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Travis CI Notes - Lucas


  • Travis CI clones pygsti, and executes the test/ script in different environments
  • A build matrix is created, testing almost everything it can in the least amount of time
  • If the tests pass on develop, an automatic push to the beta branch is made. This seems to be buggy.
  • On beta, coverage info is generated and should be visible in the job log
  • When a build fails, the author of the latest commit to that branch is notified by github-registered e-mail. There is also custom configuration in .travis.yml

The build matrix:

Currently, our tests run both python 2.7 and 3.5:

  • Default: test objects, tools, io, construction, optimize, and algorithms packages.
  • ReportA: run test_reports_logL_TP_wCIs only (77% coverage of report package in ~7 minutes)
  • ReportB: run all report tests except for This includes formatter, table, analysis, metrics, and plotting tests.
  • Drivers: run only the drivers test package

This results in a 2x4 matrix, which often finishes completely in about thirty-forty minutes.

So, this means that in the test, only test_reports_logL_TP_wCIs is run, and none of the other tests in


  • There is a script CI/, which only downloads packages required for the current test environment (For example, texlive-full is only installed for ReportA and drivers environments, since they need pdflatex)

  • Additionally, all pip installs are cached, generally making them run in under a few seconds. However, the cache size is enormous, at around 2Gb (The most recent beta build installed all pip dependencies in under 10 seconds - caching is worth keeping :) )

  • By default, all tests besides mpi tests run in parallel through the nose --processes=-1 (all cores) flag.

  • Coverage is only turned on when testing on beta

Automatic pushing:

Now, this uses a javascript travis-after-all, which more reliably pushes to beta. The only downside is that if a collective build goes over 50 minutes, it times out, even if the individual jobs were short.