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The scripts in this directory allow you to build a docker image that contains the Sancus toolchain, ready to run the example programs and to start your own experiments.

Install docker

Quick installation guide (Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu), loosely based on

1. Install docker

# apt-get install

2. Configure user access

# usermod -aG docker $(whoami) # add users to docker group, then re-login.

3. Check your docker installation

$ docker run hello-world
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

4. Build and run the 'sancus-devel' image

$ make build  # to override default security level (64 bits), use \
              # SANCUS_SECURITY=128 SANCUS_KEY=deadbeefcafebabec0defeeddefec8ed
$ make run

7. Play Sancus

You are now running the 'sancus-devel' container. Try running one of the examples:

# cd /sancus/sancus-examples/hello-world/
# make sim
sancus-sim --ram 16K --rom 41K  main.elf
=== Spongent parameters ===
Rate:        18
State size: 176
=== SpongeWrap parameters ===
Rate:           16
Security:       64
Blocks in key:   4
=== File I/O ===
Input:  'sim-input.bin'
Output: 'sim-output.bin'
FST info: dumpfile sancus_sim.fst opened for output.
* Sancus simulation started  *
* ROM: 41984B                *
* RAM: 16384B                *

Have fun!