navigation goals in rviz.

You also drive around manually by using a joystick or keyboard. See /simulation/teleop for more details.

Alternativly you can use the Exploration Rapp to make the robot explore the environment autonomously. See /simulation/exploration.

When you have finished mapping, first click the Finish Trajectory 0 button and then the Save State button in the Cartographer.

The Finish Trajectory 0 button freezes the trajectory and runs some optimizations, so you will not be able to coninue mapping after pressing is. (Saving the sate without finishing trajectory first also works)

Turn off mapping.

Toggle the cartographer load state 2d switch to load the saved map.

The robot will start on a new trajectory (green) and continue mapping from where it left off.