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Useful collections for manipulate python data

Available collections:

  • ImmutableDict: for create immutable objects, once constructed the object does not change more
  • LockableDict: for create dynamic objects, to lock and release immutability while attribute instance.is_locked == False

ImmutableDict Usage:

>>> from useful_collections.dict import ImmutableDict
>>> my_immutable_dict = ImmutableDict(key='immutable val')

# accessing dict item
>>> my_immutable_dict['key']
'immutable val'

# accessing dict item as attribute
>>> my_immutable_dict.key
'immutable val'

# trying to override dict value
>>> my_immutable_dict['key'] = 'new value'
Traceback (most recent call last):
useful_collections.dict.ForbiddenSetItem: __setitem__ method is forbidden for ImmutableDict objects

>>> my_immutable_dict.key = 'try again'
Traceback (most recent call last):
useful_collections.dict.ForbiddenSetAttr: __setattr__ method is forbidden for ImmutableDict objects

LockableDict usage:

>>> from useful_collections.dict import LockableDict
>>> d = LockableDict(a='mutable value')
# instance obj has initial data
>>> d
{'a': 'mutable value'}

# by default the lock status is False
>>> d.is_locked

# get dict item (normally)
>>> d['a']
'mutable value'
>>> d.a
'mutable value'

# set dict (without problems)
>>> d['a'] = 'change now'
>>> d['a']
'change now'

>>> d.a = 'changed again'
>>> d['a']
'changed again'

# lock instance for immutability
>>> d.is_locked = True

# try to set dict item (with locked instance)
>>> d['a'] = 'change now'
Traceback (most recent call last)
useful_collections.dict.DictIsLocked: '__setitem__' method is forbidden for type 'LockableDict' while the value of the instance attribute 'is_locked' is False

>>> d.a = 'changed again'
Traceback (most recent call last)
useful_collections.dict.DictIsLocked: '__setattr__' method is forbidden for type 'LockableDict' while the value of the instance attribute 'is_locked' is False

# release the immutability lock
>>> d.is_locked = False

# and back to set items with success
>>> d['a'] = 'change now'
>>> d['a']
'change now'

>>> d.a = 'changed again'
>>> d.a
'changed again'

DiscoverySubModules Usage:

Example of mapping submodules in package

  • Create a package:
mkdir my_package
touch my_package/
touch my_package/
  • Define mapping in package constructor (my_package/
# import your desired modules here
from . import my_submod, other_submod
# import DiscoverySubModules collection
from useful_collections.discoveries import DiscoverySubModules
submodules = DiscoverySubModules(__name__)
  • Import your package and get submodules mapped in constructor
>>> import my_package
>>> my_package.submodules
{'my_submod': <module 'my_package.my_submod' from '.../my_package/'>,
 'other_submod': <module 'my_package.other_submod' from '.../my_package/'>}
  • Or just import the dict with mapped submodules
>>> from my_package import submodules as my_package_submodules
>>> my_package_submodules
{'my_submod': <module 'my_package.my_submod' from '.../my_package/'>,
 'other_submod': <module 'my_package.other_submod' from '.../my_package/'>}


Useful collections to manipulate data in Python







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