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samuncle edited this page Oct 24, 2016 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the project-chloris wiki!

Introduction to the project

The objective of this project is to create a basic horror game with Godot Engine to showcase the engine's 3D capabilities. We aim to continue to update this project, as new features are added to Godot, but initially we are hoping to complete the first version of this project by the time Godot Engine 3.0 is released.

Before contributing you must familiarize yourself with the project. Be sure that all your commit are done according to the following rules:

  1. Always keep the project clean. No unused files or assets
  2. Respect the folder structure
  3. No copyrighted material in the game (you must have the right to publish all your code)

Folder Structure

This might not be the best folder structure it's based on the SuperTuxKart project.

  • /art/assets All assets, textures 3D objects, gui icons, etc
  • /art/media All .blend and sources for art (things that aren't essential to the game but must be there in case we have to re export it)
  • /scripts All scripts (gd scripts)
  • /worlds All levels and the player scene

We must keep all art related stuff in the art/ folder to be sure we can separate the art folder later if needed

How to export your asset from blender

  1. Create a folder in /art/media/category_of_your_asset/name_of_your_asset
  2. Create your object in blender
  3. Texture it, put the texture in /art/assets/category_of_your_asset/
  4. Export the scene and select the following tags in the blender exporter:
  • Apply Modifiers
  • Tangent Array
  • Triangulate
  • /!\ Uncheck copy images
  1. Export the .dae in the same folder as the blend folder
  2. In godot select Import a scene
  3. You can uncheck import animation if your asset doesn't have an animation it will prevent to create a useless animation player
  4. The import folder should use the same path as the exported DAE except in /art/assets instead of /art/media
  • For instance if your .DAE is in /art/media/nature/tree/tree.dae the imported directory should be in /art/assets/nature/tree/

We will see how to apply a material

Applying a material to your object

  1. You can create a material for your object. In 99.9% of the case a fixed standard material is fine. Shader materials should be used only for specific visual effects like fire, or water
  2. You MUST save your material in /art/assets/material/category_of_your_object. It will allows to reuse easily materials and it can improve performances. You can have two similar objects who share the same material. It also allows to reimport an asset without loosing the material.
  3. All textures MUST have the following flags enabled: Mipmap, Filter, Anisotropic