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IPEP 21: Widget Messages

Min RK edited this page Sep 12, 2013 · 11 revisions
Status Active
Author Min RK <>
Created September 11, 2013
Updated September 11, 2013

Adding messages for interactive widgets.

IPython has a message specification for the frontend (Javascript, etc.) to communicate with the Kernel and vice versa. We want developers to be able to build their own interactive tools on top of IPython by providing an API for creating a pair of objects - one Kernel-side, one Frontend-side - and facilitating their communication.

Widget Messages

In general, widget messages are one-way with no reply. Kernels send messages to frontends on IOPub, and frontends send messages to Kernels on Shell. All widget messages have a data key, which is any JSONable dictionary. Essentially, this dictionary allows any widget developer to define their own message specification for their objects to communicate with each other, without risk of message type or API collision.

Widget Creation

Creating a widget is always done on the Kernel side. Creating a widget produces a widget_create message on the IOPub channel:

  'widget_id' : 'u-u-i-d',
  'widget_type' : 'my_widget',
  'data' : {}

Every widget has an ID and a type identifier (class). The data key can be any extra JSON information used in initialization of the widget.

Updating Widgets

This is the primary method for widget peers to communicate. Widget updates are one-way communications to update widget state, either on the Kernel or the frontend side. Both sides can send these messages.

The kernel sends these messages on the IOPub channel, and the frontend sends them on the Shell channel. There are no expected replies (of course, one side can send another widget_update in reply).

Message type: widget_update:

  'widget_id' : 'u-u-i-d',
  'data' : {}

Tearing Down Widgets

Since widgets live on both sides, when a widget is destroyed the other side must be notified. This is done with a widget_destroy message, which can come from either side via IOPub or Shell.

Message type: widget_destroy:

  'widget_id' : 'u-u-i-d',
  'data' : {}


Both the Javascript and Python sides have two basic objects:

  1. Widget
  2. WidgetManager


There will be a base class for Widgets on both sides. Each widget has a widget_id, and a counterpart on the other side. Each widget class has a widget_type, which is a string key used to identify the constructor for the frontend counterpart.

Each widget has four primary methods:

  • create(), which sends a widget_create message
  • update(data), which sends a widget_update message
  • destroy(), which sends a widget_destroy message
  • handle_create(data), which handles widget_create messages
  • handle_update(data), which handles widget_update messages
  • handle_destroy(data), which handles widget_destroy messages

This is the basic encapsulation of widget communication.

Question: the handle_foo messages get the data dict, not the full message. This means they don't have access to metadata, etc. Should the handlers get the full message instead?


The WidgetManager maintains a mapping of widget_id to Widget instance. To add a widget to the mapping, use:

widget_id = WidgetManager.register_widget(widget)

WidgetManagers also maintain a mapping of widget_type to constructor. These are used to create counterparts (on both sides), as a part of handling widget_create messages. To register a Widget class with a type key, use:

WidgetManager.register_widget_type('widget_type', WidgetClass)

This mechanism determines what widgets can be created, and is used to implement a whitelist of

For instance, a Javascript plugin that defines a new widget will need to call this before any widgets can be instantiated.

IPython.widget_manager.register_widget_type('mywidget', MyJSWidget)

The IPython Kernel equivalent is

get_ipython().widget_manager.register_widget_type('mywidget', MyPyWidget)


The WidgetManager has a method for each message type registered as a handler (WidgetManager.widget_update(msg), etc.). The Kernel-side manager registers them on the Shell channel, and the Frontend manager registers them on the IOPub channel.

Any time a widget message arrives, it is dispatched to the appropriate widget instance in the widget mapping, identified by the widget_id key in the message content. The Widget's method is then called with the data dict from the message contents.

Creating Widgets

In IPython, instantiating a widget registers the instance with the WidgetManager, and sends the widget_create message on the IOPub channel. So as soon as you have a Widget instance, it is ready to use.


Since we do not have a mechanism for storing widget state in the notebook document, reloading the page will destroy the Javascript-side instances of all widgets, but the Kernel-side instances will all remain without their peers. Restarting the Kernel does the same, in reverse. Re-sending widget_create messages for all extant widgets should re-establish connections.

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