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Page Object

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You can import the PageObject object using the import construct as follows:

import PageObject from '../page-object';

The previous example assumes that your test file is one level deep under tests/ folder. i.e. tests/unit/my-unit-test.js.

In order to create a new PageObject definition use the .create method.

var page = PageObject.create({
  // page attributes

You can define attributes using any JavaScript construct

var page = PageObject.create({
  title: function() {
    return $('.title').text();

  text: 'A text'

assert.equal(page.title(), 'My title');
assert.equal(page.text, 'A text');

There are many special attributes you can use defined under the PageObject namespace that simplify common patterns, i.e.

var page = PageObject.create({
  title: PageObject.text('.title')

The following is a comprehensive documentation of the available PageObject attribute helpers.


Test conditions on elements


Returns true if the element has the css class.

Attribute signature

PageObject.hasClass(cssClass, selector [, scope: ''])


<img class="img is-active" src="...">
var page = PageObject.create({
  isImageActive: PageObject.hasClass('is-active', '.img')

assert.ok(page.isImageActive(), 'Image is active');


Returns true if the element doesn't have the css class.

Attribute signature

PageObject.notHasClass(cssClass, selector [, scope: ''])


<img class="img is-active" src="...">
var page = PageObject.create({
  isImageDeactivated: PageObject.notHasClass('is-active', '.img')

assert.ok(page.isImageDeactivated(), 'Image is not active');


Returns true if the element exists and is visible.

Attribute signature

PageObject.isVisible(selector [, scope: ''])


<img class="img" src="...">
var page = PageObject.create({
  isImageVisible: PageObject.isVisible('.img')

assert.ok(page.isImageVisible(), 'Image is visible');


Returns true if the element doesn't exist or it exists and is hidden.

Attribute signature

PageObject.isHidden(selector [, scope: ''])


<img class="img" style="display:none" src="...">
var page = PageObject.create({
  isImageHidden: PageObject.isHidden('.img')

assert.ok(page.isImageHidden(), 'Image is hidden');


Returns true if the given text is found within element's text.

Attribute signature

PageObject.contains(selector [, scope: ''])


<h1> Page Title </h1>
var page = PageObject.create({
  titleIncludes: contains('h1')



Retrieve values from elements


Returns the element's attribute value.

Attribute signature

PageObject.attribute(attributeName, selector [, scope: ''])


<img class="img" alt="Logo" src="...">
var page = PageObject.create({
  imageAlternateText: PageObject.attribute('alt', '.img')

assert.equal(page.imageAlternateText(), 'Logo');


Returns the count of elements that match the css selector.

Attribute signature

PageObject.count(selector [, scope: ''])


<img class="img" src="...">
<img class="img" src="...">
var page = PageObject.create({
  imageCount: PageObject.count('.img')

assert.equal(page.imageCount(), 2);


Returns the inner text of the element. Note that whitespace from the beginning and end of the string is removed for convenience.

Attribute signature

PageObject.text(selector [, scope: ''])


<h1>Page title</h1>
var page = PageObject.create({
  title: PageObject.text('h1')

assert.equal(page.title(), 'Page title');


Returns the inner text of all elements matched by the provided selector. The result is returned as a list.

Attribute signature

PageObject.textList(selector [, scope: ''])


var page = PageObject.create({
  userNameList: PageObject.textList('li')

assert.equal(page.userNameList()[0], 'John');


Returns the value of an input.

Attribute signature

PageObject.value(selector [, scope: ''])


<input id="name" value="John Doe" />
var page = PageObject.create({
  name: PageObject.value('#name')

assert.equal(, 'John Doe');


Encapsulates and extend ember-testing async helpers, supporting chaining and other features.


Creates an action to click an element.

Attribute signature

PageObject.clickable(selector [, scope: ''])


<button id="submit">Send</button>
var page = PageObject.create({
  submitForm: PageObject.clickable('#submit')


andThen(function() {
  // form was submitted


Creates an action to click on an element by text. The text is case sensitive.

Attribute signature

PageObject.clickOnText(selector, [, scope: ''])


<button class="btn">Create</button>
<button class="btn">Cancel</button>
var page = PageObject.create({
  click: clickOnText('.btn')

andThen(function() {
  // ...

andThen(function() {
  // ...

A string of text to look for. It's case sensitive. The text must have matching case to be selected. gwill match elements with the desired text block:


Fills an input.

Attribute signature

PageObject.fillable(selector [, scope: ''])


<input id="name" />
var page = PageObject.create({
  name: PageObject.fillable('#name')
});'John Doe');

andThen(function() {
  // the input value is set


Selects an option.

Attribute signature

PageObject.selectable(selector [, scope: ''])


<select id="gender">
var page = PageObject.create({
  selectGender: PageObject.selectable('#gender')


andThen(function() {
  // the option is selected


Visits a page.

Attribute signature



var page = PageObject.create({
  visit: PageObject.visitable('/users')


andThen(function() {
  // the page is loaded

You can define dynamic segments in the path as follows

var page = PageObject.create({
  visit: PageObject.visitable('/users/:user_id/comments/:comment_id')

page.visit({ user_id: 5, comment_id: 1 });

andThen(function() {
  assert.equal(currentURL(), '/users/5/comments/1');

You can also use query params when invoking the action as follows

var page = PageObject.create({
  visit: PageObject.visitable('/users')

page.visit({}, { display: "collapsed" });

andThen(function() {
  assert.equal(currentURL(), '/users?display=collapsed');


Actions can be chained.


<input id="name" />
<button id="submit">Send</button>
var page = PageObject.create({
  visit: PageObject.visitable('/user/new'),
  submitForm: PageObject.clickable('#submit'),
  name: PageObject.fillable('#name')

  .name('John Doe')

andThen(function() {
  // form was submitted



Allows to easily model a table or list of items.

Attribute signature


The collection definition has the following structure

  itemScope: '', // css selector

  item: {
    // item attributes

  // collection attributes

The attributes defined in the item object are scoped using the itemScope selector. The attributes defined outside the item object are available at collection scope.


<table id="users">
  <caption>The list of users</caption>
var page = PageObject.create({
  visit: PageObject.visitable('/users'),

  users: PageObject.collection({
    itemScope: '#users tr',

    item: {
      firstName: PageObject.text('td:nth-of-type(1)'),
      lastName: PageObject.text('td:nth-of-type(2)')

    caption: PageObject.text('#users caption')

test('show all users', function(assert) {

  andThen(function() {
    assert.equal(login.users().caption(), 'The list of users');
    assert.equal(login.users().count(), 2); // count attribute is added for free
    assert.equal(login.users(1).firstName(), 'Jane');
    assert.equal(login.users(1).lastName(), 'Doe');
    assert.equal(login.users(2).firstName(), 'John');
    assert.equal(login.users(2).lastName(), 'Doe');

Note that ember-cli-page-object collections are 1-based arrays.


Allows to group attributes together.

Attribute signature



<h1>New user</h1>
  <input id="firstName" placeholder="First name">
  <input id="lastName" placeholder="Last name">
var page = PageObject.create({
  visit: PageObject.visitable('/user/create'),
  title: PageObject.text('h1'),

  form: PageObject.component({
    firstName: PageObject.fillable('#firstName'),
    lastName: PageObject.fillable('#lastName'),
    submit: PageObject.clickable('button')


andThen(function() {
  assert.equal(page.title(), 'New user');


andThen(function() {
  // the form was submitted

You can define components implicity by creating a plain object with attributes on it

var page = PageObject.create({
  visit: PageObject.visitable('/user/create'),
  title: PageObject.text('h1'),

  form: {
    firstName: PageObject.fillable('#firstName'),
    lastName: PageObject.fillable('#lastName'),
    submit: PageObject.clickable('button')

Note that if the plain object doesn't have attributes defined, the object is returned as is.


Allows to define reusable helpers using information of the surrounding context.

PageObject.customHelper(function(selector, options) {
  // user magic goes here
  return value;

There are three different types of custom helpers and are differentiated by the return value. You can define custom helpers that return:

  1. A basic type value
  2. A plain object value
  3. A function value

Given this HTML snippet, the following is an example of each type of custom helpers

  <label class="has-error">
    User name
    <input id="userName" />

1. Basic type value

This type of custom helper is useful to return the result of a calculation, for example the result of a jQuery expression.

var disabled = customHelper(function(selector, options) {
  return $(selector).prop('disabled');

var page = PageObject.create({
  userName: {
    disabled: disabled('#userName')

assert.ok(!page.userName().disabled(), 'user name input is not disabled');

As you can see the jQuery expression is returned.

2. Plain Object

This is very similar to a component. The difference with components is that we can do calculations or use custom options before returning the component.

var input = customHelper(function(selector, options) {
  return {
    value: value(selector),
    hasError: function() {
      return $(selector).parent().hasClass('has-error');

var page = PageObject.create({
  scope: 'form',
  userName: input('#userName')

assert.ok(page.userName().hasError(), 'user name has errors');

As you can see the returned plain object is converted to a component.

3. Functions

The main difference with the previous custom helpers is that the returned functions receive invocation parameters. This is most useful when creating custom actions that receives options when invoked (like fillIn helper).

/* global click */
var clickManyTimes = customHelper(function(selector, options) {
  return function(numberOfTimes) {

    for(let i = 0; i < numberOfTimes - 1; i++) {

var page = PageObject.create({
  clickAgeSelector: clickManyTimes('#ageSelector .spinner-button'),
  ageValue: value('#ageSelector input')

page.visit().clickOnAgeSelector(18 /* times*/);

andThen(function() {
  assert.equal(page.ageValue(), 18, 'User is 18 years old');

We can see that our clickOnAgeSelector takes one parameter that's used by the returned function.

Custom options

Custom helpers can receive custom options, here's an example of this:

var prop = customHelper(function(selector, options) {
  return $(selector).prop(;

var page = PageObject.create({
  userName: {
    disabled: prop('#userName', { name: 'disabled' })

assert.ok(!page.userName().disabled(), 'user name input is not disabled');

Attribute options

A set of options can be passed as parameters when defining attributes.

Attribute scope

The scope option can be used to override the page's scope configuration.

Given the following HTML

<div class="article">
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor</p>
<div class="footer">
  <p>Copyright 2015 - Acme Inc.</p>

the following configuration will match the footer element

var page = PageObject.create({
  scope: '.article',

  textBody: PageObject.text('p'),

  copyrightNotice: PageObject.text('p', { scope: '.footer' })

andThen(function() {
  assert.equal(page.copyrightNotice(), 'Copyright 2015 - Acme Inc.');


The index option can be used to reduce the set of matched elements to the one at the specified index.

Given the following HTML


the following configuration will match the second span element

var page = PageObject.create({
  word: PageObject.text('span', { index: 2 })

andThen(function() {
  assert.equal(page.word(), 'ipsum'); // => ok


The scope attribute can be used to reduce the set of matched elements to the ones enclosed by the given selector.

Given the following HTML

<div class="article">
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor</p>
<div class="footer">
  <p>Copyright 2015 - Acme Inc.</p>

the following configuration will match the article paragraph element

var page = PageObject.create({
  scope: '.article',

  textBody: PageObject.text('p'),

andThen(function() {
  assert.equal(page.textBody(), 'Lorem ipsum dolor.');

The attribute's selector can be omited when the scope matches the element we want to use.

Given the following HTML

  <input id="userName" value="a value" />

We can define several attributes on the same input element as follows

var page = PageObject.create({
  input: {
    scope: '#userName',

    hasError: hasClass('has-error'),
    value: value(),
    fillIn: fillable()

  submit: clickable('button')

  .fillIn('an invalid value');


andThen(function() {
  assert.ok(page.input().hasError(), 'Input has an error');

collection inherits parent scope by default

<div class="todo">
  <input type="text" value="invalid value" class="error" placeholder="To do..." />
  <input type="text" placeholder="To do..." />
  <input type="text" placeholder="To do..." />
  <input type="text" placeholder="To do..." />

var page = PageObject.create({
  scope: '.todo',

  todos: collection({
    itemScope: 'input',

    item: {
      value: value(),
      hasError: hasClass('error')

    create: clickable('button')
translates to
page.todos().create() click('.todo button')
page.todos(1).value() find('.todo input:eq(0)').val()

You can reset parent scope by setting the scope attribute on the collection declaration.

var page = PageObject.create({
  scope: '.todo',

  todos: collection({
    scope: '',
    itemScope: 'input',

    item: {
      value: value(),
      hasError: hasClass('error')

    create: clickable('button')
translates to
page.todos().create() click('button')
page.todos(1).value() find('input:eq(0)').val()

itemScope is inherited as default scope on components defined inside the item object.

<ul class="todos">
    <span>To do</span>
    <input value="" />
var page = PageObject.create({
  scope: '.todos',

  todos: collection({
    itemScope: 'li',

    item: {
      label: text('span'),
      input: {
        value: value('input')
translates to
page.todos(1).input().value() find('.todos li:nth-of-child(1) input).val()

component inherits parent scope by default

<div class="search">
  <input placeholder="Search..." />
var page = PageObject.create({
  search: {
    scope: '.search',

    input: {
      fillIn: fillable('input'),
      value: value('input')
translates find('.search input').val()

You can reset parent scope by setting the scope attribute on the component declaration.

var page = PageObject.create({
  search: {
    scope: '.search',

    input: {
      scope: 'input',

      fillIn: fillable(),
      value: value()
translates find('input').val()

Default behavior

By default, all components will inherit handy behavior to be used without been explicitely declared.

  • isVisible
  • isHidden
  • clickOn
  • click
  • contains
  • text

Note that these attributes will use the component scope.